Which Head Coach that is available is better than Garrett right now?


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you can't change the past. you can have your views and opinions about the past. we all do.

but I am not sure if you said you want him gone if we win the superbowl or not?

seems like regardless you are going to hold the past against him.
I stated "If we win the SB, I would gladly say I was wrong."

I also stated "He can change the hater's narrative, but he needs to lead the team to post season success in order to do it."


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you can't change the past. you can have your views and opinions about the past. we all do.

but I am not sure if you said you want him gone if we win the superbowl or not?

seems like regardless you are going to hold the past against him.
It fits what I said above perfectly .

Until we have more success with Garrett they hold him responsible which makes them right until the team proves them wrong. Lol


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It fits what I said above perfectly .

Until we have more success with Garrett they hold him responsible which makes them right until the team proves them wrong. Lol

That is sort of how this works, right? You have faith in someone for so long, until you lose that faith. Then in order to get the faith back, they have to prove it. Garrett needs to prove he can win to the majority of the fanbase because many people have lost faith in his ability to lead the team. Seems like you guys want us to believe in Garrett again without him needing to prove the team can perform better than it has during his tenure.


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Part of having insight and a keen sense on the pulse is feeling the impact and influence someone is providing without more success.

Just like those who see Dak is our future and can carry us to a championship without further evidence needs to be taken seriously. I always take notice to those with these type of instincts.

It’s why I think it’s important to discuss and reveal Garrett’s other contributions and assets he brings to our organization without as much on field success as we’d like.

Do we like the direction and decisions we’ve been making? Do we feel we’re in a better place than when he took over in 2010? Do we think he can have more success if he has more talent ? And is he having the kind of influence with Jerry that’s helping our team moving forward? Ultimately how much success do we expect under Jerry’s limitations?


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Part of having insight and a keen sense on the pulse is feeling the impact and influence someone is providing without more success.

Just like those who see Dak is our future and can carry us to a championship without further evidence needs to be taken seriously. I always take notice to those with these type of instincts.

It’s why I think it’s important to discuss and reveal Garrett’s other contributions and assets he brings to our organization without as much on field success as we’d like.

Do we like the direction and decisions we’ve been making? Do we feel we’re in a better place than when he took over in 2010? Do we think he can have more success if he has more talent ? And is he having the kind of influence with Jerry that’s helping our team moving forward? Ultimately how much success do we expect under Jerry’s limitations?

Let's make a deal. I'll have faith in Garrett again without having more success if you will have faith in Jerry again. Are you good with that?


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Part of having insight and a keen sense on the pulse is feeling the impact and influence someone is providing without more success.

Just like those who see Dak is our future and can carry us to a championship without further evidence needs to be taken seriously. I always take notice to those with these type of instincts.

It’s why I think it’s important to discuss and reveal Garrett’s other contributions and assets he brings to our organization without as much on field success as we’d like.

Do we like the direction and decisions we’ve been making? Do we feel we’re in a better place than when he took over in 2010? Do we think he can have more success if he has more talent ? And is he having the kind of influence with Jerry that’s helping our team moving forward? Ultimately how much success do we expect under Jerry’s limitations?

If a coach in college raises the teams graduation rate and lowers off field incidents but goes 500 every year he'll still get fired. Why, because all those things are good but they hired him to win football games and he failed at that.


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That is sort of how this works, right? You have faith in someone for so long, until you lose that faith. Then in order to get the faith back, they have to prove it. Garrett needs to prove he can win to the majority of the fanbase because many people have lost faith in his ability to lead the team. Seems like you guys want us to believe in Garrett again without him needing to prove the team can perform better than it has during his tenure.
Part of it is also based around the expectations. Is winning or playing for championships the only barometer or measurement?

If it is can we actually say with uncertainty we have had a championship caliber team ?

Are we in a better place than when he took over? While we would all want more success are these realistic expectations based on what we’ve seen?

IMO we’ve come close enough on a couple occasions to stay the course and I like the direction and decisions we've been making.

If I knew we could pursue a much better option I might be more willing to pull the plug but it’s taken us so long to reach this point and where I agree with Jerry in that we have too much invested to abort now.


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Part of it is also based around the expectations. Is winning or playing for championships the only barometer or measurement?
Not going down this rabbit hole with you again. I've answered this question for you at least 50 times. I've offered you a deal about faith, do you want to take it or not?


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Let's make a deal. I'll have faith in Garrett again without having more success if you will have faith in Jerry again. Are you good with that?
i have expressed having some faith in Jerry with his support of Garrett despite his selfish agenda reasons.

I’m not really interested in you having faith in Garrett. That’s your personal prerogative. My position is to present my views and opinions.

The bottomline is even though Im supportive of Garrett’s influence with Jerry his agendas and ways are still responsible for the limitations we have in our FO and coaching staffs.


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I’m not interested in being right . I’m about expressing my views and some insight on the pulse of Cowboys Football.

Why we are where we are, how we’ve arrived here. Reasonable solutions given our reality with Jerry’s agendas .

