What is your bail?

1) Smoked pot -- $10
You mean like in the last 24 hrs?

2) Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk --$50
I was a Lifeguard at a Fraternal Order Of The Eagles during the summer of my 16-18 years. What do you think?

3) Cheated on your significant other -- $10
Girlfriend/s, yes. Wife, never!

4) Been in love with two people or more at the same time -- $50
Do I count myself in this scenario?

5) Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- $25
Heck yes... beats pouring beer on your right hand so you have something drunk to take home.

6) Went streaking -- $5

7) Went streaking in broad daylight -- $15

8) Kissed a co-worker-- $ 20
Yeaaaaa, but he was into it too!

9)Kissed your boss --$50
See above.

10) Been arrested -- $5

11) Spent time in jail -- $15
Redundant, see above

12) Peed in the pool -- $0.50
It's My pool. I'll pee where I damn well please!

13) Played spin the bottle -- $5
Ok, this 1's just silly!

14) Done something you regret -- $20
See #s 8 & 9.

15) Slept with your best friend >-- $20
Again, see above.

16) Been in love with a stripper -- $20

17) Went skinny dipping -- $5
Of course. Ties in w/ #s 6 & 7.

18) Been slapped-- $5
Yeaaaaa, by the stripper who I told I didn't "love".

19) Slapped someone-- $5
Noooooo, 'cus I'm not gay!

20) Beat up someone -- $20
Check........ Oh wait... you said "up"! Never mind.

21) Been jumped -- $10
See #15.

22) Ever had sex at church -- $25
Asked and answered.

23) Dated someone you met on My Space -- $25

24) Cheated on test -- $50
Of course.

25) Vandalized something -- $20

26) Slept with someone in your parents' bed -- $100
Yea. But only because mom refused to leave us alone and move to the couch!

27) Crossed dressed -- $10
See #21.

28) Given money to stripper -- $25

29) Flirted with an officer to get out of a ticket-- $30
Yea. But he STILL gave me the ticket.

30) Been in love with a stripper -- $20
Not after she took my fifty bucks, no!

31) Kissed some one who's name you didn't know --$10
Well, there was this girl on a Chanel #5 ad, in my sister's Harper's Bazaar magazine.

32) Hit on some one of the same sex while at work-- $15
Asked and answered.

33) Ever drive drunk -- $20

34) Used toys while having sex -- $30
Yup. And I really wish that girl would of given me that Hot Wheel back!

35) Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before -- $20

36) Had sex in a pool -- $20
See #s 6, 7 & 17.

37) mast rbated -- $10
Ummm?... Be right back......

38) Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close
friend --$20

39) Done oral -- $5, 40) Got oral -- $5, 41) Done / got oral in a car while it was moving-- $25, 42), Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you-- $40
Check X 4

43) Stole something -- $10

44) Slept with someone who has been in jail -- $25
Again, does "yourself" count?

45) Made a dirty home video -- $15
No. But I'm currently mulling over a few scripts.

46) Plan on making a dirty home video in the near future --$30
See above.

47) Had a threesome -- $50
Well, I had this wiener-dog once, who liked to watch.

48) Had sex in a public place-- $20
Yes. But mom was out of town at the time, and nobody was using her bed, soooo.

49) Been in the same room while someone was having sex -- $25
Well DUH! I mean it gets monotonous when you're ALWAYS the only one present!

50) Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars --$20

51) Had sex with someone 10 years older -- $20

52) Kissed a teacher while you were still a student--$25
Yes. But only because Coach Allred was VERY persuasive!

53) Lied to your mate -- $5

54) Lied to your mate about the sex being good -- $25
No way. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Six more bucks and I'd really worry !!!!!
720.50 :| i see why my mom calls me a problem child now
tomson75;2686870 said:
Thank god my experience behind bars was limited to a few overnighters. :)

I was just watching the Discovery channel and they were advertising a show on the prison system where some guy actually just gave up on his manhood...he decided to become "the woman in the relationship".


It's not fun. Once is enough for me. It was a misdemeanor but I wasn't convicted. I showed up 3 times to beat it. Did any of that affect your career?
Jon88;2687051 said:
It's not fun. Once is enough for me. It was a misdemeanor but I wasn't convicted. I showed up 3 times to beat it. Did any of that affect your career?

All three times were the result of a combination of booze and a fight. The first one was about three days after my 18th birthday, and it was expunged, or so I was told.

The second was after I was jumped by three navy squids after I asked them to apologize to my girlfriend. I beat the hell out of one of them (the other two had their hands full with a friend of mine), and when the cops got there (there were about 10 cops arresting someone else about 100 yards away) one of them started hitting me in the head with his baton or mag-light. I thought it was a buddy of the guy I was on top of, so I ignored it....until he crushed my eye socket...then I suddenly hear him loud and clear. There were a ton of witnesses, and they all cleared me of any wrongdoing outside of being too stupid to walk away. All charges were dropped. Apparently the police were afraid of a lawsuit for the damage the officer did to my skull...but I didn't pursue. I figured he was just doing his job....and I was too worked up to pay much attention at the time. (funny side-note...i was in Virginia Beach when this happened....I was there to meet my girlfriends parent for the first time. Talk about a good first impression. :) )

The third time was after some guy beat the crap out of a friend of mine. He felt like he was big man and came after me about 30 minutes later....just because he thought he could. In defending myself I apparently put him in the hospital, and did $1400.00 in damages to some poor girl's car. I was arrested the next morning...not a great way to wake up...expecially with a hangover, swollen hands and badly bruised knees. I'm not sure why, but the charges were dropped again. But the whole thing cost me nearly $3,000.00.

