Which Head Coach that is available is better than Garrett right now?


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Agree. It is a great point. Would you look at al out elimination games collectively and say the offense performed as well as they should have and the defense is the culprit for the majority of those losses, or would guy say the offense played their part in the season ending losses as well?

I would say the whole team played their part. The last GB playoff loss for example. The overall offensive performance looks good, but take away that pick and maybe there's a different outcome. Maybe I'm not debating Byron's blown coverage all last offseason.


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That’s a fair point. I’m sure their stats we’re stronger against divisional opponents if they were at or below .500 than better teams in AFC.

Maybe. But I don't like evaluating games with stat sheets. Play by play, assignment by assignment is the only way to do it, imo.


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Well. I am open minded and know about the games too. So when you have something then I would be willing to listen.

Idgit or Jeremiah may provide some insight as to why our offensive performances were up to par in the games our season could have been extended and I may be a little to harsh in judging their performances.

This was just a drive by. Rodeo about to start so it's up to Idgit. I'm tangled up for the next few hours.


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Well. I am open minded and know about the games too. So when you have something then I would be willing to listen.
It becomes a subjective argument in what you believe based on your thoughts going in and how we viewed it.

I understand your point of view. And there’s some validity to it. There’s only 2 seasons where I thought we could have possibly done more in 2014 and 16. And 2007. We had a reasonable opportunity to reach a championship game but didn’t.

As far as coaching responsibility my thoughts have always been it’s a coaches job to put their players in a position to make a play to win.

In all of those games we had an opportunity to make a play to win but didn’t. Is that more on us or credit to them?

We’ve had this throughout history going back to the Ice Bowl where we didn’t play our best games on the biggest stages . In a 1 game elimination it happens.

In most cases I think the best team won but it’s arguable because we had a shot in both Packer and Steeler losses. The only two championship games or Super Bowls where I didn’t feel that were SBV vs Colts, 81 and 94 Champ loss to 49ers. We definitely had the better team IMO but they were great teams too.

Those 3 we should have won but again they made more plays than us when the game was on the line. That’s the game . I really didn’t find any fault in our coaching or players. I just gave credit to the competition.

That’s the difference this era of fans I think is we over analyze everything. Always looking for blame to the loser instead of credit to the winner. There used to be honor in just reaching that level and contending. The spirit of competition.
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The credit should go to Will and Jason. They have been the difference since 2011.

Refusing to give Jason any credit is agenda driven.

Jethro and Son deserve credit for sticking with them.

Garrett does get credit for making us more stable as a team. But just about any coach can do that. Garrett is a terrible coach. He doesn't do X and Os and all he does is clap and fanny slap players. His playbook is awful. Its one of the reasons why we have such a vanilla offense that is ineffective and doesn't produce points all these years.

Thanks to Romo for being able to make changes to the playbook. He was the sole reason why our offense was successful. Not Garrett.


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garrett trying to put a square peg in a round hole with that 90's crap. Back then you could buy the best players and buy a super bowl. now you have to actually know how to coach. Always wondered why Jerry doesn't just buy the best coordinators to cover up Garrett completely.
that's the rub though. he did try and buy the best coach in parcells….and that didn't work out to well. the problem is a lot of good coaches wouldn't want to come to dallas and be involved with a constantly meddling owner. that's the part of the big formula everyone conveniently forgets. all coaches under jerry since Johnson have been turned to average and below average coaches.


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Garrett does get credit for making us more stable as a team. But just about any coach can do that. Garrett is a terrible coach. He doesn't do X and Os and all he does is clap and fanny slap players. His playbook is awful. Its one of the reasons why we have such a vanilla offense that is ineffective and doesn't produce points all these years.

Thanks to Romo for being able to make changes to the playbook. He was the sole reason why our offense was successful. Not Garrett.
just about any coach can make us stable? like campo? or Wade? you call those stability? worst drafts and team degradation during both of those times.... sorry, I don't buy that

Garrett has a Head Coach and OC, was over his head. He was decent above average OC whether anyone wants to admit it or not, the results say otherwise as OC. btw, have you seen Pete Caroll on the seattle sideline? its garrett reincarnated...or wise vera LOL.

Romo didn't change playbook, not sure where you got that...Romo changed play calls on the line and more often than not to pass. and Dak did go 13-3.... and 9-7......

and pretty much we can say that about most head coaches without their top QB, they become average...GB, Houston, Denver, and so on...…


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just about any coach can make us stable? like campo? or Wade? you call those stability? worst drafts and team degradation during both of those times.... sorry, I don't buy that

Garrett has a Head Coach and OC, was over his head. He was decent above average OC whether anyone wants to admit it or not, the results say otherwise as OC. btw, have you seen Pete Caroll on the seattle sideline? its garrett reincarnated...or wise vera LOL.

