Where does your moral compass point?


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Lol. I sat in my father’s lap watching Cowboys games in Dallas when they were playing in the Cotton Bowl. I was born in Dallas and have seen every game in its entirety since 1987 when I got my first c-band satellite dish. I recorded a few games, but I’ve watched every snap of Dallas Cowboys football for 35 years. I haven’t missed anything.

- People like you who think the FO ‘doesn’t care’ are just ignorant.

- ‘People aren’t in it for just the entertainment when there’s no hope at all’. Utter nonsense. Every fan is always in it for the entertainment. The sport EXISTS for entertainment and NOTHINGS ELSE unless someone is monetizing the NFL’s existence. They don’t play to pay your mortgage, decide your love life, carve your career path, or anything else that truly matters in your life. If you don’t have a financial stake in the Cowboys winning football games and you allow an outcome to have a negative impact on your state of mind, you need a mental evaluation.
The Perfect Jerry Jones fan. Sprinkle in some Stockholm Syndrome, a room or 2 filled with Cowboys trinkets, some face paint, milk and cookies and presto…Jerry Superfan.


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40 years....long time.
LOOOOoonNG time.

I've followed and cheered for this team for 40 years. Probably longer than some of you have been alive. Some of you have done it for much longer than me. The idea of leaving behind something that has been with you since your childhood, then adolescent, then teenage, then young adult, and then adulthood stages of life is daunting. Something that has been a part of you for so long that you really can't remember a time when it wasn't...what would that look like?

How would that play out?

Would it be like a breakup? Would you hope for the worst for them? Would you be happy for them at their best? Would you move on to someone else but always have a soft spot and wonder what could have been if you'd stayed?

What if the relationship was toxic and you knew they were just terrible people? Would that make moving on easier? I think so, but still a tough endeavor when it's all you have ever known.

Well previous fellow Cowboys fans, tomorrow I take the plunge.

For years this has been a stagnant relationship. Going through the motions....good night honey, morning honey, have a good day, hey honey how was your day, what do you want to do for dinner tonight, what do you want to do this weekend, good night honey, morning honey, have a good day.....................................but it wasn't terrible, it just....was.

Then came the drinking, the yelling, and finally, the hitting.

At this point, I find this ownership to be completely misaligned with everything that I believe in and stand for as a human being. So I have made the decision that I will no longer support it. I'm not going to find a younger, sexier model, but I'm just not going to root for this team to succeed. I don't necessarily want them to fail either, after all these years of abuse, I still love them, but I just can no longer be there for them.

Tomorrow the plunge into full blown apathy. They will now be nothing more than a name and a money-line to me, until this owner is gone, and then I will re-assess, if I am still around to do so.

I'm sure some of you will have some snide comments for this decision to put my thoughts into writing and withdraw my support of this franchise, and that's fine. I certainly don't expect anyone to follow my lead as your morals and perception of this team and ownership is likely far different than mine, and that's fine too, free country and all that. Some of you will be supportive and feel the same and that's good too.

My moral compass points to neutrality/apathy. Where does yours point?
I will add I am a big hockey guy. Love the NY Rangers. Once the season started I slot them above this dumpster fire. I am sad to admit I am also a Knicks fan. Behold…they finally figured it out. So I am looking forward to a little NBA too. Daughter’s college team is going to be good. I am fine for sports. Perfect position to root for maximum embarrassment for Jerry and ruddy faced nepo boy.


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We’re not winning 8 this season unless by some miraculous thing happens. This team is so dysfunctional
Hard to say. We are built to beat bad teams, especially ones who can't run the ball and can't stop the pass. However, even CAR has played better since they put in a legit NFL QB, albeit not a great one.

Man, just looked at our remaining schedule. Only 2 bowsers left are CAR and NYG. And there's never a sure thing w/ this team.


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Lol. I sat in my father’s lap watching Cowboys games in Dallas when they were playing in the Cotton Bowl. I was born in Dallas and have seen every game in its entirety since 1987 when I got my first c-band satellite dish. I recorded a few games, but I’ve watched every snap of Dallas Cowboys football for 35 years. I haven’t missed anything.

- People like you who think the FO ‘doesn’t care’ are just ignorant.

- ‘People aren’t in it for just the entertainment when there’s no hope at all’. Utter nonsense. Every fan is always in it for the entertainment. The sport EXISTS for entertainment and NOTHINGS ELSE unless someone is monetizing the NFL’s existence. They don’t play to pay your mortgage, decide your love life, carve your career path, or anything else that truly matters in your life. If you don’t have a financial stake in the Cowboys winning football games and you allow an outcome to have a negative impact on your state of mind, you need a mental evaluation.
It's not about whether he doesn't care, it's what he cares about. Jerry cares strictly about himself, self aggrandizement.

