Why is Dak refusing to give the cowboys a discount? Mahomes did!


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Dak gave the Cowboys a 90% discount through his first four seasons.



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technicaly the nflpa gave that discount when they agreed to the rookie wage scale / slotting system....
None the less....

They never anticipated a 4th round pick becoming the de facto starter at the very beginning of his career and for the entire period of his rookie contract.

Goff and Wentz got the money as the #1 and #2 overall pick. Where are they now?

Even from the perspective of a rookie contract, the Cowboys got a discount.


Taco Engineer
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The NFL should have a performance based salary regardless of what year they're in. That would eliminate the argument from fans who think a player is "selfish" and should "take a team friendly deal." It's just beyond pompous for anyone NOT in the franchise to chime in like they're the authority on another man's paycheck. The franchise is to blame for not building the roster to be competitive in the post season. They failed to build a balanced team when Prescott and Elliott were on rookie salaries. Now all of a sudden saving money is the answer. They literally lucked out when Romo retired, lets not act like the front office are a bunch of geniuses and all they need to do is have Prescott "take one for the team."
If anyone is paying attention they'd understand Prescott is going to get paid, wherever he signs.


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Mahomes signed for less b/c he is a winner who cares about winning. Dak's best year is still 2016, but lets keep pretending like he's accomplished something and compare him to QBs who have seen conference title games and Super Bowls. Its a fun off season exercise.

Or, maybe we can make a run at another "most valuable franchise" title.


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Did Jerry extend his rookie contract? Did he give sign him long term or tag him? Was he in a hurry to sign him right after the regular season? Answer: No. You don't have to quote anyone you just look at the actions or inaction. The non exclusive tag would allow Dak to see his worth. I don't think anyone would sign him on a non exclusive tag and give up 2 first round picks. Thats not a contradiction that is showing Dak he isn't worth what he thinks. And if a team would give 2 fist then great for the Cowboys.

What are you in the first grade? Even grade schoolers know that there are TWO parts to negotiating, the Cowboys and the player. Just because no contract has been signed IN NO WAY is proof that Jones has hit the brakes on Prescott. Using your little mind thinking it would mean if Jones wasn't hitting the brakes he would have signed Prescott even if the only offer is the original demand Prescott's agent originally made and Jones wasn't accepting that. What you think in your little mind is not facts, only conjecture (that means what you think). And yes you did contradict yourself by saying no team would give up even a 1st round pick for Prescott in a trade but then said the Cowboys should use the non-exclusive tag but if the Cowboys don't match the offer then that other team KNOWINGLY is GIVING UP TWO 1st round picks for him. Now to show more on how you contradict yourself, again you said to use the non-exclusive tag to test the market but then you contradict yourself saying you don't think any team would make an offer for Prescott and if that's the case how would that be testing the market if teams don't make an offer knowing if the Cowboys don't match it will cost them two 1st round picks. When you think like a little kid it makes it easy to show it.


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I can't say Dallas is refusing to sign Dak, last offer made according to reports was The Cowboys’ last offer to Prescott, per Hill, was a five-year pact worth over $34 million annually and included $110 million in guarantees. That was not chump change. Clearly because the 2 sides did not come to an agreement the cost will be higher. From Prescott perspective I think the money was right but he and his agent were looking to double dip in FA market by only doing 4 years with a chance to hit FA again. For Jerry he has more than just Dak to sign and with a 5 year deal it is easier to handle a 5 year deal and be able to free up cap cash in the process than it is on a 4 year contract. Earlier reports Jerry wanted more than 5 years but came down on this issue. I think both sides want a deal, the devil is in the details, hopefully those can get worked out. I think for Dallas it would be better to get this done early on this off season which will given the a clearer picture of how to handle pending contracts.


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We don't know what he's asking yet, so we don't know if it's reasonable, affordable, or out of sight.
We know what he was asking a year ago though, which was in line with what QBs that have had similar success and negotiated a year before him got.