Romo didn't change playbook, not sure where you got that...Romo changed play calls on the line and more often than not to pass. and Dak did go 13-3.... and 9-7......

and pretty much we can say that about most head coaches without their top QB, they become average...GB, Houston, Denver, and so on...…

Garrett was given the position of head coach on the silver platter. For all the mistakes he has done it still amazes me why he is still kept around. Campo and Wade were terrible coaches. Thats why we got rid of them.
Not Garrett. He's given us mediocre production despite given a talented team. Despite given a franchise QB. Despite inheriting a playoff team. He has produced mediocre results on a yearly basis. Why hasn't he been fired like Campo and Wade? Surely, given the resources, talent and time invested in him by this team he still produces very mediocre results. Why?

The difference between Pete Carroll and Garrett is that Carroll is a real coach and get results. Pete Carroll has had many years of coaching with many teams and had success in college and in the pros. What has Garrett done previous to the Cowboys? Heck, what has Garrett done to warrant such comparison to Pete Carroll? To compare Garrett to Carroll is a bad joke. Garrett is a coach in training. Even Jerry admits that. Carroll is a true superbowl coach. There is no comparison between the two coaches.

Lastly, Romo ran this offense for many years. When we went with Garret's playbook our offense went stale and failed to score. Its no secret that when we needed to score Romo would make changes in the LOS and we finally scored. Romo had to make changes because the playbook was a failed. Not Garrett. In fact, Garrett never made a worthy adjustment during game time to win a game.

Its no coincident that Romo has a very QB rating in the 4th quarter and has probably more 4th quarter comebacks than any other QB in NFL history. Thats because Garrett's playcalling and on game decisions sucked. . Jerry even had to take away playcalling from him. It was that bad.
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I believe Kate Bekinsale would make a better head coach. Just my opinion



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Garrett was given the position of head coach on the silver platter. For all the mistakes he has done it still amazes me why he is still kept around. Campo and Wade were terrible coaches. Thats why we got rid of them.
Not Garrett. He's given us mediocre production despite given a talented team. Despite given a franchise QB. Despite inheriting a playoff team. He has produced mediocre results on a yearly basis. Why hasn't he been fired like Campo and Wade? Surely, given the resources, talent and time invested in him by this team he still produces very mediocre results. Why?

The difference between Pete Carroll and Garrett is that Carroll is a real coach and get results. Pete Carroll has had many years of coaching with many teams and had success in college and in the pros. What has Garrett done previous to the Cowboys? Heck, what has Garrett done to warrant such comparison to Pete Carroll? To compare Garrett to Carroll is a bad joke. Garrett is a coach in training. Even Jerry admits that. Carroll is a true superbowl coach. There is no comparison between the two coaches.

Lastly, Romo ran this offense for many years. When we went with Garret's playbook our offense went stale and failed to score. Its no secret that when we needed to score Romo would make changes in the LOS and we finally scored. Romo had to make changes because the playbook was a failed. Not Garrett. In fact, Garrett never made a worthy adjustment during game time to win a game.

Its no coincident that Romo has a very QB rating in the 4th quarter and has probably more 4th quarter comebacks than any other QB in NFL history. Thats because Garrett's playcalling and on game decisions sucked. . Jerry even had to take away playcalling from him. It was that bad.
I am not so sure about being given a talented team. He helped turn that team over. 45 players in his first 3 years. by the time wade was fired, that team was sucked out of its talent. some may say medicore results, but you can also say we shouldn't have been better than a 6-10 team the first couple of years. with that offensive line specially. campo and wade didn't improve the team and worse yet, wade just sucked dry any talent that the team had. we had zero and I mean zero depth when he was fired.

my reference to pete carroll was if you see him on the side line all he does is clap, cheer and pat players on the back. his assistant coaches, just like any other coach do a lot. since his assistant coaches have gone to other teams, his teams have struggled and his team has revolted against him. those seattle teams were very very very talented and deep and one might say he lucked into Wilson...…… remember, Wilson was 3rd stringer in pre-season.

I wasn't comparing garrett to carroll, but everyone talks about his clapping and doesn't see everything else the rest of the time. you watch pete carroll on the side line and he is the same. and he has made bone headed calls, like the superbowl…...yeah, I am sure people will say at least he got them to the superbowl, but still yet...… that play will live in infamy...and lets not forget, Pete carol was a big, huge colossal failure prior to getting a second chance....

Romo ran the plays...Rodgers runs the plays. Brady runs the plays....you can't take away from garrett and not do the same to the other coaches.... we ran the garrett play book during the wade era and produced top[ 10 offense consistently....you can't deny that.... Romo would make changes on the LOS, just like any other QB....so lets not make it like no other QB in the league does that and its unique to cowboys....I know you hate garrett….and yes the in game adjustments need improvement....no one denies that....

and I agree, being OC and head coach was too much for him to handle...except jerry put Callahan as the OC and Callahan absolutely sucked at it....Callahan was upset, he left and he has been nothing more than OL coach since.....Garrett was opposed to Callahan taking over the play calling.....and as was obvious, the results showed it...he lost his play calling duties and the offense improved...facts are facts...and then came in linehan…..


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Lastly, Romo ran this offense for many years. When we went with Garret's playbook our offense went stale and failed to score. Its no secret that when we needed to score Romo would make changes in the LOS and we finally scored. Romo had to make changes because the playbook was a failed.

