Why Daryl Johnston says firing Jason Garrett would 'sabotage' the Cowboys


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I hate when former cowboys talk about this team b/c they cannot be objective or critical without consequence. What a silly comment about Garret needing more time. What coach doesn't? How can you "sabotage" a team that manages to win a wild card game once a decade and hasn't seen a super bowl in 22 years?


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My agenda against Jerrys ways actually goes back to the split up with Jimmy.

My campaign to financially boycott begin with the new stadium as I knew as soon as it was built and all the seats sold and PSL’s committed.. game over which has proven true thus far.

I haven’t ran into much resistance on how Jerrys ways has compromised Cowboy Football operations. Some fans just choose to use it against me when my opinions on different issues don’t align with theirs.

So you on a Cowboys board wanted to start a financial boycott and if you were EXTREMELY lucky one 10,000 of 1 percent of the people who did or would have gotten tickets and PSL's MAY HAVE joined your financial boycott. Now you're still whining because the financial boycott you started didn't work and the Cowboys didn't succumb to what you wanted them to do. I'll bet you think there's someone in the Cowboys organization that goes out and reads all of these threads to find out what a very tiny percentage of all Cowboys fans think.


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So in other words, you can't back up your claim.

No, no he can't. And he never does.

Here's an actual poll. With 17,000 votes cast.

65 % of the "small minority" wanted the guy fired while 35% didn't.

Some fans need to work on their definitions of majority and minority.


Red, White and Brew...
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So let me get this straight.

You quote a poll that you can't validate or prove even existed. And it's a poll from 3 seasons ago on top of that?

So it's impossible that people's opinions of Garrett haven't changed over the 2015-16-17 seasons?



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I hate when former cowboys talk about this team b/c they cannot be objective or critical without consequence. What a silly comment about Garret needing more time. What coach doesn't? How can you "sabotage" a team that manages to win a wild card game once a decade and hasn't seen a super bowl in 22 years?
Probably because those closer to the situation understand Garrett’s importance with Jerry’s ways.


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I guess you’d also say zero out of over6 million people in DFW area support Garrett? Lol

Well for starters, you missed his point. stash wasn't saying there are actually 0% of DFW residents who think Garrett was doing a good job. He was mocking you and your belief that since you claimed you saw a poll from 3 years ago that supported your point, ergo, it has to exist and be truthful.

Second of all, you now claim the poll was from 3 years ago. So even if your poll actually existed, it's now worthless considering feelings can change over 3 years.

You look foolish here. Just chalk this up as a loss and move on.


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So, in other words, the GM and football are always right and fans are always wrong?

No what I'm saying is that those with actual NFL experience in some capacity are immensely more qualified and have access to information that the public doesn't have than fans with zero NFL experience sitting on their couches and have enormous egos that tell them they know more and are more of an authority on the inner workings and NFL in general than those that have actual NFL experience.


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I guess you’d also say zero out of over6 million people in DFW area support Garrett? Lol

I produced an actual poll. That poll showed that 65% - otherwise known as a majority - wanted Garrett fired. Now produce your "poll", or be exposed.

#19 - You will not post fake, false or wild rumors or news.


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And people can flat out lie about things that aren't accurate and don't exist. Maybe you got away with such things at your last message board? Between your numerous bannings. But unsupported claims and falsehoods don't fly around here.
There was a poll. I don’t recall the exact year or how to look it up. If that discounts it’s presentation. So be it.


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No what I'm saying is that those with actual NFL experience in some capacity are immensely more qualified and have access to information that the public doesn't have than fans with zero NFL experience sitting on their couches and have enormous egos that tell them they know more and are more of an authority on the inner workings and NFL in general than those that have actual NFL experience.

They might be more qualified. Doesn't mean they are right.

So any defense of a head coach that starts with............ "hey these guys are more qualified than you" pretty much ignores history where guys more qualified than fans have continually spit the bit in their leadership roles.

Shoot, the leaders of the Cowboys haven't sniffed a conference title game in 20+ years. But yeah........ they are "qualified"!


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There was a poll. I don’t recall the exact year or how to look it up. If that discounts it’s presentation. So be it.

So we have a poll you can't reproduce, you know nothing about the actual sample size of that poll and you can't now remember the season despite earlier saying you thought it was from 2015.

This is a classic case of saying something, getting called on it and now slowly trying to walk it back like it never happened.


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Well for starters, you missed his point. stash wasn't saying there are actually 0% of DFW residents who think Garrett was doing a good job. He was mocking you and your belief that since you claimed you saw a poll from 3 years ago that supported your point, ergo, it has to exist and be truthful.

Second of all, you now claim the poll was from 3 years ago. So even if your poll actually existed, it's now worthless considering feelings can change over 3 years.

You look foolish here. Just chalk this up as a loss and move on.
I understand . I believe most of the locals still support Garrett. I’ll admit a poll taken a few years ago might not carry the same weight. To be honest I was surprised at the time the support was that high.

The point remains there’s much more support than is being depicted here.


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I produced an actual poll. That poll showed that 65% - otherwise known as a majority - wanted Garrett fired. Now produce your "poll", or be exposed.

#19 - You will not post fake, false or wild rumors or news.

Apparently only the local fan base matters in this situation! Where are those people on game day when 75% of the stadium is rooting for the other team. But they vehemently support Garret? lol Like that 57% number couldn't possibly drop after 3 more years of nothing.


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I understand . The point remains I believe most of the locals still support Garrett. I’ll admit a poll taken a few years ago might not carry the same weight. To be honest I was surprised at the time of the support.

I would wager most "locals" will not support Garrett if he fails to make the playoffs in 2018.


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So we have a poll you can't reproduce, you know nothing about the actual sample size of that poll and you can't now remember the season despite earlier saying you thought it was from 2015.

This is a classic case of saying something, getting called on it and now slowly trying to walk it back like it never happened.


#19 - You will not post fake, false or wild rumors or news.