That said, obviously you are right that we don’t know the current asking price, so we can’t know what to think of it, but that being the case, why would anyone call him greedy?


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I think you're asking the wrong question. Try this question: Would you rather see the Cowboys pay Dak an exorbitant rate and watch the Cowboys suffer another 6-10 season with arguably the worst defense in the league, or strike a fair deal for both him AND the Cowboys, and hopefully build a defense that could contend for a championship?
Which would you choose?
I was responding to a poster that called Dak greedy, so that was the context.

This is a different question, and if the Cowboys decide paying Dak would be detrimental to the team, that’s certainly a choice the team is entitled to make. If it were up to me we would sign Dak for $25 million a year, but I cant speak for Dak, and Dak is certainly entitled to ask for what he thinks is a fair market rate. Ultimately the two sides just have to see if they can work out something they can both live with.


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so i'm not gonna sweat the details of a contract we haven't seen yet.

Me either, the thing is people act like Dak won't accept less than $40 mil a year, or has even actually gotten that.

Asking for more than you'll accept is a standard negotiation tactic. Can we please wait until the contract is signed, sealed and delivered before anybody goes ballistic over it?


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The reason is b/c Dak and his agent are trying to save face b/c they have gambled the past 2 seasons and lost. It made no financial sense for Dak to play out the 4th year of his rookie contract making 400k only to sign a franchise tag the next year. It makes them look like morons. BUT, if Dak can get a deal that is significantly larger than the ones he has already turned down, it looks better and reflects less poorly on his agent.
Are we sure the Cowboys offered a competitive contract 2 years ago? My guess has been that they did not, and they figured they would either get him on a cheap deal or wait another year and then decide.

As for last year, I tend to lean a bit to the side that Dak should have compromised more. I don’t think his ask was unreasonable, but at the end of the day it was still a boatload of money and If he did well enough to bet a new contract after 4 years the team would be negotiating early anyway.


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Me either, the thing is people act like Dak won't accept less than $40 mil a year, or has even actually gotten that.

Asking for more than you'll accept is a standard negotiation tactic. Can we please wait until the contract is signed, sealed and delivered before anybody goes ballistic over it?
This is all true, and really do we even know Dak has asked for 40?


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You really think that translates to football? What was Fitzpatrick making? Did Foles get market value when he left the Eagles? You're suggesting that Dak should expect similar pay to top end players at his position. Some of which are much better than Dak. If Dallas wants to do that, go right ahead. But whenever you meet that team in the playoffs you'll be at a disadvantage before the coin toss.

Dollar wise no that example from a company doesn't translate to football, but the idea of how people find it so easy to say an NFL player should take less but when it comes to themselves it's a different story. does fit that idea.

Next Foles when he left the eagles this last time he was a backup QB who stepped in for an injured Wentz, but still a backup QB and when he left he got market value for a backup QB who had starting experience. He's making all of 4 mil a year now.

Here's something all of those that say don't pay the market value for Prescott just don't get. The market value for players, especially QB's go up EVERY year. Then you keep wanting to compare Prescott to other QB that signed their contracts in previous years when the market value was LOWER than the current year. Example, in 2018 Rodgers signed a contract that pays him 33 mil a year when the market value was much lower than it is today.

Prescott started setting NFL records as a rookie and continued even in his injury shorten season this year. Most people in the sporting world think the Cowboys probably got the biggest steal of the 2016 draft getting Prescott in the 4th round. Form the 2nd year in a row Prescott going into free agency is the #1 rated free agent. Unlike some people here who claim to be Cowboys fans, most of the people in the sporting world do expect Prescott to get market value for QB's.

Lastly, unlike those opposed to signing Prescott I know that the NFL is a team game and that teams that win the Super Bowl have good teams that surround their QB, good other skill players, good defenses, good offensive lines and when the Cowboys fill in some holes and Prescott get those advantages that the Super Bowl winning teams enjoy, then we'll see the Cowboys make their move.


