What Makes you think the Cowboys will Beat the Jaguars

Phoenix-Talon said:
Don't let these guys catch you underestimating them. I think this may be a dog fight there in Florida. IMO early scores may be critical as both defenses will realize that this game is going to count!

This will not be an easy walk in the park.

Whether or not we as fans underestimate an opponent will have absolutely no bearing on whether or not the Cowboys do nor on the final result.
dbair1967 said:
unfortunately niether am I...hope he proves us wrong, but I can see the kicking game costing us again

to me its the same 3 concerns its been for years...no pass rush, poor OL and poor kicking...I really hope they are all better or at least average, otherwise we are in for a disappointing season


Please know our defense was "vanilla" for a reason during preseason. If we cannot get a pass rush during the regular season than you have a real concern but it is a premature miscalculation to assume as much thus far.

I'm usually not overly postive or homeristic but I really think that we beat Jacksonville by 10 or more points.
I watched Jax play Tampa in the preseason, and yes it was only preseason, but Jax's offense looked as bad as Washington's did in the preseason. Jax's WRs looked very very average, they couldn't run the ball, and now Greg Jones is out. Jax absolutely could NOT move the ball and Leftwich was mostly putting the ball in the dirt in front of his WRs. I think Ware is going to be hunting Lefty down like a jackal runs down a wounded rabbit. If we stuff their running game...we will comfortably beat Jacksonville.
Their defense is still pretty good but Henderson will be playing hurt if he plays at all and I don't think they can handle TO/Glenn/Witten/Crayton.
I think running the ball against them will be tough for us but I don't think they will slow our passing game down unless they are getting a phenomenal passrush.
Phoenix-Talon said:
This was intended to be straight discussion; not morph into a QB envy dialogue.:eek::

While you try to keep some sense of respectfulness you are dangerously close to crossing the line between a closet troll and an all out troll.

i have like reading your opinions in the past but you have gone away from the facts and are now speaking only on pure bias.......

sorry that the facts don't look good for the eagles anymore.
CanadianCowboysFan said:
Whether or not we as fans underestimate an opponent will have absolutely no bearing on whether or not the Cowboys do nor on the final result.

Yea really......

i however will be the 3rd tight end on the active roster so maybe he is talking to me :star:
Once again, Phoenix-Talon demonstrates his superior football knowledge by telling us the game will be decided by the Offensive and Defensive lines.

You oughta write sports columns!

Just kidding........

Actually, this will be a tough, tough game. Anyone that thinks any different is in a dream world. Jacksonville is a tough opponent. Not all of us can start our season vs the Houston Texans :rolleyes: .

Anyway, this game will come down to turnovers (a brilliant deduction by me). I see a 9-6 type contest. I don't think we'll score a TD unless we get help from the defense or special teams.

Right now, the Jags have the edge...since they're at home.

Tough 9-6 loss.....

After week one in the NFC East:
Philly 1-0 (nice of the NFL to give the Eagles yet another break)
Dallas 0-1
NYG 0-1
Washington 0-1

We'll soon see our long lost Eagle fans trolling this board again.
The one person Dallas needs to watch out for is Wilford. He seems to make a play when the Jags need it.
Coming out party...35-6 Dallas!

Leftwich looks lost and throws 3 interceptions...one tipped.

Glenn continues to shred defenses downfield and Owens silences his critics with 2 TD's. Our defense serves notice and a collective "Uh, Oh" is groaned throughout the league.

the Jags just dont have enough offense to beat our D. especially with Smith retired, we will win 17-7
The Eagle fans are always talking about they have the best qb in the division,when he always choke in BIG games. At least our qb has a superbowl ring. If Mcnabb was a serial killer he would be called the choker. Win something and then get back at me. They have always been jealous of the Cowboys and always will. :flex:
To go along with everything else that was said... I think Parcell's is just a much better game planner and strategist and when you give him all this time to gameplan for a team he'll make it work out in his favor.

The injuries don't help Jacksonville's chances at all and I think they still would have lost even if they were healthy anyway, just my opinion of course. I'll have $50 on the 'boys.
The Jags defense is probably just about as good as ours. And that's real good.

But the Jags do not have anything like TO and just overall lack offensive playmakers. They really only have 1 guy to make big plays and that's the largely unproven Matt Jones. Fred Taylor is up and down but with the WRs earning little respect Taylor will be ganged up on.

On offense Dallas can use Glenn, TO and Witten all for field stretching capabilities. Thats makes plays like screens and seem patterns to Fasano earn quality chunks of yardage.

I expect Dallas to win this one by 10.

IMHO the Jags were the worst playoff team last seaosn and won alot of 13-10 games. It will be hard if not impossible to beat Dallas without scoring 20+.
CanadianCowboysFan said:
Whether or not we as fans underestimate an opponent will have absolutely no bearing on whether or not the Cowboys do nor on the final result.

If that's fair to say, then would it also not be fair to say that whether you want the Cowboys to win or not have absolutely no bearing on whether the Cowboys will win or not?

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