Why is Dak refusing to give the cowboys a discount? Mahomes did!


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oh.....i don't know.....maybe because he wants to get the most he can...while he can.
and on the other side.....they want to get the best deal they can.
i don't fault the player or the team.
they both are doing exactly what they 100% should be doing.
it ain't my money...so i'm not gonna sweat the details of a contract we haven't seen yet.

True, it ain't my money either. But it's my team so to speak, and if they sink too much of the cap into a greedy QB, there won't be enough to build the defense we so badly need.


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why is Dak allowing his contract saga to continue this long ? This is a great town with great state tax savings , and prime time endorsements , which Dak has already cashed in on . After all , Jerry selected Dak in the 4th round while others passed on him . Jerry surrounded him with the most expensive OL RB WR combos to succeed .

The cowboys need all the savings to fix the Defense . They spent the least money on defense among all NFL teams in 2020 61.4 Mil , except for the jets .

Yet ,Dak is not relenting one inch for the sake of this team like Mahomes or Brady and others did to help their teams .

look at the fabulous discount Mahomes gave the chiefs . A dream contract by all means for a super bowl winner . The chiefs were able to spend big on defense last year , spending 97 mil to stack up their defense ( 6th highest investment in defense among all teams ) . Mahomes cap hit was actually 5.3 mil in 2020 . If he continues to play this good , his cap hit will be 24.8 mil in 2021 , and 31.5 in 2022 . This is how you win Super Bowls !!!

In contrast, Dak’s cap hit last year was 31.4 Mil and now wants 40 mil a year.?? On top of the mistake expensive zeke and other contracts ?
This is how you remain irrelevant and 25 years away from a super bowl appearance !!

I'll bet that if the Cowboys offer the very same discounted contract Mahomes got, he'd sign is a second.


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I think if you snagged a long term half a billion dollar deal like Mahomes did, you can throw the organization back a few million dollar bones.


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True, it ain't my money either. But it's my team so to speak, and if they sink too much of the cap into a greedy QB, there won't be enough to build the defense we so badly need.

Why is taking what the market will pay 'greedy'? Why is asking for one less year greedy?


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You first say one thing and then another and the second thing isn't necessarily true.. First you say that you understand a player will want the best contract possible for himself and his family and then you say that if a player doesn't do a team friendly contract that he doesn't mean he doesn't want to play for that team or want to win. Prescott grew up a Cowboys fan and his dream, what he wanted most was to play for the Cowboys. Prescott has already lost two immediate family members, his mother and a brother and he very close with his extended family. I'm sure he wants to make sure that what's left of his family is taken care of and that his children will never be worried about money even as adults. Fans find it so easy to justify what a player should accept especially when it's less than the current market value but yet so many people buy lottery tickets hoping to win the jackpot and start to live the life they always dreamed of. Out of all the people that claim if they win the lottery that they would continue with their current jobs, only about 1% do and then only for a year or less and then they start to live the life they always wanted.

Oh and even though it would be really hard on the cap, any player can be franchised a third time, but I don't recommend it. The Cowboys have from now until 3 days before free agency starts to get a contract done. If not they will have to franchise him again but that doesn't mean they can't and won't get a contract done. Lawrence was tagged a 2nd time and about a week later signed a new long term contract.

That is not exactly what I said. I was saying that a player who is willing to play for a team for less money sends a signal, or gives a perception. I did not mean to imply I know what Dak or any other player is thinking when he does a deal. When Brady signed for less money than he could have gotten - by far - how was this perceived by everyone else? The general feeling was Brady cared more about winning than how much money he was making. There may have been other reasons Brady did what he did, I have no idea. But I bet his teammates felt pretty good about him since it meant some of them could more money from the Patriots. Of course, there were others who claimed Brady didn;t have to ask for the most money because his wife makes a lot of money too. I have no idea if this is true, but the fact is, Brady signed a very friendly deal to stay with the Patriots.

As I stated very clearly, every player has a right o ask for whatever he thinks he is worth, or choose the team he would rather play for in free agency. Players have short careers and should get the most they can before their careers end. However, when a player takes less to play for a team, it is a positive message for that team. Remember when Cooper supposedly took less from Dallas then he could have gotten from the WFT? The point is, if Dak takes less money from Dallas to stay with the team and help them with their CAP problem, it will be perceived as a positive for him and his team. If he refuses to sign, takes another franchise tag and then leaves via free agency in 2022, I will always assume he did not want to stay in Dallas.


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Reason #1 Ezekiel Elliot.
Reason #2 Jaylon Smith

When you see your FO pony up massive contracts for players who have significantly less impact on the game, why om Earth would you give any impression of being willing to give a discount. Dak is 100% playing this correctly. At this point he owes the Cowboys nothing and should expect the world since the precedent has been set.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
why is Dak allowing his contract saga to continue this long ? This is a great town with great state tax savings , and prime time endorsements , which Dak has already cashed in on . After all , Jerry selected Dak in the 4th round while others passed on him . Jerry surrounded him with the most expensive OL RB WR combos to succeed .

The cowboys need all the savings to fix the Defense . They spent the least money on defense among all NFL teams in 2020 61.4 Mil , except for the jets .