Wanting Garrett fired isn’t a reasonable action IMO without a realistic solution within Jerry’s parameters which is all part of the contributing factors which make up our very dysfunctional situation which calls for less normal evaluations and directives to proceed.

When your addressing situations with built in handicaps, obstacles and hindrances they call for unorthodox remedies and solutions.


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If a coach in college raises the teams graduation rate and lowers off field incidents but goes 500 every year he'll still get fired. Why, because all those things are good but they hired him to win football games and he failed at that.
There are some situations where average is acceptable especially with a dormant history school.

And with Jerry he can sell the heck out of.500. Garrett has had just enough success getting close a couple times to a championship game. Close enough that Jerry knows he could and has done worse.

But normally , yes, I’d agree.


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m not really interested in you having faith in Garrett. That’s your personal prerogative. My position is to present my views and opinions.

This a direct quote from you:

This is why it’s so important to push back and offer our narrative and views.

Offer your views. You can think the world of Garrett, I really don't care. But, you feel it is important to push back on others who don't feel the same way, accusing others of spinning facts and calling it fake news because of their opinions of Garrett. Seems to me you do have a pretty big interest in how others view Garrett.


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This a direct quote from you:

Offer your views. You can think the world of Garrett, I really don't care. But, you feel it is important to push back on others who don't feel the same way, accusing others of spinning facts and calling it fake news because of their opinions of Garrett. Seems to me you do have a pretty big interest in how others view Garrett.
That’s all part of pushing back. Attempting to sway or influence the narrative.

Individually I couldn’t care less what others think. I’m more about how all are influenced . Any seed I can plant, perhaps view or angle they hadn’t considered I can resonate is worthy of the effort.


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wow, 65 pages and going...I wonder if we will hit 100....

nothing like garrett to get the juices going around here, but then again its typical of this during the off months until camp starts...


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I’ve maintained for years I’d fire Garrett yesterday if we had a solution that didn’t include Jerry’s involvement and agendas .

My position is Garrett appears to me to be the best solution I’ve seen within the parameters Jerry will allow.

And I’ve challenged his haters to provide a better solution.

Diagnosing the problem is only part of the equation. You must also provide a better solution given our situation. We’ve tried more proven and qualified coaches with no more success.

My instinct says this is probably about as good as it gets with Jerry’s agendas. But as always I’m open to other suggestions but firing without a suitable replacement doesn’t appear a sound solution at this time.


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Jerry Jr and Char are executive VP and I’d argue have had more productive roles not directly under their Dads thumb.

There’s no reason to believe Stephen wants to run football operations in the same manner his father has.
i agree, he does not. he wants to run football operation in his own style working closely with will mcclay to whom he will most like give the role as gm.


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one game is not enough sample.

in that case if you want a one game sample you can point to bilicheck in the game against Chiefs, giving up 42 points...where was the in game adjustments?

It was the one that came to mind immediately. The Packers and first Eagles game would also be more examples from last year. You can basically look at his entire career as a head coach. Don't know how much more of a sample size you would require. You think Garrett is good at in game adjustments?


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It was the one that came to mind immediately. The Packers and first Eagles game would also be more examples from last year. You can basically look at his entire career as a head coach. Don't know how much more of a sample size you would require. You think Garrett is good at in game adjustments?
the packers game when we lost the game in the last minute? the one that we scored 31? and the crappy defense couldn't stop anyone?
same for eagles game. same for SD game where we couldn't do crap in the 2nd half and couldn't make a single stop.

this defense was manhandled last year and was pretty crappy over the past few years. that's also the HC responsibility, don't get me wrong. the two years we went 12-4 and 13-3, it was the offense carrying the defense. at some point, this defense has to step up and make plays.

btw, I am not a garrett supporter or fan. I just don't hate him personally like a few around here. I don't care if he is here or not. I like to see cowboys succeed. if its without garrett then so be it, but I don't put the entire fault squarley on one person. this is the 6th coach in succession. some for couple of years. some for 4 years, garrett for 7 years.... same results. same outcome. its hard being a coach in dallas. even the great parcells failed.

but the garrett haters, blame the earth being flat on garrett. they blame him for accepting the job. they blame him for not having resigned. they blame campo's incompetence on garrett. they blame garrett for being born. they have a singular focus. garrett is cause of failure for the past 25 years.


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his defense was manhandled last year and was pretty crappy over the past few years. that's also the HC responsibility, don't get me wrong. the two years we went 12-4 and 13-3, it was the offense carrying the defense. at some point, this defense has to step up and make plays.

Just to point something out, the year we finally went 12-4 with the "offense carrying the defense" as you claim, that was the year Garrett took a step back from the offense to focus on the defense.

Now, as a current self-proclaimed Garrett hater, (who apparently blames the Earth being flat on Garrett), the 2014 defense was underrated IMO, so he did a good job there. While the offense certainly assisted with ball control, the defense improved considerably from 2013. They even stepped up and made plays that year late in games, including a play to seal the one playoff win Garrett has to his name.