What if this team wins it all and you were too busy being Debbie Downer to enjoy it till the very end?

You still don’t have a clue do you. Kellen Moore’s gone. His play calling is gone. It’s a whole new offense based on timing. As a QB you have to have a sharp, quick mind and see everything. Dak excels in this offense. He didn’t just suddenly get more talented. See how obtuse you sound?
Dak hasn't faced heavy pressure this year yet.
We'll see.
Man, some of y'all worry WAY too much about what strangers think, or say on a message board. Yes, you're wrong, and honestly I'd find a therapist and dig deep into why you're so worried about that type of stuff.
Enjoy it now. If they were to go on and win the SB, you can be sure that a good part of the winning combination will depart due to free agency. My God, football is a mere shell of its once great self.
Now that we don't have Zeke were not wasting downs, so we got a chance.
Dak hasn't faced heavy pressure this year yet.
We'll see.
Now you're waiting to see if we can win a game in which he gets sacked 8 times before you're onboard? How many times have you ever seen a qb that was under heavy pressure ever win anything? It's funny how entrenched some of you guys are in your stance against Dak. :laugh:
So are you allowing yourself to enjoy what you're seeing though? That's really what I'm talking about. Winning the Super Bowl is going to take a million different things breaking your way. But for the first time in forever I see a team that CAN win the Super Bowl. It has a top shelf QB, a top shelf defense, a top shelf receiver and for the first time in a very long time.. a top shelf coach. I am not afraid to get excited about what this team can do. Even if they don't get to the promised land I can still enjoy what I am seeing and know that they're going to be in position to get there for several years to come!
I enjoy it when they are doing well, of course. I also understand from watching 4 Dallas Superbowl teams what they need to get there and I criticize them when I do not see it happening. At this moment though, I am cautiously optimistic. This could be the year, with this team. They are going to have to beat a lot of good teams yet though, and I think they need HFA to win, but they could surprise me.

They're definitely good enough, when they play for keeps.
I tend to be pretty realistic about things. We have a good team that is completely capable of melting down and looking like they do today, which is why so many of you are melting down in the GameDay thread. Expectations were way too high. MVPs and Coach of the year and Jimmy's curse lifted nonsense...

You all wanted to tell everyone that a real fan shakes their pom poms and kicks their pretty white boots in lockstep the same way you do. Sorry, don't roll that way.
This team could win the Super Bowl and half this board would be saying it doesn’t mean anything if they can’t repeat.

It's nothing but the low IQ cowards who only post when we're losing. Those same cowards been hiding for weeks.

I can't blame those cowards, I blame their parents for raising them to be cowards.
It's nothing but the low IQ cowards who only post when we're losing. Those same cowards been hiding for weeks.

I can't blame those cowards, I blame their parents for raising them to be cowards.
There have been numerous people posting that we still haven't seen that signature win to show the Cowboys belong in the top tier... It's not moving the goal posts when your only quality win is a division rival you beat once a year since forever. The low IQ label seems to belong somewhere else.
Yeah we're all cowards because after 27 years of failure, we should just support any crap the Cowboys put out there on the field. Call me whatever the F you want, we stink as an organization, top to bottom. Just good enough for ratings, which Jerry likes, and good enough to keep the fans coming back spending their hard earned money on the crap.
It's nothing but the low IQ cowards who only post when we're losing. Those same cowards been hiding for weeks.

I can't blame those cowards, I blame their parents for raising them to be cowards.
You must be a new fan…they are a perennial disappointment since 1996.

Nothing to post about to gush over a win until they prove something real.

Put down the Gin please.
What if I hit the lottery tonight and move to my own Island.....I think I have a better chance for this then Dallas winning a Super Bowl this season.....Oh lottery gods........where are you???????
We see a lot of posts from people spouting the curmudgeonly doctrine that "it doesn't count until the playoffs." That got me to thinking.. Are those people not able to enjoy what this team is doing right now? I would totally hate for this team to end up hoisting the Lombardi and all I could remember about how they got there was how miserable I was waiting for it to happen.

Am I wrong guys?
yes, dead wrong. This is a goofy wish sentiment.

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