Why are you a Cowboys fan?

That's just simply amazing. I met Bill Parcells and Drew Bledsoe. Bill wouldn't even look at me. I said bill I love the enthusiasm. He finally turned and spoke. LOL that was at Bryant College in New England bledsoe's rookie season he signed a football for me good thing you had a shoppie you gave me hell for that. Not having one. I would have loved to Ahmet Landry Starbuck
Whirl uses voice text, and that is why his posts have some odd words etc. I will translate lol.
shoppie = sharpie ,ahmet = have met, Starbuck lol = Staubach.
I used voice text for a short while, when my computer was down, and it drove me crazy!
I became a fan in the quincy Carter days. Never got a taste of glory. Loved the star and the uniforms. Been holding out hope that we could right this ship for 20+ years. That hope is waning thin.
Uniforms were key to me as a kid, and the helmets and how they looked.
For pro football, I was actually a AFL fan, and the teams I watched were Chargers, Rams, Oakland (before and all during the madden / Stabler years)
the Jets, when they drafted Namath, I was a fan of him, because he beat the longhorns in a bowl game I think, and I thought he was really good.
Same for Montana, I became a fan of him when he beat the longhorns (Texas) in a cotton bowl game. Joe played for Notre Dame.
I thought he was good then and was sort of a SF fan because he became the QB.
The AFL teams passed more, had some good helmets and uniforms they kinda popularized ("the bomb") which back then, the QB's could hit a guy in stride
no waiting for the ball, and would run it in for the TD .

I started watching the cowboys at a family reunion gather, all the adults were watching a Cowboy game and cussing and cheering the Cowboys,
because at that time they were just starting to have winning seasons.
I liked the helmets and the uniforms and for some reason Don Meredith, Don Perkins was the RB.
By the time they played the ice bowl I was a big fan, and that game was depressing.So was the 1st SB, but then they won the SB next year, and had a long
run of winning seasons, which kept me a fan for a long time.
I sort of stopped watching when they went down hill , but Jimmy got me into them again, and after that just kept watching.

I almost quit when they made Jason HC, as I did not like him as OC, but decided to give him a couple of years, and man it has gotten harder to watch
and have fun with them under his term. But There is always something interesting with jerrys circus act, which is what it is, more of a show than
a football team, but it is so crazy and up and down and all around it is entertaining, so I still watch waiting for the day jones boys might hire a real coach again,
but I doubt I ever see that, I think we are stuck with Garrett forever.

The one thing I will salute jerry for is keeping the Dallas Uniform pretty much the same, and not going to some crappy new design by Nike! I now hate Nike
for the crappy NFL uniforms they come up with. And Helmets too.
My parents moved down to Texas in the late 80s so I was born in cowboys country. I remember the 90s super bowl parties vaguely.

Then, I became obsessed with watching, rooting and going to Cowboys games in HS/college. I always defended Romo even after his playoff let downs.

I have trouble stomaching Jason Garrett these days but I’m not going anywhere as a fan even after moving up to Chicago
2 reasons:


My parents moved to Texas from Cleveland in the 50s with an Airstream trailer. They had my two sisters, then me. My first game was in the 60s in the Cotton Bowl during the State Fair watching the Cowboys (Don Meredith as QB) and the Colts (Johnny Unitas as QB) with Tom Landry coaching. Cowboys lost that game but went on to greatness.
From then on, I was hooked.

Went on to become a musician in a jazz band part-time and we played for lots of society functions and conventions in Dallas and at one of those conventions, the great Tom Landry spoke of his faith, and of his philosophy. Tom was a good man.
In high school, I kissed who was to later become a Cowboys Cheerleader ("Debbie") last name withheld...at a spin the bottle game during a band party. :D Our high school band marched at some Cowboys games at Texas Stadium because we had won contest awards! That was so much fun!!

Then when I got out of uni, during the course of my first full time job, I happened to meet Crazy Ray at his home in NE Dallas. Lovely man.
At my next full-time job as a major airline ticket agent in Dallas, Lance Rentzel came to the counter. I saw his name on the ticket. I asked for his autograph and he was just shocked that I knew who he was because this was around 2000 and he graciously gave an autograph for my sons!

Cowboys were just in my blood from birth and throughout my life. All the awesome family after-church dinners at home and memories while the games were played on Sundays - so much family history happened as the Cowboys were making theirs.
I'm glad my parents moved to Texas before I was born or I'd be a Cleveland Browns fan today. Horrors! :eek:

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I love the star, I love it it represents. That does not mean I am a fan of every team this franchise has put on the field. Yes I will support them. I can also critique them. For some reason people think you say something negative about a player and all of a sudden you're a hater. Or if you support somebody you automatically a homer. Personally I am an individual I and I alone choose what I like or don't like. And what I like is the star. How could you not love it it represents. Go Cowboys forever

Why is something I don't know and can't explain. It started in the mid 60s and continues to this day. In between there has been people associated with the team I didn't like, but I still loved my Cowboys.

