What kind of fan are you?


Last year was the biggest "WTH!" season I've ever watched. Even the 1-15 season I didn't get like the way I got last season. We all knew that 1-15 team wasn't going anywhere. Last season was a major major disappointment for me and the rest of us diehards. It can't get any worse, can it? Lol I truly believe our defense will be much improved this year under Quinn and Edwards. Quinn wasn't a good HC but he's a solid D-coordinator. With the players we drafted plus the free agents, I'm a believer, my man. ;)
I like your innocent spirit.

We face the chiefs and the bucs this season. Both will be playoff opponents and we will win the Superbowl now have I convinced u old heads yet :laugh:
9 and I am very excited about this season. I think we are on the verge of something very good.
Fans watch it only for entertainment BECAUSE they’re fans. We don’t get paid for it! If all you do is complain, if you’re absolutely convinced we’re destined to fail, you rate a 1, MAYBE a 2. If you’re normal, you’re about 8.5
Garrett years were a 1. Running at about a 6 right now. Direction definitely is looking more promising, that’s for sure!
I suppose I would be below 5 due to your scale.
While I don't "hate" JJ, I don't care for what he has done in regards to the way he has ran this organization. As for #4, anyone who has seen any of my post knows that I respect him as a player and as a leader of men, but I question his talents as a QB.
I'm still a fan though and will continue to tune in on Thur, Sun, Mon and hope for the W. Curse and scream when things go bad and jump (not very high) when they go well.
Guess I'd be about 4.5 on your scale of "fandome"

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