Who likes sushi?

vta;4612609 said:
Sushi done right is just great. It's satisfying without feeling stuffed too. I understand the raw bit, if you think about it it's sort of gross, so I don't think about it and just eat it. :D

Japanese food - at least American variety that I get - is great overall. They have some of the best noodle soups and appetizers.

True. The soups are excellent. Nothing like Miso soup. OMgoodness.
Dallas;4612618 said:
True. The soups are excellent. Nothing like Miso soup. OMgoodness.

I love the Udon noodle soups, they have some real taste.
I LOVE all types of sushi, especially the tuna rolls that are flash-deep fried in tempura. Dip in a mixture of wasabi and soy sauce = sushi heaven.


I know where I'm headed for lunch...
a_minimalist;4612589 said:
lol i'm not going to try and shove the idea of sushi or raw fish down your throat. it's your decision. but, a lot of people think raw or medium steak is nasty or looks nasty until they taste it. the same applies to the tuna steak in the photo. it's your life though.

Yeagermeister;4612596 said:
Nothing turns my stomach quicker than to cut in to a steak and it bleeds all over the place.

I used to feel the same way about medium steak. I just couldn't get my mind around the thought of eating blood, so I would always order my steak well done. Some cooks got it right, but more often than not, the steak ended up overcooked and dry. Then I would have to douse in steak sauce for it to be edible. One day, I braved up and tried medium steak. Haven't turned back since. It was the most flavorful and juicy steak I ever had. Didn't need a drop of steak sauce.
JonJon;4612642 said:
I used to feel the same way about medium steak. I just couldn't get my mind around the thought of eating blood, so I would always order my steak well done. Some cooks got it right, but more often than not, the steak ended up overcooked and dry. Then I would have to douse in steak sauce for it to be edible. One day, I braved up and tried medium steak. Haven't turned back since. It was the most flavorful and juicy steak I ever had. Didn't need a drop of steak sauce.
Congratulations; you're halfway there. Next stop: rare.
JonJon;4612642 said:
I used to feel the same way about medium steak. I just couldn't get my mind around the thought of eating blood, so I would always order my steak well done. Some cooks got it right, but more often than not, the steak ended up overcooked and dry. Then I would have to douse in steak sauce for it to be edible. One day, I braved up and tried medium steak. Haven't turned back since. It was the most flavorful and juicy steak I ever had. Didn't need a drop of steak sauce.

I tend to go more towards medium just not too medium. Pink is fine just not red and bleeding.
Yeagermeister;4612652 said:
I tend to go more towards medium just not too medium. Pink is fine just not red and bleeding.

More blood w/ my steak please!

Best steak EVER !! MuHaHaHaHa!!!

JonJon;4612636 said:
I LOVE all types of sushi, especially the tuna rolls that are flash-deep fried in tempura. Dip in a mixture of wasabi and soy sauce = sushi heaven.


I know where I'm headed for lunch...

I figured I would give sushi a try. What do i know about sushi, I grab a good chunk. Low and behold the guacamole is sitting right beside the sushi. Needless to say, I love guacamole...

Now I have more guacamole than I do fish. The greedy man that i am decides to take this all down in one bite. My wife knew exactly what I did, as she is rolling on the floor laughing. The tears flowed from my eyes, I lost my breathe as I began to breath fire. Let me tell you, talking is impossible while flames shoot out of ones throat.

It was the best sushi I have ever had!!
Viper;4612659 said:
I figured I would give sushi a try. What do i know about sushi, I grab a good chunk. Low and behold the guacamole is sitting right beside the sushi. Needless to say, I love guacamole...

Now I have more guacamole than I do fish. The greedy man that i am decides to take this all down in one bite. My wife knew exactly what I did, as she is rolling on the floor laughing. The tears flowed from my eyes, I lost my breathe as I began to breath fire. Let me tell you, talking is impossible while flames shoot out of ones throat.

It was the best sushi I have ever had!!

:lmao2: But it is a good kind of burn. I love it.
WoodysGirl;4612568 said:
Because that's what you're taught growing up. Sushi = raw

It wasn't until I actually went to have sushi with a friend who was a pseudo expert that I learned differently. I love it now.

...correct. If you visit Japan most of the Sushi is raw. Their culture is one that values the food basket from the sea. It's one of the last places in the world where whale is sought after commercially as a food item.

What I found Sushi does is to introduce you to flavours that are influenced by the sea water. Raw fish or seafood is a very fresh taste. They are not the only ones who eat seafood raw.

When I was in school in Nantes we regularily went out eat oysters on the halfshell raw. In the Meditteranean countries, Greece, Italy, south of France and Turkey you find many raw seafood dishes. Octopi, eel, etc.

Past the tastes and textures the most important thing is the food is very fresh from the sea.

I noticed in another post someone mentioned the pickled ginger that is included with every Sushi dish. Eat it. Pickled ginger helps aid in the digestion of raw seafood.

Some of the Sashimi can be very calorie rich and the ginger helps break this down.
I'm no sushi connoisseur by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm firmly in the group of those who like sushi rolls with the meat cooked, not raw. Haven't ever felt or found the need to go there. So sashimi is definitely not an option that seems appealing to me.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4612672 said:
I love Sushi. One of my favorte foods. I love Chinese food in general. Way better than Mexican food.

Mexican food rules

My wife is Mexican and her favorite food is Chinese. How that happened I don't know? :laugh1:
Cowboys&LakersFan;4612672 said:
I love Sushi. One of my favorte foods. I love Chinese food in general. Way better than Mexican food.

Sushi is Japanese.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4612672 said:
I love Sushi. One of my favorte foods. I love Chinese food in general. Way better than Mexican food.
Like minimalist said, sushi is Japanese food. But I like Chinese food, too. However, please... and I'm asking you politely... please never speak in a denigrating fashion about Mexican food — particularly tacos — in my 'public forum' presence... as if it's a lesser cuisine choice. Perish the thought.

I love me some tacos, CLF, can ya tell? Even baja-style fish tacos. :laugh2:
wittenacious;4612690 said:
Like minimalist said, sushi is Japanese food. But I like Chinese food, too. However, please... and I'm asking you politely... never speak in a denigrating fashion about Mexican food — particularly tacos — in my 'public forum' presence... as if it's a lesser cuisine choice. Perish the thought.

I love me some tacos, CLF, can ya tell? Even baja-style fish tacos. :laugh2:

MMMMMM tacos

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