The Cowboy mystique is above any individual and that's something Jones has yet to learn. It's not about the stars and egos involved. It's about the Star itself. There's a pride seeing that brand on the field that transcends all else.

Being a Cowboy fan can be explained by pride and the legends that have graced the Star, but the why is something I can't put into words.
Spent a fair amount of time in Dallas in my early 20s. Wasn’t a big football fan at the time, always liked the game but wasn’t a huge fan. Coming from Canada, I was more of a hockey fan, but being in Dallas for so long and seeing how much the city loved the Cowboys I started watching more games which eventually led to me becoming a fanatic. Here I am today, a much bigger football fan then I am a hockey fan.
History and laundry.

It's like that marriage where you still love the other person but you don't like them. Being a Dallas Cowboys fan takes energy for me. I have to resell myself every off season and attempt to avoid exposure to the owner and his son. It takes work.

I have been able to look the other way on players that I don't like but with Elliott and Lawrence on this team, I do struggle and wish neither was a Cowboy. I also am no longer a Witten fan, he should have stayed retired and tried to save face at ESPN instead of relying on his old bosses to smooth his ego out.

But I gotta say, after that gutsy injury risking performance of Dak's in NY, he made me proud and all criticism of him should have stopped for at least this week. That, that performance right there, is what it's all about. In the midst of all the money talk, he showed me why I am a football fan and a Cowboys fan. He personally balanced my dislike of those two players.
I love the star, I love it it represents. That does not mean I am a fan of every team this franchise has put on the field. Yes I will support them. I can also critique them. For some reason people think you say something negative about a player and all of a sudden you're a hater. Or if you support somebody you automatically a homer. Personally I am an individual I and I alone choose what I like or don't like. And what I like is the star. How could you not love it it represents. Go Cowboys forever
Have been watching them since the first season. They are like part of the family. Gotta support 'em no matter what. Have not always liked what I have seen, especially the lean years, but they are my team!
Go Cowboys!!
I think I posted this before but...

I grew up in New York, Giants land. So when it was time for my first winter coat, my parents not having money at the time, got me a Dallas Cowboys winter coat. Lol they were on sale.

I was four at the time and I thought it was the coolest freaking coat with the big star and the blue color. I got teased for it, being New York and all.

Been a fan ever since.
Have been watching them since the first season. They are like part of the family. Gotta support 'em no matter what. Have not always liked what I have seen, especially the lean years, but they are my team!
Go Cowboys!!
I used to be a Green Bay fan when I was 6 . 7 years old. The helmet the uniform LOL Bart Starr. Could do no wrong. It was really the military Tom Landry the man in the Hat. And then Rodger Staubach. The memories the games that you and I both probably forgot. Then more will ever know
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My parents moved to Texas from Cleveland in the 50s with an Airstream trailer. They had my two sisters, then me. My first game was in the 60s in the Cotton Bowl during the State Fair watching the Cowboys (Don Meredith as QB) and the Colts (Johnny Unitas as QB) with Tom Landry coaching. Cowboys lost that game but went on to greatness.
From then on, I was hooked.

Went on to become a musician in a jazz band part-time and we played for lots of society functions and conventions in Dallas and at one of those conventions, the great Tom Landry spoke of his faith, and of his philosophy. Tom was a good man.
In high school, I kissed who was to later become a Cowboys Cheerleader ("Debbie") last name withheld...at a spin the bottle game during a band party. :D Our high school band marched at some Cowboys games at Texas Stadium because we had won contest awards! That was so much fun!!

Then when I got out of uni, during the course of my first full time job, I happened to meet Crazy Ray at his home in NE Dallas. Lovely man.
At my next full-time job as a major airline ticket agent in Dallas, Lance Rentzel came to the counter. I saw his name on the ticket. I asked for his autograph and he was just shocked that I knew who he was because this was around 2000 and he graciously gave an autograph for my sons!

Cowboys were just in my blood from birth and throughout my life. All the awesome family after-church dinners at home and memories while the games were played on Sundays - so much family history happened as the Cowboys were making theirs.
I'm glad my parents moved to Texas before I was born or I'd be a Cleveland Browns fan today. Horrors! :eek:

That's awesome!! Now, if we can just make you a Longhorns fan!!

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