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Should I say Dak lovers are not Cowboy fans because they would rather overpay Dak and lose talent and wont be able to rebuild the defense?
Dak is a top 10 talent. based on what FO personnel (50 of them) ranked the current QBs.

I was a dak critic couple of years back and heavily advocated and wait to resign him, until we see some of the improvements I wanted to see in him, and at the time I said, if he does improve and we slightly over pay, then that's fine. its better to slightly over pay, than make a mistake with a big contract (think Goff). so we are there.

and how do you build a defense/ I keep hearing if we pay Dak we can't build a defense. so enlighten me....how are you planning to build a defense? which talent are you going to lose on defense that you so desparetley want to keep and can't? are you suggesting we go on a FA shopping spree?


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The worst argument for not signing Prescott is that will prevent them from building a defense. What has prevented them for 20 years?

They have not built a defense because they are poor at evaluating D talent.

This assumption that they will take the savings not paying Prescott and apply that to making the team better is totally unfounded. When have they ever done that?

The last real A talent they picked up in FA was Glover and that was Parcells, not these D challenged people. These people paid a #2CB #1 pay and played him out of his natural position.

There is absolutely 0 connection between signing Dak Prescott and building a defense. GB, NO, PHL built contending defenses while paying the QB because they're better at evaluating players and having a plan for building.

Don't talk about hindrances to building the D based on the QB when you have a GM making a splash with a WR in the 1st. The 2nd one in 3 drafts.


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If I like the company I work for, w/o hesitation. If I don't, no.

Completely disagree about giving up anything. You are taking for granted that a player's value is a black and white amount. It is not. Highly subjective.
it is subjective. subject to market value and your evaluations and how it fits your scheme of trying to get to the superbowl. and market value is set by the league itself, through contracts that are handed out ala Watson, Mahomes, etc. In this case, as mentioned before Dak has every right to ask and get what he can.....Zeke knew two years ago so he played Jones, knowing that if Dak gets his, his value will diminish. Jones was stupid to think, I have a superbowl ready team so lets just give Zeke money and make a run...that's Jones playing fantasy football. instead now, jones is playing or played hard ball with Dak.


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This is so silly.
Nobody here owns the cowboys.
Nobody here has any vested interest in Dak.
Nobody here represents Dak.
So , stop pretending like you know what's what.


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You have a charming naivety. Realism is your friend.
can I say the same...Realism can be y our best friend........
you are avoiding answering a very simple and direct question. You said paying Dak will stop us from building a defense....again, how do you build a defense? and how does Dak stop you from building a defense?


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I think you're asking the wrong question. Try this question: Would you rather see the Cowboys pay Dak an exorbitant rate and watch the Cowboys suffer another 6-10 season with arguably the worst defense in the league, or strike a fair deal for both him AND the Cowboys, and hopefully build a defense that could contend for a championship?
Which would you choose?
Reality is that Dak gives the cowboys the best chance to compete...we have seen that with our own eyes this year alone.

and how does the exorbitant amount translate to 6-10? you just made an argument that makes no sense. what does the dollar value have with the record....

and why do we have the worst defense in the league? can you give me the root cause? we have had bad and average defenses for years....even with Dak's small contract numbers....so your argument really doesn't hold water if regardless of contract value we can't build a defense.

so you make a very general sweeping statement, but have provided nothing logical to make a case for your point.


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Correct. Which is why the GM is not offering him a stupid amount. Huge contracts keep the GM from building that team. And in Jerry's case it's helped along by extreme buffoonery.
we have 7 of the largest position contracts on the team....and then paid Dak 32M....how does that exactly stop the GM from building a team? was Jaylon and Zeke and Lawrence worth their contracts? three of the largest in the NFL....

the issue is not and never been the money. the issue is the wrong players....