You realize those changes he made at the LOS were in the playbook, right? They weren't out there playing backyard football. Audibles at the LOS are common amongst every team. Peyton, Brady, Rodgers, Brees, etc all do it. They have to practice that stuff. Do you assume the hand signals and cadence calls were just made up on the fly?


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I am not so sure about being given a talented team. He helped turn that team over. 45 players in his first 3 years. by the time wade was fired, that team was sucked out of its talent. some may say medicore results, but you can also say we shouldn't have been better than a 6-10 team the first couple of years. with that offensive line specially. campo and wade didn't improve the team and worse yet, wade just sucked dry any talent that the team had. we had zero and I mean zero depth when he was fired.

my reference to pete carroll was if you see him on the side line all he does is clap, cheer and pat players on the back. his assistant coaches, just like any other coach do a lot. since his assistant coaches have gone to other teams, his teams have struggled and his team has revolted against him. those seattle teams were very very very talented and deep and one might say he lucked into Wilson...…… remember, Wilson was 3rd stringer in pre-season.

I wasn't comparing garrett to carroll, but everyone talks about his clapping and doesn't see everything else the rest of the time. you watch pete carroll on the side line and he is the same. and he has made bone headed calls, like the superbowl…...yeah, I am sure people will say at least he got them to the superbowl, but still yet...… that play will live in infamy...and lets not forget, Pete carol was a big, huge colossal failure prior to getting a second chance....

Romo ran the plays...Rodgers runs the plays. Brady runs the plays....you can't take away from garrett and not do the same to the other coaches.... we ran the garrett play book during the wade era and produced top[ 10 offense consistently....you can't deny that.... Romo would make changes on the LOS, just like any other QB....so lets not make it like no other QB in the league does that and its unique to cowboys....I know you hate garrett….and yes the in game adjustments need improvement....no one denies that....

and I agree, being OC and head coach was too much for him to handle...except jerry put Callahan as the OC and Callahan absolutely sucked at it....Callahan was upset, he left and he has been nothing more than OL coach since.....Garrett was opposed to Callahan taking over the play calling.....and as was obvious, the results showed it...he lost his play calling duties and the offense improved...facts are facts...and then came in linehan…..

Garrett still had a very talented team when he took over. He inherited a top #5 QB and an elite passrusher. Other coaches could have done a lot more for a lot less than what Garrett has done when he started out.

As for Carroll, sure he messed up with that call in the Superbowl which lost them the game. However, he is getting flack for it. Garrett has done more gaffes and lost more games during the waning moments because of bad calls or in decisions. Yet he doesn't get nearly the flack or criticism as any other established coach out there.

You can criticize all you want about Callahan but he was one of the major reason why we had success in 2014.Callahan brought results in one year more than any other time that Garrett called plays on offense. Even Linehan vouched for Callahan - and thus the reason why Jerry let Callahan also make "running" calls during that year.

Callahan left because Garrett was too stubborn. He is still stubborn till now. Thus one of the main reasons why this offense stalls in every possible way.


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You realize those changes he made at the LOS were in the playbook, right? They weren't out there playing backyard football. Audibles at the LOS are common amongst every team. Peyton, Brady, Rodgers, Brees, etc all do it. They have to practice that stuff. Do you assume the hand signals and cadence calls were just made up on the fly?

Audibles were also done on the fly during game day by the QBs overriding what the coaches say or what is set in the playbook. Of course they practice it. But that doesn't mean its part of what the plan calls for. Romo was great in improvising or changing the plays up. He was given authority to do so like like Peyton, Brady and Rogers. However, thats to the credit of Romo - not coaching or anything with the playbook.

Garrett is too stubborn to make changes during game day. We were lucky we had Romo for many years to actually improvise and make changes on the fly without the direction of Garrett.


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Sean Lee.

70 pages. Not reading them all but I assume he is in there somewhere.


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Audibles were also done on the fly during game day by the QBs overriding what the coaches say or what is set in the playbook.

It's not uncommon that a QB sees and adjusts to the defense without a coach's direct input. However, these audibles are in the playbook. If a QB calling an audible is evidence of poor coaching, then there isn't a good coach in the league.

Of course they practice it.

Exactly. If it's not in the playbook, what are they doing practicing those audibles?

But that doesn't mean its part of what the plan calls for.

Despite the common refrain, gameplanning generally includes the ability to adjust. Isn't an option play a microcosm of adjusting to the opposition? How do you think Romo predicts plays so well from the booth? Most offensive schemes in the NFL operate off of pre-snap reads. Teams go to the line with multiple options.

Romo was great in improvising or changing the plays up. He was given authority to do so like like Peyton, Brady and Rogers. However, thats to the credit of Romo - not coaching or anything with the playbook.

This seems like cognitive dissonance.

You acknowledge they practice this stuff. You acknowledge that it's common throughout the league. Yet you think coaches have nothing to do with it. Romo didn't learn that stuff on his own. His ability to put them in a good position is a testament to his football intelligence and his coaches. The whole team has to be on the same page when those adjustments are made. That only comes through practice.

Garrett is too stubborn to make changes during game day. We were lucky we had Romo for many years to actually improvise and make changes on the fly without the direction of Garrett.

That's the meme for some. Seems like frustrated fanspeak to me.