Who Here Is A Season Ticket Holder?


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the value was NEVER there. PSLs are a joke and rape the fan. Why do it when you can go on stub hub and get tickets in any section you want for any game. Yea, you might pay really high prices, but it would still be cheaper than paying for those PSLs.
Absolutely. That's what I meant originally.

I should add that my sympathy doesn't extend to someone who wanted to do so with the idea of making a profit.

I dont know how anyone could see those numbers ever working, but its apparently happened.


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Absolutely. That's what I meant originally.

I should add that my sympathy doesn't extend to someone who wanted to do so with the idea of making a profit.

I dont know how anyone could see those numbers ever working, but its apparently happened.
Now that tickets are digital, it doesnt happen. But almost every time I bought tickets from stubhub, those tickets always came to me from a business address in Las vegas. Some company probably bought THOUSANDS of season tickets, and is simply selling them on stub hub for double or more what they paid.


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Thanks for your explanation. Yes, PSL fees are a joke, and the first time I ever saw them was when the Raiders moved back to Oakland after returning from LA. I do not know, but what is face value of tickets in the 400s around the 30 yard line? I honestly dont feel sorry for those that bought those tickets as MANY bought them only trying to turn a profit off their tickets. A good chunk of those tickets are bought by businesses who do nothing more than flip those tickets on the secondary market. Even though I live in Ca, Id have season tickets if I didnt have to pay those stupid PSL fees which are nothing more than a way of extorting money out of fans. Fans are in control, and if they would all tell those owners to shove those PSLs, they wouldnt exist. Why would I need to buy season tickets with thousands in PSL fees when I can just go spend ... lets say $250 per ticket times 2, times 8. That comes out to roughly 5k for season tickets after paying stubhubs ridiculous fees. Face it, ticket prices get raised by owners on stub hub, then we pay another ridiculous fee to stub hub. The NFL is watching all of that and trying to figure out how to cash in on all those dollars for themselves.

I wouldnt doubt it if they start tracking people that just resale tickets and start cancelling season tickets. Imagine if the Cowboys kept those tickets for themselves, startedthere own stubhub site on Dallas Cowboys.com and sold tickets based upon opponent. I think those days are coming soon.

But, in the end, none of these tickets are worth what we pay for them, but I still do it. I also dont base it on the "Product," on the field. Teams go up and down. I attend games with my friends and family and those memories.... I cant put a dollar amount on. When Im hurting for money, Ill stop going:)
Another part of my post from last night was about how simple it was in 92/93.

The big gripe at the time was having to pay for two preseason games lol.

We had four seats in the upper corner (which was an awesome POV in Texas Stadium) and the bill was literally $880 ($1683 in 2021 money) for the entire season.

It's nowhere near that simple anymore.


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Now that tickets are digital, it doesnt happen. But almost every time I bought tickets from stubhub, those tickets always came to me from a business address in Las vegas. Some company probably bought THOUSANDS of season tickets, and is simply selling them on stub hub for double or more what they paid.
In certain cases, I can see the numbers working.

Inside Jerry's stayjum, I can't see it.

The demand isn't there. The size of the place works against itself in a way as well....

An interesting note if I'm not lulling you to sleep lol....

The first I recall of the benefactor switch from ticket scalpers to the venue/artists was back in 94 when the Eagles reunited. Not the Philly idiots but the band. Glen Frey said something along the lines of....we are going to sell out places in no time charging 75 bucks each, then the scalpers will resell them for 300. Why don't WE just charge the 300?

Things of course are monumentally different these days, but same logic.


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the value was NEVER there. PSLs are a joke and rape the fan. Why do it when you can go on stub hub and get tickets in any section you want for any game. Yea, you might pay really high prices, but it would still be cheaper than paying for those PSLs.

I actually make money off my tickets, and this is the team's way of getting their share. The per-ticket price is less for season-ticket holders theoretically.

However, the profitability of selling tickets is waning because of the new online formats now and a decreasing fan interest.

What will be interesting is if season ticket holders can no longer cover much of their cost by selling a few games. You'll see many of them just walk away from their agreements.

Lots of people are thinking about suing their respective teams on the PSLs because the game has changed too much and isn't what it originally was from a value standpoint.

