Where are the White RB's?

MikeD17 said:
What Sort Of Dullards Are You, Yes Black People Are Finally Moving Into The Middle Class But Its Been A Long Time Coming And There Still Many Black Below Middle Class.

The Fact Is Most Of The Nfl Players Didnt Come From A Middle Class Family , Your Comments Reek Of Racism And Jealousy Of The Black Athlete.

If I Saw You In Person Id Kick Your ****ing ***

If you saw me in person you would probably realize that probably wouldnt be a fair fight for me to partake in. Sheer numbers alone.

And jealous of the black athlete ? How is that ? What makes either of us seem jealous. You are one of the embarrassment that people often refer to when we talk about the other teams fans.

And as to the point I was making to you that poverty doesnt mean jack. As you yourself just stated 10x the amount, yet non-whites clearly dominate the 3 major sports. If poverty and environment was/is the thing that makes them tougher and better, then it would seem that white athletes would be 10x as prevelent.

Why dont you think before you type. It might help make you argument more convincing.

And obviously you are either immature or just ignorant from your inability to make a rebuttal without name calling, or fight challenges.
Ok guys....MikeD17 has been given a few days to cool off (Temp Ban) so let's not dwell on his posts.
I want a Star Wars Stormtrooper custom. Any idea where we could snag one?
I think the question should be 'Where are all the white halfbacks?'

No answer is a good answer because nobody likes the obvious truth. People are always offended by the truth. Most white dudes just aren't fast enough to be HBs and CBs. That's all. Just like most black dudes are way too emotional to be truly effective QBs.
Tass, beautiful sig.

But I'm still trying to figure out why Brazilian girls have the sweetest butts.
Eddie said:
Tass, beautiful sig.

But I'm still trying to figure out why Brazilian girls have the sweetest butts.

I think it might have something to do with the plantains. I dont care but I love to see them.
On the same note ... how come almost ALL NFL players (as well as CFL, AFL, and NFLE players) are American???

I can't believe there are no top flight NFL quality athletes from other countries. I wonder if some of those Russian Olympic powerlifters would make good NFL lineman? I'm serious.
Eddie said:
On the same note ... how come almost ALL NFL players (as well as CFL, AFL, and NFLE players) are American???

I can't believe there are no top flight NFL quality athletes from other countries. I wonder if some of those Russian Olympic powerlifters would make good NFL lineman? I'm serious.

Igor Olshansky is from Russia. Oh, and the Brazilians are the fortunate recipients of a diverse gene pool. Black, latin, caucasian all mixed together. The nice butts come from the black genes...nice butts must be a dominant trait. (Nice meaning rounder/more muscular.)
LaTunaNostra said:
PS There is no evidence any "race" has a monopoly on psychological traits.

Even if he's not, let's accept it as sarcasm.
LaTunaNostra said:
PS There is no evidence any "race" has a monopoly on psychological traits.

Have you ever been to a black church service? Don't tell me that those people don't get more emotional/fervent than their white counterparts.

LOL...and notice how no umbrage was taken at the 'slow white people' comment. heh heh heh...
Eddie said:
On the same note ... how come almost ALL NFL players (as well as CFL, AFL, and NFLE players) are American???

I can't believe there are no top flight NFL quality athletes from other countries. I wonder if some of those Russian Olympic powerlifters would make good NFL lineman? I'm serious.

When the Europeans start adopting our game and putting their talents on display then they will be considered. Just like they did for basketball. The NBA is flourishing with European players and I love it. BTW, a lot of NFL kickers are from other countries.
While we're on the topic of international sports ... how come only 4 countries dominate the ultimate fighting sport in Pride? Brazil, Russia, Japan, and the USA.

Where are all those Shaolin monks who can fly? Jet Li was a former Wu Shu champion ... I wanna see him in Pride against Fedor.

For Brazil and Russia, I really think it IS an issue of poverty and the need to stay ALIVE by learning to fight and hurt people.

For Japan, it's a matter of martial arts, where the sport is held in high reverence and the best athletes compete.

For the USA, it's simply great athletes.
Sportsbabe said:
When the Europeans start adopting our game and putting their talents on display then they will be considered. Just like they did for the basketball. The NBA is flourishing with European players and I love it. BTW, a lot of NFL kickers are from other countries.

I like the fact that players outside the US are playing well in the NBA. It makes the game multi-dimensional. These players also understand the concept of team and tend to be less selfish than their American counter parts.

But it must suck to be Yao Ming ... 50% of his $9 mil annual salary goes to the PRC, 20% goes to his agent, and I'm sure there are others cutting into his pie. I wonder if he comes home with $1 mil after all the cuts.
Tass said:
Have you ever been to a black church service? Don't tell me that those people don't get more emotional/fervent than their white counterparts.
Now I know you're kidding. "White" Pentecostal services are pretty lively as well. Methodist services very "sedate", and certainly no judgment is being made here on the "quality" of devotion.

Of course, the idea any race is more "emotional" (inherently, as opposed to culturally sanctioned expression of emotion) implies another is more "rational", and of course, better equipped to 'lead'. Not since the height of the days of slavery has the idea that blacks are more emotional (ie, childlike, immature, unable to make rational decisions, unable to control themselves) been bandied about.

This was the fundamental rationale for slavery, and the core of the ideology of racism.
Tass said:
Have you ever been to a black church service? Don't tell me that those people don't get more emotional/fervent than their white counterparts.

LOL...and notice how no umbrage was taken at the 'slow white people' comment. heh heh heh...
Hehe heh

Do you see a difference between physiological, gene related traits such as height and weight and emotional characteristics? Just wondering.

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