Why are you a Cowboys fan?

I think I posted this before but...

I grew up in New York, Giants land. So when it was time for my first winter coat, my parents not having money at the time, got me a Dallas Cowboys winter coat. Lol they were on sale.

I was four at the time and I thought it was the coolest freaking coat with the big star and the blue color. I got teased for it, being New York and all.

Been a fan ever since.
BS!!! You just like the cheerleaders!!
BS!!! You just like the cheerleaders!!

lol true


I started being a fan in the late 60s loved the 70s 80s were okay 90s were great since then they have sucked
Emmit, Troy, Pearsons, Nova, Roger, Tom, DJ, Larry, Tony D, Woodson, Randy...first and foremost THE CHEERLEADERS. I am also a Cincy Reds long suffering fan so why hell give up on both now because of stupid ownership over the last 20 odd years?
I love the star, I love it it represents. That does not mean I am a fan of every team this franchise has put on the field. Yes I will support them. I can also critique them. For some reason people think you say something negative about a player and all of a sudden you're a hater. Or if you support somebody you automatically a homer. Personally I am an individual I and I alone choose what I like or don't like. And what I like is the star. How could you not love it it represents. Go Cowboys forever

Those people (Dak stans) are hypocrites because they get upset and ask you to find another team if you don't blindly support Dak and they themselves were the main "haters" of Romo and said Dez was worthless despite being a team legend. All to prop up one player.
They're not fans of the team, theyre fans of the player
Living and growing up in Los Angeles in the early 1970's, of course, there were the Rams. I liked the Star better, rooted for Roger Staubach, Drew Pearson, Tony Dorsett, et al. I would be excited come Sunday afternoon to sit in front of my TV to watch them play. Of course, I loved to see them succeed. I have been a fan ever since. It is comforting that we have 5 Lombardis--so we can still silence the anti-Cowboys brigade at any time (at the end of the day, the Cowboys STILL have 5 SB wins regardless of when it happened).

At this writing, it is upsetting that our owner & GM seemingly puts profits over people (in this case, the team), is unwilling to change, overpay average players, and accepts mediocrity. To add on the fact that he keeps a head coach who is not willing to change his football philosophy with today's game (I will admit Garrett did his finest coaching job in 2016). No creativity. No making in-game adjustments. Saying the same things for nine plus years in post game conferences. Opposing teams already know our game plan. That to me is sad. What worked in the 1990's does not really work today.

As a fan base, it is ok to criticize the team, as well as giving rightful credit when we win. Also, it is ok to agree to respectfully disagree with fellow fans who have different points of view. In the end, all of us want to be a part of a winning team.

Right now, the majority of the fan base are upset, angry, disappointed, and to some extent, disillusioned at the current state of the organization. We are seeing other front offices time after time taking steps to improve their teams, while our fans sit back and look at NFC Championship games and Super Bowls on our big screen TVs wondering why we have not been there in decades.

Nevertheless, I am a Cowboys fan for life through the good, bad and ugly.
My parents came from Mexico in the 50's and had four boys. I am the youngest. I am the only football fan in the family. I started watching in 1974. Grew up to be a coach, have met and conversed at length with Jerry, Wade and Garrett. I've drank beer with John Dutton at a bar, had lunch with Eric Williams and Deion. Met Drew Pearson and Tony Hill, had Everson, Teague, Larry Brown and a few others to my ranch for a BBQ after they held a clinic for my team and my all time favorite Randy White and I held three camps together and got to spend a lot of time with him.
I'm a fan!
Show off.....
Early years I was into it for the Glory of the Star......lately its just been for the Sodomy
I love the star, I love it it represents. That does not mean I am a fan of every team this franchise has put on the field. Yes I will support them. I can also critique them. For some reason people think you say something negative about a player and all of a sudden you're a hater. Or if you support somebody you automatically a homer. Personally I am an individual I and I alone choose what I like or don't like. And what I like is the star. How could you not love it it represents. Go Cowboys forever
Oh, it's a salacious tale of booze, hard drugs, women in Las Vegas, shady meetings with grifters, slumlords and high-level politicians.
9 months later I was born!
3 years later I watched a Super Bowl. '78.
Those people (Dak stans) are hypocrites because they get upset and ask you to find another team if you don't blindly support Dak and they themselves were the main "haters" of Romo and said Dez was worthless despite being a team legend. All to prop up one player.
They're not fans of the team, theyre fans of the player
Those people (Dak stans) are hypocrites because they get upset and ask you to find another team if you don't blindly support Dak and they themselves were the main "haters" of Romo and said Dez was worthless despite being a team legend. All to prop up one player.
They're not fans of the team, theyre fans of the player
It's okay to critique a particular player I was never a fan of Dez Bryant. That doesn't mean I'm not a Cowboys fan don't let them get you down.
I had no real choice. My Dad was a big fan and got me and my brothers into it by the time we could think. Then he bet money for each of us on the '78 Super Bowl and actually paid us the winnings. I think I got something like 200 bucks. As a 7-year-old, that was life-changing money! Been hooked ever since.

My dad hooked me in too. I grew up watching the dominance of the 90s also. I some how hooked my son into it. I just hope they can put together something for us to actually cheer for together. We live in Louisiana surrounded by Saints fans. Im proud he has stuck with them so far.
I love the star, I love it it represents. That does not mean I am a fan of every team this franchise has put on the field. Yes I will support them. I can also critique them. For some reason people think you say something negative about a player and all of a sudden you're a hater. Or if you support somebody you automatically a homer. Personally I am an individual I and I alone choose what I like or don't like. And what I like is the star. How could you not love it it represents. Go Cowboys forever
1964. I was six years old. My dad took me to see the Cowboys in the Cotton Bowl against the Cleveland Browns led by the great Jim Brown. I will never forget walking up the ramp and seeing the beautiful green grass and how cool the silver pants and silver helmets looked in person.

A year or two later, my dad took me to another game and I got see my FIRST favorite Cowboy player- Bullet Bob Hayes. He caught a TD that day from Don Meredith that was the prettiest pass I had ever seen. Bullet Bob was the first Cowboys player’s football card I ever collected.

I was hooked in 1964. Fifty five years later, I’m still hooked.
The 94 NFC championship game was the first game I ever watched and I became a fan afterwards. It's been mainly downhill since to where I'm indifferent now. I'm actually ashamed to call myself a Cowboys fan. It's definitely not something I advertise anymore.

I'm ready to move on and spend my Sunday afternoons and the offseason following something else that's actually productive and not a complete waste of time. Being a fan of his team is nothing but shameful.
Cause that’s the girl I have a crush on,and hope one day she finally says yes.....instead of always breaking up dates we have planned.

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