It's like we paid for a ribeye each year, and they started delivering Happy Meals 10 years in. The NFL looks nothing like it did 20 years ago. It's in steady decline.


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I actually make money off my tickets, and this is the team's way of getting their share. The per-ticket price is less for season-ticket holders theoretically.

However, the profitability of selling tickets is waning because of the new online formats now and a decreasing fan interest.

What will be interesting is if season ticket holders can no longer cover much of their cost by selling a few games. You'll see many of them just walk away from their agreements.

Lots of people are thinking about suing their respective teams on the PSLs because the game has changed too much and isn't what it originally was from a value standpoint.

It's like we paid for a ribeye each year, and they started delivering Happy Meals 10 years in. The NFL looks nothing like it did 20 years ago. It's in steady decline.

What do you mean the "New Online format? and how are you measuring interest and coming to the conclusion that it is waning? Prices for tickets on stubhub have increased at a decent rate each year since Ive been going to games in the past 10 years.


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What do you mean the "New Online format? and how are you measuring interest and coming to the conclusion that it is waning? Prices for tickets on stubhub have increased at a decent rate each year since Ive been going to games in the past 10 years.
I used to be able to sell tickets for more than I can now. I typically attend 4-5 games and sell the rest to offset the annual cost. It brings my per game cost down about 50-60 percent overall.

And I'm NOT talking about the crazy games. (I once sold two tickets to a Patriots game for more than $5K.) Usually I can sell a typical Giants or Eagles game for more than twice their cost. Teams charge PSLs because they know this, and they want their cut.

If that dynamic changes, so does the ticket value, and many season-ticket holders are quite astute to the legal options that presents. PSL defaults are rising rapidly for several reasons, and it will be in the team's interest to renegotiate those PSLs if this trend continues.


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Never have, never will. Not as long as this maw and paw operation continues to run this franchise into the ground. To make it worse, this team NEVER plays with any pride at home. Why subject myself to that and at the same time endure ridicule from the 30% of away fans that are nearly always in attendance?


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I used to be able to sell tickets for more than I can now. I typically attend 4-5 games and sell the rest to offset the annual cost. It brings my per game cost down about 50-60 percent overall.

And I'm NOT talking about the crazy games. (I once sold two tickets to a Patriots game for more than $5K.) Usually I can sell a typical Giants or Eagles game for more than twice their cost. Teams charge PSLs because they know this, and they want their cut.

If that dynamic changes, so does the ticket value, and many season-ticket holders are quite astute to the legal options that presents. PSL defaults are rising rapidly for several reasons, and it will be in the team's interest to renegotiate those PSLs if this trend continues.

Again, what is the "New online format," you mentioned.

PSLs started a long time ago, and before Stubhub even existed. So teams collecting money on PSLs have little to do with the aftermarket places that are online.

You just hit the big point... you got 5k for tickets to a single game?? that one game paid for your entire season tickets. Prices for teams tickets go up and down depending on how they do. 6 years ago I got baseline 3rd row tickets for the Sixers for 25 bucks. Cant touch that now. I got tickets for the Bucs/Cowboys and the Browns/Cowboys in Tampa and Cleveland 3-5 years ago and they were GREAT seats at about the 30 yard line club seats in Tampa, 50 yard line in Cleveland for about 250 bucks. Now that Cleveland is respectable and the Bucs just won a title.... go look and see what those tix are going for today.

I have no problem with paying a decent markup on tix, but the fees get ridiculous .... some of our tickets have 70 fees per ticket. That is why you are slowly starting to see people stop buying them on those sites.

Example, lets say I pay 230 dollars for the TICKET, now add in 75 bucks in fees, and 27 dollars in taxes and now that 230 dollar ticket (that has a face value of about 100) is now 332 dollars.... and these are upper level seats.


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Never have, never will. Not as long as this maw and paw operation continues to run this franchise into the ground. To make it worse, this team NEVER plays with any pride at home. Why subject myself to that and at the same time endure ridicule from the 30% of away fans that are nearly always in attendance?
you are WAYYYYYYY off on your 30% away fans being there. For some games.... it might get close to that, but most are around 10%. But that is the nature of the beast in todays world. Cheap air for travel and the internet allowing us to buy tickets to any game allows fans from all over to travel to AT&T, one of the biggest draws in the NFL. How you think Rams fans felt when they hosted us 2 years ago for a PLAYOFF game and 60% of that stadium was Cowboys fans?


