Where are the Pac supporters now?


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I am a Pac supporter still,what he did was nothing and didnt deserve 4 games or more.Goodell is a jerk for this and he will be sorry he pissed Jerry off.We are gonna hurt in the secondary bad.I know Pac is a knucklehead but I dont care if he can play.


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NextGenBoys;2340077 said:
Again, some of you are missing the point.

It has nothing to do with the law. Its due to the guidelines that the Commissioner gave Pac when he reinstated him. He did not follow the stipulations, therefore, he is suspended.

I get that really, look at my posts on this in other threads. The point is the image of NFL is taking a hit because the commissioner is practicing a completely arbitrary disciplinary process that can suspend any player at any time based on innuendo and suspicion. Not only is it totally unfair, but it compromises the integrity of the league, because there is no neutral arbiter, not even a set of clearly promulgated guidelines about the level of proof needed to suspend a player and thus impact a team's record on the field. It is complete and total fiat of the commissioner and that can give the clear appearance of impropriety, favoritism and bias. At least let us know what the investigation revealed and what evidentiary basis was used to make the decision. Right now, it looks like the only standard that was used was the exent to which the media made an issue out of it, which just empowers the media to create controversy and scandal. The NFL authorities are losing more and more legitimacy everyday.....


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links18;2340121 said:
I get that really, look at my posts on this in other threads. The point is the image of NFL is taking a hit because the commissioner is practicing a completely arbitrary disciplinary process that can suspend any player at any time based on innuendo and suspicion. Not only is it totally unfair, but it compromises the integrity of the league, because there is no neutral arbiter, not even a set of clearly promulgated guidelines about the level of proof needed to suspend a player and thus impact a team's record on the field. It is complete and total fiat of the commissioner and that can give the clear appearance of impropriety, favoritism and bias. At least let us know what the investigation revealed and what evidentiary basis was used to make the decision. Right now, it looks like the only standard that was used was the exent to which the media made an issue out of it, which just empowers the media to create controversy and scandal. The NFL authorities are losing more and more legitimacy everyday.....

Pac put himself in the situation. They admitted there was a scuffle. The cops got called because of him.

He never should have given the media any ammunition in the first place.


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I support him I don't see why he was suspended and I still like the acquisition and we still pick up a pick this year.....

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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NextGenBoys;2340137 said:
Pac put himself in the situation. They admitted there was a scuffle. The cops got called because of him.

He never should have given the media any ammunition in the first place.

Is your chest sore yet?


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DaBoys4Life;2340152 said:
I support him I don't see why he was suspended and I still like the acquisition and we still pick up a pick this year.....

Don't be surprised if Goodell takes away those picks too......


The Boognish
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How on Earth does the media and Dracos Goodell turning a showing match between friends into a scandal justify turning on the man? Any other player than Goodell's whipping boys and nothing happens because its much ado about nothing.

Its pretty sad that you use it to pat yourself on the back. I am sure you're the type that would like to see televised executions too.


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links18;2340162 said:
Don't be surprised if Goodell takes away those picks too......

where is this baseless assumptions coming from.....

Larry Johnson charged with simple assault today....bet nothing will happen to him......


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I support Pac. I hope he can get back on the field for us and get his self together. He deserved to be suspended for what he did. Simply because he wasted an opportunity most kids dream about but I'm not going to dog him like some of you do on here


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Bob Sacamano;2339974 said:
right here

I wanted Jerry to give Pac a chance because I know Pac is a hell of a player so far this year notwithstanding, because I know he's rusty

and I wanted Goodell to give Pac a break when I 1st heard about the situation

but I can't defend Pac at all, just don't drink man, and if you do, don't do it in public!


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Commish said no drinkie- Pac drinkie an'way.

Commish send Pac to his room without his supper and say he grounded for a momf.

Jerry and Paccie cry. Jerry needs new toy. Jerry gets new toy. Jerry happy.

Pac still sad.

Pac is like a 4 year old. He will never learn.


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FuzzyLumpkins;2340165 said:
How on Earth does the media and Dracos Goodell turning a showing match between friends into a scandal justify turning on the man? Any other player than Goodell's whipping boys and nothing happens because its much ado about nothing.

Its pretty sad that you use it to pat yourself on the back. I am sure you're the type that would like to see televised executions too.

I hear you. I don't defend Pacman's behaviou (becuase I don't know what he did or didn't do) but his suspension has all the ring of an extra-judicial lynching, which sets a really bad precedent, not just for the league but for our society in general.


The Duke
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I have never liked Pacman, but I will say I approved of the deal Jerry made. IMO it was a brilliant move that in the long run doesn't really cost us anything. We gave up a 4th round pick this year for a 5th round pick next year and got 6 games from Pacman, maybe more if he flies right from here on out. I think it was a genius deal and I supported the deal.

Bob Sacamano

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FuzzyLumpkins;2340165 said:
How on Earth does the media and Dracos Goodell turning a showing match between friends into a scandal justify turning on the man? Any other player than Goodell's whipping boys and nothing happens because its much ado about nothing.

Its pretty sad that you use it to pat yourself on the back. I am sure you're the type that would like to see televised executions too.

:confused: Pac broke a condition of his reinstatement

dragging Goodell into the situation does nothing, you continuing that agenda is about as useless as NextGenBoy's one


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NextGenBoys;2340069 said:
It has nothing to do with him being legally drunk. Its the fact that he's coming off a year long suspension which is due to being involved with the law 7 times. He had to be squeaky clean given his situation, and he did not do it.

Do you think they're going to admit to getting in a fight, which is pretty much asking for a suspension?

The fact that in Goddells guidlines that he gave Pac when he reinstated him, he said he has to keep his name out of the headlines. Pac failed miserably.

If this were any other player, and they got suspended, you better believe it would be blown out or proportion. But when you're a player who just gets reinstated after a year long suspension, and this happens to you, you deserve whatever you get coming to you, because you obviously are not very smart at obeying rules.

I read this and I immediatly thought about the Hard Knocks episode when Tank and Pacman almost got into cause Tank hit Adams leg to hard.

Just makes me think maybe the bodyguard and him have grown close lately and words got taken the wrong way or something. Dennis Rodman was supposed to be the best of buds with several of his body guards, even gave them lavish gifts and bonuses, but he did bump heads with them often.


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DaBoys4Life;2340172 said:
where is this baseless assumptions coming from.....

Larry Johnson charged with simple assault today....bet nothing will happen to him......

Umm, there is no assumption there, just suggesting a possibility. Goodell has already said he will start punishing teams when their players screw-up. Hard to see how he is going to want us to "benefit" by getting picks out of Pac's suspension....


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NextGenBoys;2339837 said:
Please, stand up. I'd love to see it.

I am one.

Just want to win so bad..........I will forgive him

He is extremely talented but trouble.

ok......I am guilty.


The Boognish
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Bob Sacamano;2340243 said:
:confused: Pac broke a condition of his reinstatement

dragging Goodell into the situation does nothing, you continuing that agenda is about as useless as NextGenBoy's one

I get really bored with the whole agenda thing that is constantly thrown around here. I suppose that he was suspended from having a couple of drinks? Give me a break.