Why Dak still sucks

Outlaw Heroes

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His receivers do not suck. They are a solid group and have proven that with better QB play.

Get serious. Some of you guys seem not to recognize the harm you do to your credibility with these sorts of ridiculous statements. (It’s especially odd coming from someone like you that appears to want to hold himself out as an expert of sorts.)

Solid group. Where “solid” = “worst in the NFL” maybe.


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By my count there were 10 passes and 9 runs called in the 3rd quarter, which is 53% of the plays called being passes, not the 70% you claimed. Of those 10 pass plays, there were only 7 passes thrown, with 2 plays being sacks, and one being a 28 yard scramble for the 1st down. 2 more passes were intentionally thrown away because a receiver wasn't open. So, all in all, he was 3-6 on passes where there was an attempt at a completion.

Ultimately not a strong quarter, but not the disaster you seem to think. And in any case, so what if it wasn't a great quarter? Are you under the impression that other QBs are great every quarter they play, or do you just judge our QB differently?

As for the 200 yards, are you really under the impression the goal was for Dak to show doubters he could throw for 200 yards - that at the forefront of his mind was silencing critics rather than winning? That's pretty nonsensical.

And you don't understand how having success on the ground and having a huge lead affects the need to pass the ball? Boy, that's a head scratcher. The Cowboys were playing very conservatively in the 3rd quarter, even when they passed the ball. I thought probably too conservatively.

you're wasting you time


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Or if Ramsey kept his foot one inch closer, it would have been a pick. Or if Dak’s fumbled in the second didn’t bounce right back to him. And so on..

Of course 200 yards means something in this context..

If my g mother had ** she'd be a man


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I changed my post - actually found there was another run, so it was only 53% they passed the ball. Either way, claiming 70% when it was either 53% or 56% is a considerable stretch. You didn't bother with facts, you just made up a number you thought would have effect.

You still aren't making sense on the significance of getting 200 yards, much less having to do it by the end of the 3rd quarter. Even if 200 yards was on Dak's mind, which I doubt he was concerned about, then why would there be any urgency to get it before the end of the 3rd quarter? That doesn't make an iota of sense.

I'm wondering - how many of those past 3rd quarters you mentioned did Dak have a 24-0 lead? Kind of silly to pretend the circumstances didn't matter.

In a way you did say 200 yards would be the goal over winning, because your suggestion is that Dak should have been focused on getting 200 yards to silence critics. I can't express how utterly stupid it is to suggest that a QB should play with that in mind, and with that as a focus. To do that would be putting self interest ahead of the team goal.

What Dak should have been focused on was doing what it took to win, not making mistakes that could turn the momentum of an otherwise lopsided game, and sticking to the game plan. If that led him to 150 yards, or 200 yards, or 300 yards isn't what's important. You are making it out to somehow be a key.

And, again, so what if Dak wasn't spectacular? Why is it so important to you to sully a big, impressive win? I'm still waiting for that answer.

It’s actually 7 runs by Zeke and Dak ran once when pressure broke down, so they called PASSES 10 times. So this idea Dak can pass for 200 yards easily, but they just turned it off after half-time is false. Dallas wen’t heavy pass, in a game where they were rushing successfully and Dak couldn’t net 3-4 YPC to break 200.

And if you don’t count the fumble to end the half, that gave the Cowboys back the hall, when they finally decided enough is enough, it would have been 6 running plays called as opposed to 10 passing plays.
But then they decided to start running out the clock in the quarter to the point they took the delay of game.

No matter which way you spin it, Dak couldn’t pass worth anything in the second half. That is the facts. It is clear who is talking mindlessly. Your claim they were conservative is just another one of your unsubstantiated opinions built off your backtracking. I’m pretty sure that attempted pass to Hurns that Ramsey pretty much picked off of not for one foot, with Dak throwing it across his body and off his back foot was ‘conservative’...

Now the argument is allegedly that I said they only tried doing it in the third quarter and were targeting t just for the third? Another mindless assertion that I never made..

Now thee is another stupid assertion about how many of those third quarters were the Cowboys up 24-0 as if this has anything to do with the fact Dak blows in the third quarter in particular.