We are all mental!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I will add I am a big hockey guy. Love the NY Rangers. Once the season started I slot them above this dumpster fire. I am sad to admit I am also a Knicks fan. Behold…they finally figured it out. So I am looking forward to a little NBA too. Daughter’s college team is going to be good. I am fine for sports. Perfect position to root for maximum embarrassment for Jerry and ruddy faced nepo boy.
I have been enjoying hockey more and more since I started doing the daily fantasy sports thing. I don't really have a team but I do like watching that McDavid kid play, he's something else and he and Draisaitl are an exciting duo.

Pretty much all other sports I follow players more than the individual teams. Steph Curry for example was a player that I just love watching play. I could care less about the Warriors but if they are on I will watch. Same with Doncic down there in Dallas.


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If this was supposed to be a season to get the cap in order, or a soft rebuild, whichever….fine, but why couldn’t they just say so instead of looking like idiots with no plan?

Did they really need the extra money that badly and had to still be in sell mode?

I didn’t misinterpret “all in,” but things like “we won the off-season last year and still didn’t win” as an excuse to do less to improve is insulting and leaves little hope moving ahead.

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
If this was supposed to be a season to get the cap in order, or a soft rebuild, whichever….fine, but why couldn’t they just say so instead of looking like idiots with no plan?

Did they really need the extra money that badly and had to still be in sell mode?

I didn’t misinterpret “all in,” but things like “we won the off-season last year and still didn’t win” as an excuse to do less to improve is insulting and leaves little hope moving ahead.
That's what he should have said on the radio interview...we took this year to really evaluate the youth on our roster and to get our cap in order to make a run next year. That would have been an easier pill to swallow than lashing out and threatening people's livelihoods.


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This team is like a long term relationship. You start out dating a 1-2, that in 10 years becomes a 10, and stays a 9-10 for a long time. Then your partner starts letting things slide for a few years and hits rock bottom on the ugly stick. They crawl their way back up to a 10 and the good times are rolling for a short while. Then, for the next 28 years, sliding up and down the ugly stick, but never quite getting back to back to 9-10.

Now it is 2024, you've been together for 64 years, and your partner is not even trying to climb out of the mess they made of themselves. Makes it hard to stick around, but you still hang on, hoping that one day they'll be back on top.

A true Cowboy's fan might complain and criticize a lot but will still be there through thick and thin.
Im here, i love the Cowboys, I dont have to like Jerry and can call out his shortcommings...im also not going anywhere..dont really care about other teams fans either...and just remeber win lose or draw the Beagles still suck!


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Meh, it's just a form of entertainment.

50-60 hours per year (not counting other teams). It has some ups and downs.

It doesn't and won't have any significant or lasting impact on my life, good or bad.

Just live life, and enjoy football if you can, or ignore it if you can't.

Pretty simple, I think.


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Meh, it's just a form of entertainment.

50-60 hours per year (not counting other teams). It has some ups and downs.

It doesn't and won't have any significant or lasting impact on my life, good or bad.

Just live life, and enjoy football if you can, or ignore it if you can't.

Pretty simple, I think.


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It's a (revised) Wonderful Life...

  • Clarence (the Angel) couldn't save George Bailey (James Stewart)
  • Without George, Potter takes over Bedford Falls (the greedy banker)
  • Bedford Falls was a fictional town from a Norman Rockwell painting of mid-America decency that Potter is ambivelent about and wants control of
  • When Potter takes over - Pole dancers, sloppy play, drunken and unaccountable citizenry are incited, encouraged, promoted and rewarded
  • Decent people become jaded, angry, or driven off
  • The rich, greedy and miserly owner transforms into a stooped, wealthy old man with no friends except those who suckle off his teet...
  • What team resembles the bucolic, all-American town that once stood for excellence and everything right in America?
  • What owner most resembles the narissitic, egomanical banker?
  • What owner has changed the culture into his own image - from uplifting, confident, decent to decaying, hopeless, incompetent, and greedy?
Life being played out in a movie... didn't realize that Frank Capra was apocolyptic...


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I have been enjoying hockey more and more since I started doing the daily fantasy sports thing. I don't really have a team but I do like watching that McDavid kid play, he's something else and he and Draisaitl are an exciting duo.

Pretty much all other sports I follow players more than the individual teams. Steph Curry for example was a player that I just love watching play. I could care less about the Warriors but if they are on I will watch. Same with Doncic down there in Dallas.
Hockey is the best. Stanley Cup playoffs are the best playoff in all of sports. Hard not to root for Connor McDavid. He is an incredible talent and a good guy. All the stars MacKinnon, Kucherov, LD, Makar, Panarin, Pastrnak, Miller… are good dudes. It’s a chronically underrated league.


