Where are the White RB's?

dbair1967 said:
no disrepect, but honestly whats interesting about this?

I honestly dont care


Well, you probably shouldn't have responded to the thread.

The interesting part to me is human nature and how things work out in sports and our society.

How people are different and excel in different areas of life based on life experiences and genetic makeup.

It's also interesting to me because someone had the gonads to write about it.

t's also interesting to me to see the reaction from people when it's presented.

I could go on but I hope that's enough for you.
LaTunaNostra said:
He's African-American.

Only NFL player ever to have come from my maternal ancestral homeland -Portsmouth, Rhode Island. :rolleyes:

LOL - That's funny.
Eddie said:
While it MAY or MAY NOT relate to athletics, this is exactly how it happened during the slave years. Only biggest and strongest survived the trip across the Atlantic Ocean ... and only the biggest and strongest of the survivors were purchased to work the fields.

Whether or not it translates to sports is another story.

Oh I know that. But at the time people just went over the top with the hatred for Jimmy and he was never seen again.

Unfortunately there are too many people that are still overly sensitive (Janet Jackson thing). Yet there are so many other things that are on television, radio, the net, the wolrd that are much more detrimental to kids than that.
Sportsbabe said:
Well, you probably shouldn't have responded to the thread.

The interesting part to me is human nature and how things work out in sports and our society.

How people are different and excel in different areas of life based on life experiences and genetic makeup.

It's also interesting to me because someone had the gonads to write about it.

t's also interesting to me to see the reaction from people when it's presented.

I could go on but I hope that's enough for you.

again...who cares what color people are...I'm actually white and I honestly get sick of people labeling people or certain positions on sports teams because of color...to me its not black QB, white RB or white basketball player...its QB, RB and basketball player, which is the way it should be

dbair1967 said:
again...who cares what color people are...I'm actually white and I honestly get sick of people labeling people or certain positions on sports teams because of color...to me its not black QB, white RB or white basketball player...its QB, RB and basketball player, which is the way it should be


I agree. I don't judge people's abilities based on the color of their skin.

Unfortunately, due to the genetic makeup, there is definitely a difference in genetics between the various peoples which make up this great nation.

I'm of Asian heritage ... which means: big head, long torso, smaller eyes, black/thick hair, flaky ear-wax, shorter legs, and less muscular development ... and a HUGE p*nis. :D

Man, I bust my *** at the gym and still look like crap. Meanwhile, others seem to grow just by looking in the mirror. It's discouraging. My hats off to Dat for breaking the genetic barrier.

Asian Olympic squads have been able to utilize their genetic differences to be competive in areas such as gymnastics, diving, power lifting ... but tend to fair poorly in track and field events because of the longer torso and shorter legs.

So basically, genetics DOES play a HUGE part in a person's ability to perform at a HIGH athletic level.
dbair1967 said:
again...who cares what color people are...I'm actually white and I honestly get sick of people labeling people or certain positions on sports teams because of color...to me its not black QB, white RB or white basketball player...its QB, RB and basketball player, which is the way it should be


But it is still a black girl butt or a white girl butt. Whether it should be that way or not reality is in this world people see differences or try to.

ie: Black QBs - Mobile, inconsistent, cant read defenses - Cunningham, Stewart, Carter.

When in turn you still have guys like Warren Moon, Steve McNair (too an extent) and Doug Williams who were/are nothing like that.

You can do the same thing for any race or any position on the field.
SkinsandTerps said:
But it is still a black girl butt or a white girl butt. Whether it should be that way or not reality is in this world people see differences or try to.

The best butts still belong to Brazilian girls. Must be the food! :D

Bunda for life!!!
there have only been a few good white running backs in the history of the league. i mean who you got john riggins larry conzka and who else??

after that its a huge drop off ....

merril hoge? its pretty sad , but men are men , i think environment rather then race plays a bigger role in why black men are better running backs.

think about the upbringing of most black americans. first off they have to deal with racism , they have to deal with poverty , they have to deal with the streets and growing up with crack heads, drug dealers and people who want to fight them etc

thus a black man ''generally speaking'' refines a tougher mentality growing up in such an environment that he's better suited for a tough position like running back.

thats my take....it has nothing to do with race but environment.
MikeD17 said:
there have only been a few good white running backs in the history of the league. i mean who you got john riggins larry conzka and who else??

Craig James, Bronco Nagurski, Paul Hornung, Ed Podalak, Rob Carpenter... there are more... but FAR less than there are quality black RB's...
MikeD17 said:
think about the upbringing of most black americans. first off they have to deal with racism , they have to deal with poverty , they have to deal with the streets and growing up with crack heads, drug dealers and people who want to fight them etc

thus a black man ''generally speaking'' refines a tougher mentality growing up in such an environment that he's better suited for a tough position like running back.

thats my take....it has nothing to do with race but environment.

This is actually a BAD stereotype. In fact, most NFL players come from middle class families.

The poverty, crack heads, drug dealers, and people who want to fight them ... are a notion developed by the media.

Not that many blacks and hispanics don't face these issues ... most NFL players DO NOT come from these environments.