Why I have to bring it up after a game is on me.. Nobody forces you to read these threads and my posts aren’t dictated by your feels of how a game should be discussed after the fact.
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Taco Engineer
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It’s actually 7 runs by Zeke and Dak ran once when pressure broke down, so they called PASSES 10 times. So this idea Dak can pass for 200 yards easily, but the just turned it down after half is false. Dallas wen’t heavy pass, in a game where they were rushing successfully.

And if you don’t count the fumble to end the half, that gave the Cowboys back the hall, when they finally decided enough is enough, it would have been 6 runs on 10 passing plays.

No matter which way you spin it, Dak couldn’t pass worth anything in the second half. That is the facts. It is clear who is talking mindlessly. Your claim they were conservative is just another one of your unsubstantiated opinions built off your backtracking. I’m pretty sure that attempted pass to Hurns that Ramsey pretty much picked off of not for one foot, with Dak throwing it across his body and off his back foot was ‘conservative’...

Now the argument is allegedly that I said they only tried doing it in the third quarter and were targeting t just for the third? Another mindless assertion that I never made..

Why I have to bring it up after a game is on me.. Nobody forces you to read these threads and my posts aren’t dictated by your feels of how a game should be discussed after the fact.
Blah blah blah, 53% isn't "close to" 70%.


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Boot legs. Roll outs. RPO's. Unplanned scrambles.

This is the only way Dak and the offense can be successful. Dak cannot throw accurately from the pocket on a consistent basis, despite all the efforts of Linehan and Garrett to do so.
If fans want a QB who can throw from the pocket under all circumstances and win games, then Dak isn't your guy. He can't do it.
If fans are OK with Dak doing what he did yesterday, then Dak will be OK. We just need to upgrade the coaching. As well as the WR's and TE's.

Dak is a divisive guy because different fans want different things from their QB. And he is not, nor will he ever will be, a Aaron Rodgers type who is all things to all people. He is not accurate enough from the pocket.

He will never put up elite numbers like Mahomes or Brees. He can't do it. The offense isn't designed to do it anyway. If that's what you expect, you will be disappointed even when they win.

That's what I am reading here.
Romo put up comparable numbers to Brees and Mahomes didn't he? Maybe he didn't and it just looked like he did. I could be completely wrong since I'm not always the biggest on stats.


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Dude, you have derailed. Who gives a **** about flashy yards, is that what you think wins games? Prescott finally plays a very, very good game and you can't handle it and have to spew more of your bull**** hatred. It's beyond pathetic. He didn't make mistakes, he threw TDs and rushed for 80 yards! Look at his rating!

Anyone who expects any player to never make a mistake is a dummy.
A wise man once told me, it better to be thought a fool rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt...lol


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Hilarious. With a 4 score lead in the 1st half, why the hell would you want to pass more? Just wow.

The point is why were they passing more with a 4 score lead.. 10 passes on the third quarter makes for 40 passes a game broken out..

Now you understand?

So why was Dak trying to pass that much?

You are right it is hilarious..


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I think the most telling comment Romo made yesterday was the play after the almost turnover where they hurried to snap the ball. Romo said that Dak was in a hurry and wasn't calm and collected when the ball was snapped. On that particular play, he looked like the Dak he has mostly been this season: almost frenzied. Maybe he just needs more time to mature as a QB and play each play with a calm confidence.

I'm not a Dak fan, but as has been stated many times in this thread, you have to give him credit for playing pretty well yesterday. I think when he runs and scrambles he is more comfortable and "in" the game more. My biggest concern is that when the game is on the line in the two minute drill and you need a "pocket passer" more than a "runner/passer." That doesn't play to his strengths. I am sure they can win a lot of games with Dak's performance similar to yesterday, but I don't know how that will play out in a tight playoff game where the internal pressure is greater.


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We don't need any weaklings here, go cry on another board. Soft as Kleenex
You call me soft and yet you're the one who can't stand for his super hero to take any criticism from random people on the internet.

America's Cowboy

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Khiladi (Charlie Murphy) getting b*slapped by Dak!!!