What would you pay Pollard?

When Dallas tagged Pollard he signed that tag in record time.. No way was he getting 10 million anywhere else.. So now Dallas is "stuck" paying it. Pollard ain't signing a discount deal now..
Oh, cutting Ellis made the tagging cost the Cowboys $0 balance for a top producing runner retention...oh, for sure, that is whimsical stupidity. Yea, you bet.
It's still costing Dallas 10 million they could of spent elsewhere. Typical Dallas, paying 10 million dollars for one year to see if our second string RB can now be our first string
That as a base level principal just doesn't sit...these are men and not Madden simulations. The media is taking care of the real monies.

Attention, or a naive stereotype? His money now was paid for by the Ellis contract release. Next year make a decision on this year's success or not...not short sighted book keeping.
First of all, I have never once played Madden. Yes, these are men, but what they really are is employees for a team that has a set amount of money to allocate, and they have a history of having a short shelf life. There has to be a skill position that has the least value… RB is it. If they were as productive well into their low-mid 30s like they were in their low-mid 20s, this reality wouldn’t exist. It is what it is.
First of all, I have never once played Madden. Yes, these are men, but what they really are is employees for a team that has a set amount of money to allocate, and they have a history of having a short shelf life. There has to be a skill position that has the least value… RB is it. If they were as productive well into their low-mid 30s like they were in their low-mid 20s, this reality wouldn’t exist. It is what it is.
Only for a player who it is true...stereotype is not legitimized, on a tendency.
I've read articles that said pollards injury could be "career threating" to the other extreme "won't impact" future ability. Not signing him may be the best case scenario for dallas. If he has a great year, you can franchise him again (I think it would be around 11.3 million) and try to work out a long term deal. If he doesn't look like the same player, don't resign him or possibly get him on a cheaper deal..

Hmm, all the reports I've heard indicate he's doing very well. That said this FO loves spin, and the beat reporters play their part.

Thing is, despite injuries we seldom seem to get a "discount."
Only for a player who it is true...stereotype is not legitimized, on a tendency.
Not completely sure what you mean by this.

If you are merely saying that what I said is a stereotype, well yes it is. All stereotypes are such because they became that from a history of past events. If you are suggesting Pollard is special or unique, and would not fall under this rule, then fine - roll the dice. But a GM has to hold to a certain philosophy when he is building a roster. He can't let emotion for a particular player get in the way - or at least he has to keep that human element to a minimum
Pollard has very low mileage on his legs compared to Zeke at the same point. He is worth 6-7-8 million a year because he’s not just a RB; he’s a home run hitter capable of scoring on any touch at any spot on the field. The key isn’t how much you pay him, but the length of the contract. 2-3 years is a solid investment. More than 3 years is a huge mistake.
I agree with this.
Pollard is a playmaker.
If you're use him like Zeke, and give him 20-30 carries a game up the middle, I agree that he is not worth spending big money on, as he will likely break down quickly.
But used correctly, as a hybrid type back/receiver, he can justify an extention,
I was hoping we'd draft a big, powerback (like Bigsby, Miller, Roschan, Evans etc), as I felt a big power back would keep wear and tear off Pollard, and the 2 could make a great tandem, plus allow Pollard to experiment more as the playmaker type.
The Viking game last season was a lesson on how to use him. Get him the ball in space and he makes plays.
I'd try for something like 3/25-30, with an easy out in year 3.
If we signed him to something like that, it could save 5 mil easily this season, then next year he makes his 10, and the 3rd year he likely gets reworked (or released if he isn't worth it).
He's currently making 10 as he has the tag. If we resign him, he's surely not getting that every year, unless he has a SUPER season.

With that said, I'm starting his offer off at about 6-7 million a year, for 3 years. 15 guaranteed? Or is that too much, please give me your thoughts....
His leg was wrecked.

Jerry is sitting on that tag.

July is the deadline for a deal this season.

If he has a good sesson, maybe he returns in 24.
Yep.... he was a good one!

Yeah...a lot of the bylaws and vagaries of the rules, and I don't want to bore everyone with lots of technical details, so I think a lot of this goes without saying (and I'm sure ur in agreement with me here),....HOWEVER with that being said, I think it's also important that we don't forget the importance of this very idea....nor should we....because I do feel strongly that it really is important, even if we choose to not say much about it.

So yeah.... I am on board with this..... and I think that's just the overriding message here.
But when you look at it in another light.... and I don't mean you as in YOU...I mean you as in all of us...., when you take away all the bias, (not that thats really possible), and i WILL circle back to this....but even more importantly than that (not that my first point wasn't important, because it may be even more important than the point I'm making right now), is that despite all this, I do feel...or rather I HOPE...or maybe the better word is anticipate, than when this is all said and done, and we all look back at this, I can say for certain that when I say that, or feel that, these things are important to say, which is WHY I'M SAYING THEM RIGHT NOW, and having said that, I think a lot of times the things you don't say; are the things you can look back and say: BINGO! That was right on the money! That said, with something like this, its kinda hard to say, if you know what I mean.
I'm not smart enough to figure out what you're trying to say here.
They love me and not you, stop the jealousy!!!!! Who are you actually??? lol
I don’t see any love for you here. Seems like every time you post you get attacked. You must be a glutton for punishment. :laugh: Now run along and go start another thread about another good player you don’t want to pay.
You would think, right? That's what I thought they were going to do. Now everyone in the league will know Dallas is looking for a RB on day 2 of the 2024 draft.
Maybe. The lack of a full-sized RB draft pick points to a greater likelihood that they plan to extend Pollard beyond the year.
I am fine with paying the defense but the offense is way too much of an unknown. Throw in the injury uncertainty and this is a question I would not even visit right now.

I want to see how Pollard is used and how he performs in said role. He has never been the feature back since high school on top of everything else.

We can wait.
They didn't keep the guy who reset the single season rushing record in franchise history, did they?
And in that, they made the right call. Murray had 2 bad seasons and 1 good season in his next 3 years, and then he was done.

In 2014, we gave him 449 touches, and we could see his productivity drop throughout the year.
There was no surprise that he didn't have much left. The bigger surprise was the one good season he still managed to squeeze out.

They shouldn't do Pollard that way, and I doubt they plan to. Even if they plan on letting him go after this year, it's better if they leave something in his tank for the playoffs.

Would have been better in 2014 with Murray too. A little more juice left, and maybe he zips past the fumble strip. Game of inches.
Dallas never should of tagged him, I think they are seeing that now. Of course the Jones are always one step behind the times so that's no surprise. Gotta pay him his 10 million this year now but they need to let him walk at the end of the season.
Really ?.... what is going on as right now in mere OTA's where they suddenly see that now ..? :huh:
What would I pay him for an economic consideration? After consideration, an unknown thought process around here...US Dollars - no Pounds, Marks, or EUROS!

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