Most high schools in drug ridden, poverty stricken, low income areas do not have the luxury of having a football team ... they simply do not have money for it. The high schools which can support football teams are mostly middle class areas.
Ok Bro Your A Moron And No Nothing , Most Black People In The Nfl Come From Middle Class Familes?? Tell That To Michael Irvin Who Lived In A 800 Square Foot House With His 12 Brother And Sisters And Had To Wear Wooden Sandels To School Cause His Parents Couldnt Afford To Buy New Ones.

90 Percent Of The Black Players In The Nfl Do Not Come From Middle Class Families....thats A Bunch Of Bullcrap

If Im Wrong Prove It , You Stated It , Now Back It Up Punk
MikeD17 said:
Ok Bro Your A Moron And No Nothing , Most Black People In The Nfl Come From Middle Class Familes?? Tell That To Michael Irvin Who Lived In A 800 Square Foot House With His 12 Brother And Sisters And Had To Wear Wooden Sandels To School Cause His Parents Couldnt Afford To Buy New Ones.

90 Percent Of The Black Players In The Nfl Do Not Come From Middle Class Families....thats A Bunch Of Bullcrap

If Im Wrong Prove It , You Stated It , Now Back It Up Punk

I'm not gonna get into a pissing contest with you and there's no need to insult anyone. Believe what you want.

Michael Irvin was one of the few who came from a poor family ... and NO, he didn't live in total squalor.

Emmitt Smith came from a middle class surburban family and played Super Nintendo with all his buddies. Does that prove anything?

This is silly ... you seem intent on forcing your BLACK PEOPLE ARE ALL POOR AND LIVING IN THE GHETTO angle. That's absolutely NOT TRUE.

Based on your stereotypical reasoning, then poor people all over the world would be prime candidates to play in the NFL. Poor starving children in Afghanistan are killing each other for food ... heck, let's make them LB's. Alaskan children have to hunt and gather for food less they starve over the winter ... let's make them Kick Returners. The poor white trash living in the trailer homes are prime candidates to be CB's.

Sorry bro, believe what you want ... but MOST black people DO NOT live in poverty. Blacks are the fastest growing middle class group in the country.

So please keep the insults to yourself.
MikeD17 said:
Ok Bro Your A Moron And No Nothing , Most Black People In The Nfl Come From Middle Class Familes?? Tell That To Michael Irvin Who Lived In A 800 Square Foot House With His 12 Brother And Sisters And Had To Wear Wooden Sandels To School Cause His Parents Couldnt Afford To Buy New Ones.

90 Percent Of The Black Players In The Nfl Do Not Come From Middle Class Families....thats A Bunch Of Bullcrap

If Im Wrong Prove It , You Stated It , Now Back It Up Punk

Again you show your ignorance.

First off he never said 90% he said most.

Second of all the burden of proof is yours.

Your post leads me to ask, what makes you think so many blacks live in poverty with crackheads etc. Most blacks in major cities across the US or their suburbs mainly on the coasts, as opposed to an overwelming number of whites who live much further away from them.

Poverty, welfare, and unemployment is more likely to be found in a white household in this country. This is due to sheer numbers alone. Yet an overwelming number of non-white athletes dominate the 3 major sports in this country. So your theory of poverty is shot to pieces from that fact alone.
MikeD17 said:
Ok Bro Your A Moron And No Nothing , Most Black People In The Nfl Come From Middle Class Familes?? Tell That To Michael Irvin Who Lived In A 800 Square Foot House With His 12 Brother And Sisters And Had To Wear Wooden Sandels To School Cause His Parents Couldnt Afford To Buy New Ones.

90 Percent Of The Black Players In The Nfl Do Not Come From Middle Class Families....thats A Bunch Of Bullcrap

If Im Wrong Prove It , You Stated It , Now Back It Up Punk

And you based your point on ONE player.

It is stupid to base it on any single factor, because it has several factors envolved. Genetics, economic, sociological, political, and stereotypes all factor into this subject.
Let's not argue about race anymore.

A good player is a good player. :D
Hey Dopes Not You Zebra You Make A Good Point But The Other Dopes , You Think Percentage Wise More Whites Live Below Middle Class TheN Blacks? No **** In Sheer Numbers Cause There's Ten Times More Whites Then Black You Donkey. BUT PERCENTAGE WISE ITS NOT CLOSE.

What Sort Of Dullards Are You, Yes Black People Are Finally Moving Into The Middle Class But Its Been A Long Time Coming And There Still Many Blacks Below Middle Class.

The Fact Is Most Of The Nfl Players Didnt Come From A Middle Class Family , Your Comments Reek Of Racism And Jealousy Of The Black Athlete.

If I Saw You In Person Id Kick Your ****ing ***
Eddie said:
So basically, genetics DOES play a HUGE part in a person's ability to perform at a HIGH athletic level.

Thank you. Also life experience and other factors as well. As soon as we accept the truth, the better.
MikeD, you're right. You win.

Does that make you feel better?

Let's move on to a new subject.

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