Alcohol, alpha male personalities, and women. Bad combination.

I've long since learned my lesson. Each time proved very costly in various ways. Money, time, and regret being the obvious ones. One fight that didn't result in an arrest actually cost me two years of college that I had to sit out.

I've learned to walk away.

As far as my career....lets just say I'm in a field where this type of thing isn't necessarily frowned upon. I may be changing fields soon, however, so we'll see. I'm hoping this stuff never comes up again outside of a good laugh with my buds or as an example of what NOT to do if I ever have children.

But being behind bars sucks...be it for one night in the drunk tank, or prison. I'm not planning any more visits. :p:
It was booze and a fight for me. The charges were dropped because the other guy never did show up. Maybe the arrest will be expunged. I'm not sure how that happens though. You're right, it's best to just walk away and I've learned from it.

It does suck. They treat you like crap and the food is terrible. I was only there for 7 hours though.
ZB9;2686646 said:
Just read the 'offense' and if you've done it, you
owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each 'offense' and added up your total fine. You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine.

1) Smoked pot -- $10

2) Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk --$50

3) Cheated on your significant other -- $10

4) Been in love with two people or more at the same time -- $50

5) Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- $25

6) Went streaking -- $5

7) Went streaking in broad daylight -- $15

8) Kissed a co-worker-- $ 20

9)Kissed your boss --$50

10) Been arrested -- $5

11) Spent time in jail -- $15

12) Peed in the pool -- $0.50

13) Played spin the bottle -- $5

14) Done something you regret -- $20

15) Slept with your best friend >-- $20

16) Been in love with a stripper -- $20

17) Went skinny dipping -- $5

18) Been slapped-- $5

19) Slapped someone-- $5

20) Beat up someone -- $20

21) Been jumped -- $10

22) Ever had sex at church -- $25

23) Dated someone you met on My Space -- $25

24) Cheated on test -- $50

25) Vandalized something -- $20

26) Slept with someone in your parents' bed -- $100

27) Crossed dressed -- $10

28) Given money to stripper -- $25

29) Flirted with an officer to get out of a ticket-- $30

30) Been in love with a stripper -- $20

31) Kissed some one who's name you didn't know --$10

32) Hit on some one of the same sex while at work-- $15

33) Ever drive drunk -- $20

34) Used toys while having sex -- $30

35) Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night before -- $20

36) Had sex in a pool -- $20

37) mast rbated -- $10

38) Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close
friend --$20

39) Done oral -- $5

40) Got oral -- $5

41) Done / got oral in a car while it was moving-- $25

42) Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to
you-- $40

43) Stole something -- $10

44) Slept with someone who has been in jail -- $25

45) Made a dirty home video -- $15

46) Plan on making a dirty home video in the near future --$30

47) Had a threesome -- $50

48) Had sex in a public place-- $20

49) Been in the same room while someone was having sex -- $25

50) Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars --$20

51) Had sex with someone 10 years older -- $20

52) Kissed a teacher while you were still a student--$25

53) Lied to your mate -- $5

54) Lied to your mate about the sex being good -- $25

OK , now tally up your answers

mine is $580.50. Beat that lol

$950.50 and I'm not even proud of that
tomson75;2686735 said:
No one is going to believe this, but here it is anyway....


Eight years of college pretty much made it all possible. ;)

Thank god I'm not alone. We had the exact same amount
Jon88;2687109 said:
It was booze and a fight for me. The charges were dropped because the other guy never did show up. Maybe the arrest will be expunged. I'm not sure how that happens though. You're right, it's best to just walk away and I've learned from it.

It does suck. They treat you like crap and the food is terrible. I was only there for 7 hours though.

Lol..the first time I was in for two days. Interesting experience...it was in a Colombia, SC drunk tank that was packed with various crackheads, drunks, and idiots like myself from wall to wall. One dood was butt naked because he told the police he was suicidal, and another guy had the runs so I had the pleasure of watching/smelling him **** like fifteen times. I couldn't sleep because I didnt have enough room to lay down, and I was only served two small boxes of cereal in the 48+ hours I was in there.

The time in VB...they didn't give me any toilet paper, so i tore off my boxers and used them....which proceeded to clog their shiny metal toilet. I bet they had listened to me when I repeatedly asked for the toilet paper. That time I was completely by myself in a huge cell....it was kinda creepy. Luckily my girlfriend's mom was kind enough to bail me out after about 10 hours or so.
HomeOfLegends;2687132 said:
Thank god I'm not alone. We had the exact same amount

I'm stoked I'm not the only one. I swear, I'm really a pretty good guy...I just made some dumb decisions in my youth. :D
tomson75;2687217 said:
I knew I could count on you. You wild and crazy guy!
Man, I'm going to have to go back and see how you could an extra $250. I thought I'd done just about everything on the list. Maybe I should re-add.
$340.50 unless you have to pay per incident then number 37 puts me up to about 20k. LOL!
Doomsday;2687283 said:
$340.50 unless you have to pay per incident then number 37 puts me up to about 20k. LOL!

If you count 47 each time my number jumps up to $150,00.
I'm not the highest (not even close) but am I the only one to do #22?


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