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I have been around this board for a while, but I cannot recall this question being asked before.

Well? Who are you and how were they acquired?
Been a season ticket holder since 1989. I was in a sales support engineering role for a young guy out of college and was instrumental in him getting his first very large sale. He rewarded me with season tickets for that year.


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There were no bad seats in Texas Stadium and had a nice pleasant feel to it
I’m guessing your seats were on the south end of Texas Stadium. Mine were in Section 33 and never in the sun. I always felt for those folks that were in the sun the whole game in those early September games.


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Last year with the virus no season tickets were sold...just single seats and you stood in line for them. Doubt that happens with the vaccine available. I got my shots. I am going for sure.
You could buy up to 3 games last year. I have 2 seats and my buddy has 2 next to me so we each bought 4 seats in our section to 3 different games. Only problem was you had to sell the 4 as a block so we ended up going to 5 of the 6 games. Definitely different experience, but the reduced crowd did make some things much nicer.


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I have been a season ticket holder since 1992. Both stadiums have had their issues. I currently pay $220 per seat per game and that includes my PSL that I pay over the 30 years financed at a low interest rate by the Cowboys. I enjoy going to the games. It's an escape. Is it perfect? No but I have been to several other NFL stadiums and it's better than most. Jerry is attacking secondary markets with his ticket prices. Most owners are starting to do the same thing. We are 13th in average price for tickets, concession, etc.... My tickets have increased very little since the stadium opened. We still lead the league in attendance by far and only with teams like the Steelers, Packers and Chiefs do I hear a huge crowd impact and any team that has never played there before. I think they all have by now.


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I have been a season ticket holder since 1992. Both stadiums have had their issues. I currently pay $220 per seat per game and that includes my PSL that I pay over the 30 years financed at a low interest rate by the Cowboys. I enjoy going to the games. It's an escape. Is it perfect? No but I have been to several other NFL stadiums and it's better than most. Jerry is attacking secondary markets with his ticket prices. Most owners are starting to do the same thing. We are 13th in average price for tickets, concession, etc.... My tickets have increased very little since the stadium opened. We still lead the league in attendance by far and only with teams like the Steelers, Packers and Chiefs do I hear a huge crowd impact and any team that has never played there before. I think they all have by now.
What do you mean "Jerry is attacking secondary markets with his ticket prices?


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I think he was tired of watching people get profit on the secondary market for tickets to his games so he upped the face value to try and have an impact on that market. I'm not sure how successful it was but I do think he was tired of losing money on tickets.


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I think he was tired of watching people get profit on the secondary market for tickets to his games so he upped the face value to try and have an impact on that market. I'm not sure how successful it was but I do think he was tired of losing money on tickets.

Well, all him raising prices will do is hurt those trying to resell. People that sell their tickets on stubhub will not be able to pass on those increased prices to us that use stubhub. Once ticket prices get too high, people will stop buying them. It all about supply and demand. Someone that is going to a few games a year isnt going to pony up 400 dollars for a single ticket up in the 400s..... its not gonna happen. My wife and I do pretty well financially, but even me right now, Im looking at the prices for the Chargers game, and I like hell no. Absolutely HORRIBLE seats in the very top level in the corner of the END ZONE are going to about 400 and up. Even though I live in Ca, so it is a CHEAP 100 dollar round trip flight that I will leave the day of the game, I might just skip that game all together if those ticket prices dont get reasonable.

I wont participate in causing every game the cowboys play to have prices like that, as all of those games impact what people try to sell their seats for.

I got endzone row 8 upper level for Saints game for like 230 each.... thats not bad.. 400 for Chargers? bahahahahahah


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I’m guessing your seats were on the south end of Texas Stadium. Mine were in Section 33 and never in the sun. I always felt for those folks that were in the sun the whole game in those early September games.

section 22 upper endzone on the Cowboys side. So yes I was out of the sun but man the wind would whip through my section in the upper deck after thanksgiving