Where do you stand on Garrett and why?


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Hard for a defense to play well when the offense isn't on the same page. Those of you that have never been on the sidelines and called plays have no idea.

Except the offense put points on the board in the games lost. The defense all of a sudden got better when Wade left.....lol


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I've been through this so many times before, but since this is a more or less serious thread on the topic, I'll chime in again. I like Garrett. I think he's specifically a good fit for this team and this market. I don't necessarily love everything about him, but he offers far more good than bad and he's become the reactionary whipping boy for the organizations' failures despite overseeing a period of the most stability and success we've had in Dallas going back to Jimmy Johnson.

What I don't like about the guy: I'm not a particular fan of his passing offense. I appreciate a good conservative approach to a game plan, but I think he errs on the side of not taking risks too often specifically when he's got a good team (though he *is* more aggressive when he's got a team he trusts, for sure. He's still not aggressive enough for my liking). He's a very middling game-day coach. And even though he's had a lot of success teaming up with Stephen in managing Jerry's roster haymakers and the traveling circus he brings with him wherever he goes, he hasn't been able to restrain all of those impulses, and it's hurt the roster composition a bit (drafting Gregory is an example. Keeping Greg Hardy on the roster a full season is another).

He does a great job building the culture, though. He's obviously very organized when it comes to the development plan for how the season is structured. You know he does a good job managing his staff and keeping them on the schedule. I like how he's built the team from the lines out. I like how he puts an emphasis on straight up out-executing the other team (I know a ton of people hate that, but it's a perfectly legitimate way to prepare a team). He revamped the scouting department when he took over, integrated player selection tighter with his position coaches, the organization elevated McClay twice during that period, and he's overseen the best drafting we've had, again, since Jimmy. I know everybody loves to pretend that Jerry just changed is mind in a vacuum and that we did the 180 on the terrible drafting we did under Wade coincidentally, but that's obviously just a fantasy. However much credit you give Jason for his influence in selecting the players he wants on his team, it was a dramatic departure from what we had been doing right before he was made HC.

I love how he handles the Dallas media, because the Dallas media sucks and is only looking for something incendiary to write about so that the circus stays in town. I like how he's set a culture of not talking and instead just working hard. I like that he runs public interference for his coaches even when privately they're having discussions about who to let go and why. I like that he never publicly blames players and rarely slips up (like he did with Callahan) and blames anybody at all when things don't go well.

He's just a good, solid coach. Which is evidenced by how his staff and his team feels about him and by the number of games he's managed to win--with two different starting QBs--since he's put his team together. He's got his faults, but he's brought stability to an organization that was a riot before he got here. He's still looking for more success, despite an owner who comes with his own mixed bag of issues and who doesn't think twice about throwing his coaches under a bus.

Fans hate him, because he's boring and sort of creepy and he looks and acts externally like a 'yes' man who's been neutered by his boss. It doesn't matter that pretty much everybody who ever gets behind the veil says that's completely not the case. They won't hear anything different. They're already trying to raise Kellen Moore up to get the credit for any success we might have in what feels like a pretty competitive season. They guy is literally in a no-win situation as far as the fans go, which is just fine by him because the people who actually know what's-what are probably going to end up extending him again because the facts are, the guy knows what he's doing whether you want to admit it or not.

So, there's that. I'm not going to defend the points here, because I know what's going to happen when I hit Post Reply and I have no desire to dodge monkey-poo for the next three hours or so. But at least it's out there again so you can all tell me I'm crazy again as we continue to rack up wins and improve the team some more. Have at it.
I disagree about him being a conservative coach. He is a very inconsistent coach. On numerous occasions when its first and goal he will choose to pass on three downs instead of doing the conservative thing and handing the ball to Zeke, Then in the Rams game on 4th down, Zeke gets the handoff when everyone watching the game knew the Rams would be keying on it. Garrett tries to outguess himself. I want him replaced and I don't care who replaces him or what their record is as a first year coach, because Jerry will have a shorter leash on the next guy and not treat him as a son. Garrett has been given more than a fair chance here to learn on the job.


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That's like...

Who was going there?
I’ve used the Lynch Mob reference often when summarizing a segment who continually bash.

There are others who have used an attachment with a Lynch Mob with pitchforks marching when discussing firing Garrett.


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Most if you know I think Garrett sucks, and those of you that have been around for a while know my reasoning. In a nutshell, I think he's arrogant, back stabbed Wade, and has no clue how to properly manage the flow of a game and much less during crunch time. @Idgit is on the other side of the spectrum. He loves his red headed Jesus. Why? I have no clue. Where do you stand and why?

We've eliminated some possible reasons for not advancing in the playoffs past the division round and we've added some beef on the DL and some depth at DE. Changed most of the coaching staff. If that doesn't change things.... NEXT! And we know who Mr Next is


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Garrett has brought some class and respectability back to one of the most classless franchises since Jerry let Jimmy go. It’s been pretty much an embarrassment ever since to our franchise , city and community.


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Under Jerry’s intent to prove he’s a Football Guy without a HC like Jimmy it’s been the most difficult era in our stories franchise history.

So frustrating I had to walk away from a lifetime of attending Cowboy games after over 4 decades.


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Most if you know I think Garrett sucks, and those of you that have been around for a while know my reasoning. In a nutshell, I think he's arrogant, back stabbed Wade, and has no clue how to properly manage the flow of a game and much less during crunch time. @Idgit is on the other side of the spectrum. He loves his red headed Jesus. Why? I have no clue. Where do you stand and why?

You've stated your opinion but it's isn't based on ANY proven facts. Unless you were in on all meetings, practices and on the sidelines during games just what do you base your opinion that Garrett somehow stabbed (it's either Wade Phillips or Wade Wilson) in the back? Phillips was a defensive guru and didn't know much on offense. When the Cowboys defense was no longer a top defense, Phillips was let go because he did know offense. If his defense wasn't performing and he didn't know offense why would they keep him? Phillips never lasted very long as a head coach and that should tell you something.


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Most if you know I think Garrett sucks, and those of you that have been around for a while know my reasoning. In a nutshell, I think he's arrogant, back stabbed Wade, and has no clue how to properly manage the flow of a game and much less during crunch time. @Idgit is on the other side of the spectrum. He loves his red headed Jesus. Why? I have no clue. Where do you stand and why?

Good lord, get over the hate already! JG has transformed this franchise into a legit contender, the team plays hard, the talent is DEEP, the PROCESS is in place and paying dividends. Gone are the days of JJ wildcatting and over-paying. Stephen and JG are a big part of that evolution.

Y'all just need to chillax and enjoy the ride. The needle is pointing UP and UP and we're building a team and culture that is seriously legit for the long term. If you don't like that because in 2012 he didn't opt to kick a FG or call a TO in enough time, get over it. We're poised to ride this train to the promised land and our team is STRONG, DEEP, YOUNG and HUNGRY! Enjoy it.


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He's had a decade and hasn't been out of the second round. What more do we need to see?


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This is @Ranching we're talking about here brotha.
We ain't talking 'bout facts and getting down and dirty into the nitty gritty on a message board.
He's a former coach that doesn't like coach Garrett and no, he wasn't in on this and that and doesn't know the this and thats, but he has his opinion and he rolls with it.
Created at least 7 pages of conversation though...
And I got to party for a few posts!!

So let's loosen up and have some fun with this one!
Si, o si?

I see he's allowed to have his opinion but I'm not. Either you agree with what's said or don't say anything. I see how it works. To bad this is open to everyone and everyone can express their opinions.