Why Daryl Johnston says firing Jason Garrett would 'sabotage' the Cowboys


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So because you think you remember something happening that should be "good enough" for people to take your word for it? No, sorry, doesn't work that way. If you want to claim something as fact, be prepared to back it up.

The guy you're trying to defend claimed something and couldn't support his claim when questioned on it.
I stand by that claim . I just don’t have a link to support it. But I do recall it being aired on one of the local tv networks or radio stations.

And if you believe something to be true it doesn’t mean it’s factual.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm just poking fun at this notion of citing that rule in this discussion. I'm not defending Greg or anything, I like to think I played a role in his coming here when the old board was up and running, but citing a rule and demanding evidence for every claim is a bit tedious. Sometimes people can just see things differently. There's an awful lot of what I interpret as looking for fights on this forum.

Like what you just tried to defend your buddy?

I’m fine with a difference of opinion, but not with making things up. Maybe that flew at your “other forum” but it doesn’t here.


Taco Engineer
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I'm just poking fun at this notion of citing that rule in this discussion. I'm not defending Greg or anything, I like to think I played a role in his coming here when the old board was up and running, but citing a rule and demanding evidence for every claim is a bit tedious. Sometimes people can just see things differently. There's an awful lot of what I interpret as looking for fights on this forum.
I need evidence this is actually your own thought.


Kellen Moore baby
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I'm just poking fun at this notion of citing that rule in this discussion. I'm not defending Greg or anything, I like to think I played a role in his coming here when the old board was up and running, but citing a rule and demanding evidence for every claim is a bit tedious. Sometimes people can just see things differently. There's an awful lot of what I interpret as looking for fights on this forum.
Stash is only referencing the rule in this specific argument. He doesn't go around slapping CZ rules on folks. Grab a chair and stay a while, you'll see he's a ******* amazing poster.

I like Streetwise, too, just not his argument here. But that's just imo.


Taco Engineer
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Like what you just tried to defend your buddy?

I’m fine with a difference of opinion, but not with making things up. Maybe that flew at your “other forum” but it doesn’t here.
Lmao! Wow.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I stand by that claim . I just don’t have a link to support it. But I do recall it being aired on one of the local tv networks or radio stations.

And if you believe something to be true it doesn’t mean it’s factual.

Stand by your unprovable, false claim. Like I said, maybe claiming whatever you wanted to was acceptable elsewhere. Here, we require proof.


Well-Known Member
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Really? You're going to try this lame **** now?


Dispute the facts that Wilson was sent out of town while Parcells was here or shut up.

I guess you missed the, "either way," part of my post. That means the rule applies, "either way," to calling him a sycophant or pushing him out.

Also, I think I'll keep posting despite your request. However, I don't read this aloud as I'm typing so shutting up was never an issue. Your incessant beligerance with strangers on a fan forum is what's truly pathetic, but that's just my opinion.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I guess you missed the, "either way," part of my post. That means the rule applies, "either way," to calling him a sycophant or pushing him out.

Also, I think I'll keep posting despite your request. However, I don't read this aloud as I'm typing so shutting up was never an issue. Your incessant beligerance with strangers on a fan forum is what's truly pathetic, but that's just my opinion.

And you thinking that rules don’t apply to you or your buddies making stuff up is even more pathetic. Now I can see why your board was shut down.


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2 in 8 years still sucks.

What in the heck are you going to say when he doesn't?

Lol, keep moving that goalpost. If he doesn’t then it’ll be up for debate if they should move on. I’m willing to entertain that if they step back.


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Your bet is actually what gave me the idea, Stash :D

Yeah, that avatar was painful, brother. LOL

I got a sig bet with someone here. They were so convinced that Pederson being so aggressive in going for 4th downs was going to cause an at least 20% spike league wide in teams going for 4th downs this upcoming season. He wanted to make the wager, so I listed the number of attempts and how many he would need, giving him the opportunity to back out. He was gung ho and still wants to bet, so I need to come up with a good sig for him when he loses.


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And you thinking that rules don’t apply to you or your buddies making stuff up is even more pathetic. Now I can see why your board was shut down.

Lol. Woe unto me and my precious forum.

You take things way too seriously. You should lighten up a little. You invariably ad hom anyone who disagrees with you.


Taco Engineer
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“Wow” what?

If you have something to say, don’t be afraid, say it.
You got me. I'm a scared of the bad man online. I have to carefully select the correct words to post, ones I can prove.

What's next after that? "You're not the boss of me?" How about: "My dad can beat up your dad?"


Well-Known Member
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Stand by your unprovable, false claim. Like I said, maybe claiming whatever you wanted to was acceptable elsewhere. Here, we require proof.
Proof of what? That I believe I saw or heard it. Lol

A claim that can’t supported with a Link doesn’t make a false claim or lie just an unsupported claim. It opens it up for criticism . That’s fine.

It wasn’t my intent to present it as a factual occurrence. Polls are always flawed. A few years ago makes it flawed to begin with. I have no problem with that.


Taco Engineer
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Lol. Woe unto me and my precious forum.

You take things way too seriously. You should lighten up a little. You invariably ad hom anyone who disagrees with you.
I have to remember to insert "JK" or an "LOL" after every post so the sarcasm is a little easier to digest.


Well-Known Member
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Like what you just tried to defend your buddy?

I’m fine with a difference of opinion, but not with making things up. Maybe that flew at your “other forum” but it doesn’t here.

Was I defending someone? I thought I was using your own standards against you. Still waiting for evidence those guys were all sycophants and Parcells kept Jerry from hiring Garrett.

You're doing great at avoiding those points, but I'm kinda stubborn.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Lol, keep moving that goalpost. If he doesn’t then it’ll be up for debate if they should move on. I’m willing to entertain that if they step back.

Really? Which one of us is actually trying to move goalposts here?

I mean you can’t even answer the question that was asked.