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If this was supposed to be a season to get the cap in order, or a soft rebuild, whichever….fine, but why couldn’t they just say so instead of looking like idiots with no plan?

Did they really need the extra money that badly and had to still be in sell mode?

I didn’t misinterpret “all in,” but things like “we won the off-season last year and still didn’t win” as an excuse to do less to improve is insulting and leaves little hope moving ahead.
Overpaying Lamb and Dak would not be getting the cap in order moves.


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Yeah I mean that’s not an unfair take, but what’s the actual plan then?
There is no plan. Never was. They won’t say they are going to be especially cheap because that hurts the bottom line. Besides any plan conceived by Jerry is destined to fail.

So buckle up. This is going to be a rough patch. Also Belichick is too old and is all into his new gal pal. He would suck here too.


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There is no plan. Never was. They won’t say they are going to be especially cheap because that hurts the bottom line. Besides any plan conceived by Jerry is destined to fail.

So buckle up. This is going to be a rough patch. Also Belichick is too old and is all into his new gal pal. He would suck here too.
I won’t lose my mind if they hire BB but I’m not in full support of it. I want the next McVay/Shanahan/Ryans/LaFleur etc…..or at least TRY to find it. Build something. A style of play, an organizational philosophy.

I don’t at all believe BB would come here and watch Jerry do everything he goes out of his way to avoid, but I don’t take issue with those who want to dream over it. You’d almost think he is able to bring those trophies with him and we all get to celebrate them the way some think, but that’s on them.


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I'm interested in seeing if your week 9 prediction pans out. The team doesn't have any candidates in waiting like they did with Garrett. I think Jerry was itching to make that change from FFII. Not sure there is anyone he really likes this time, so he may just let it ride out.
For those who don't know:
Stiletto and I were on another message board for the better part of 10 years. And in that time I made some epic, risky predictions. But that's when I was in my @RustyBourneHorse stage of Cowboys fandom. Now....meh...

But after GB, I reach in my nostradumb*** bag and said: MM will be gone by week 9.

One thing for certain, two things for sure: If I get this right, you'll never hear the end of my mouth lol.

But seriously...I think Jerry will have to get rid of him in order to 1) create drama and 2) avoid meddling. The only exception to this is hiring a currently unemployed known: Bill Belichick.

The other reason to fire the coach is to shut the team down and not risk injury for next year once we are eliminated. Once Brock Purdy outplays Dak AGAIN ...Jerry will be steaming mad.


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Lol. I sat in my father’s lap watching Cowboys games in Dallas when they were playing in the Cotton Bowl. I was born in Dallas and have seen every game in its entirety since 1987 when I got my first c-band satellite dish. I recorded a few games, but I’ve watched every snap of Dallas Cowboys football for 35 years. I haven’t missed anything.

- People like you who think the FO ‘doesn’t care’ are just ignorant.

- ‘People aren’t in it for just the entertainment when there’s no hope at all’. Utter nonsense. Every fan is always in it for the entertainment. The sport EXISTS for entertainment and NOTHINGS ELSE unless someone is monetizing the NFL’s existence. They don’t play to pay your mortgage, decide your love life, carve your career path, or anything else that truly matters in your life. If you don’t have a financial stake in the Cowboys winning football games and you allow an outcome to have a negative impact on your state of mind, you need a mental evaluation.
LOL this entire response is ignorant . If you think sports is strictly entertainment then you never played one or truly paid any attention to the guys who pour everything they have into it. Jerry only cares about himself. Thats blatantly obvious.. to most people anyway.

With Jerry and Stephen they are a laughingstock and will never win anything. You think Landry was in it just to entertain people? That might be the most ridiculous thing anyone ever said on here. Even more ridiculous since you’ve seen this team fight to win championships! Fans like you are sad. If Jerry’s pathetic routine keeps you entertained then it obviously doesn’t take much.
His entire post is spot on . I played football, baseball and i played basketball more and have plenty of understanding of the effort it takes and the commradery but I have 0 i repeat 0 sweat equity in the Cowboys or the Mavs or the dodgers my favorite sports teams. They are strictly entertainment and have 0 impact on my mental health outside of being frustrated at Jerry's lack of GM skills to build a team. I don't spend a ton of energy on that either.

All sports are strictly entertainment now if you're someone who is into betting and the Cowboys lack of success has cost money I can see where frustration could set in. But that's not the cowboys fault that's yours being to into betting. not saying this is you that's a general statement

Unless you are currently on the practice squad or the 53 you have o sweat equity in it either. You are just living your dreams through the TV.