Why do I fear Buffalo?

I think it comes down to whether the Bills can establish the run against our defense and dominate time of possession. If they can't and the Cowboys get a lead, then the Bills become one-dimensional and the Cowboys win.
To do that don't allow Josh Allen to extend drives with scrambles; double up on Stephon Diggs; limit James Cook.
Because a Buffalo can weigh up to 2000 pounds and probably outrun a horse for a quarter mile, clocking in at 35-40 MPH. It is the largest mammal in North America. Just a swing from one of its horns will send any Cowboy flying in the air.

You should be very afraid.
In a pen, they are territorial and will attack anything new in their area. They will attack bales of hay just put there to feed them.
Cowboys are the better team and I think we have the ability to win out, but for some reason this game scares me more than any other games. After that huge win against the dirty birds, why do I see us having a huge loss here? A letdown game if you may. I’m scared.
You fear Buffalo because your beta male disposition may of unfortunately then over.
Cowboys are the better team and I think we have the ability to win out, but for some reason this game scares me more than any other games. After that huge win against the dirty birds, why do I see us having a huge loss here? A letdown game if you may. I’m scared.
I have learned my lesson many many years ago.
Thsi will be a LOSS
Cowboys are the better team and I think we have the ability to win out, but for some reason this game scares me more than any other games. After that huge win against the dirty birds, why do I see us having a huge loss here? A letdown game if you may. I’m scared.
Because Buffalo is good and they’re at home.
Well they are a 7-6 team on paper. But could/should be a 9-10 win team right now. They are a top 5 team still IMO. Dallas will need their A game to beat them.
Cowboys are the better team and I think we have the ability to win out, but for some reason this game scares me more than any other games. After that huge win against the dirty birds, why do I see us having a huge loss here? A letdown game if you may. I’m scared.
Bring 'em on dude. Fear is no way to go through a football season. Iron sharpens iron and a schedule such as we have can only serve to strengthen this team going into the playoffs as having no cheap wins against b teams will pay off in the long run.
I think the Cowboys will get up for the game. They know Buffalo is a good team. They've dropped some games via some bad mistakes, but I have no doubt those guys have a lot of talent, plus home field advantage. But, still, the Cowboys can beat them. Control that line of scrimmage and get some takeaways.
I ain't scared. Mostly because I know I'm not playing...lol

I'll say this though, Buffalo's DTs are dirty players. #90 & #97.

If, I say, IF Dallas does lose, here's a hilarious and very possible scenario:

Philthy loses in Seattle on MNF.
Dallas gets back on track by beating Miami and Detroit.
Phithy defeats NY and Arizona.
Then, on the final week of regular season, Dallas relieves Riverboat Ron
of his command(ers) with a throttling highlighted by 'lil Duece getting 100 yards
in his first start (Tony gets some rest). And "Tommy Two Thumbs" and the
G-men upset Philthy.
Cause you're weak minded. No team scares me at this point in the season, I'm confident the team we have right now can go anywhere and beat any team.
Good for you. Confidence is a good thing.. However…

We haven’t shown we can compete with the 49ers yet or play well in January.

Thats not being weak minded that’s a fact.
It's all emotional scaring fromthe Garrett era. Cowboys would dominate then crap the bed the following week against a 3rd string qb. Garrett is gone and it's ok to love again....we have a support group here join us as we heal...:lmao:
It's a healthy fear.

They're very large and can be extremely aggressive, even when playing. More than 200 people die a year from Cape Buffalo attacks alone.
I've made it a habit to avoid Buffao, Moose, Hippos and Bulls. Hippos are pretty terrifying. I has to stop doing my instagrams with em awhile back.

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