Yet ,Dak is not relenting one inch for the sake of this team like Mahomes or Brady and others did to help their teams .

look at the fabulous discount Mahomes gave the chiefs . A dream contract by all means for a super bowl winner . The chiefs were able to spend big on defense last year , spending 97 mil to stack up their defense ( 6th highest investment in defense among all teams ) . Mahomes cap hit was actually 5.3 mil in 2020 . If he continues to play this good , his cap hit will be 24.8 mil in 2021 , and 31.5 in 2022 . This is how you win Super Bowls !!!

In contrast, Dak’s cap hit last year was 31.4 Mil and now wants 40 mil a year.?? On top of the mistake expensive zeke and other contracts ?
This is how you remain irrelevant and 25 years away from a super bowl appearance !!

You. aren’t comparing apples to apples.

First, Mahomes was still under his rookie contract this past year - the new contract hasn’t kicked in.

Second, Neither Dak or the Cowboys have control over the cap hit in a franchise tag season.

And finally, the $40 Million per year you are saying Dak wants is the average assuming the entire contract gets paid. The average assuming the entire Mahomes contract gets paid is $45 million/year I believe.

By the way, who said Dak is asking for $40 million/year anyway? I don’t believe either Dak or the Cowboys did. Maybe somebody on the internet did, and we know if it’s on the internet it has to be true.


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When did they try to renegotiate Dak's contract years BEFORE it expired? Comparing Dak to Patrick Mahomes 'accepting less' is nowhere near the same given KC renegotiated Mahomes contract before it expired and they have a winning organization.

Our FO offered Dak a deal after his contract expired and supposedly had an extra year that he didn't want. He's under no obligation to accept an offer he doesn't like, especially for an organization that isn't structured to win, has taken care of positions of lesser importance first and signed those players to record contracts, and has made him play out the duration of his contract.
Google is your friend!!!

Cowboys offered Dak a contract somewhere around 30 mil/season prior to the 2019 season.


Seriously, I simply typed it in and it came up. Very very easy to find, as I'm dang near computer illiterate.

Your ideas are based in incorrect info, info that is easily corrected.


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It's not asking him to give up anything. This is where you guys have a disconnect. It's asking him to take a reasonable salary.

Dak is not under contract, so there is no such thing as giving up any of his salary.
if he can get 35 but to you 30 is reasonable, then that's giving up 5M.... why? correct he is not under contract, but he should ask and get paid all he can. that's contract negotiations and doesn't have to do with anything...so if he is negotiating and you say take 30 instead of 35, that's giving up 5M a year for the next 4 or 5 years (hypothetically if that's the length of the contract). he just would be giving up 20M.

would you do it? you are slated to get a raise next year. 5%. but company tells you, don't take your 5% raise, lets us give it to this other guy and make the company stronger....you are not giving up anything....you are just not taking the additional money slated for you and allowing somebody else to have it....will you?


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So you are trying to compare a blue collar guy making $50,000 and that of an NFL player looking at making $35 MILLION????? And you have the nerve to call anyone else stupid.
no difference....money is money.... did Watson give up anything? did Zeke? or Cooper? or anybody else....Brady took less...ok, but his first contract was at the time the largest for a QB....after that he took less, he made his money in his first contract. his situation is also different since his wife makes more than he does.....brees had several large contracts before he agreed to this last, slightly lesser contract....

and if you expect him to give up what? 5M a year, that's 15%.....15% of 50K is only 7500....that's not going to make a difference in your life....give it to somebody who needs it.

plus, its not his responsibility to make sure the other players get paid or be responsible how team manages its cap, etc....that's Jones' responsibility.....


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You’re being very naive , and have your facts wrong about the contracts . Please get your facts and analysis straight .
why are the facts wrong? you stated your opinion, without providing any logical information to back up your assumption....why is my facts wrong or analysis incorrect.


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One assumes you are employed. If so, why are you not giving your employer a discount? Just because your salary and his salary are vastly different, the principle is the same.

If all your friends decided to jump off the Golden Gate bridge, would you join them?

The salary cap is the boogie man franchises use to maneuver the fan's thinking. Let's vilify a player that we don't wish to pay by bringing in the cap.

If you want to use money as an excuse, then get on Zeke's butt. I happen to like Zeke, but Dak's money went to Zeke.

The real dichotomy is Jerry would not pay Murray with the excuse of RB's losing their mojo after the first contract. Then paid Zeke.

Do any of you people whining about Dak's money look at the tea leaves and see the truth behind what is transpiring?

This also answers your question of why. Because Dak was due in the coming season. Zeke's agent played hardball and Jerry genuflected to their demands. Dak watched this and said nothing.

Dak is not the bad guy in this. Nor is his demands or his agent.

The bad guys in this are Zeke's agent and Jerry for caving.

Perhaps some of you people can pull your head gear out of your ruck sack long enough to understand this is not the player's fault. Dak is not being greedy, disrespecting this team, or holding them hostage.

He is also not the mediocre player people assign to him because they are tinkled off.



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If Dak wants this team to succeed and if he wants a super bowl , then he would have work the contract . Otherwise , if money is his only motive then you’re 100% accurate.
You are 100% accurate about zeke as well , the real waste right there . And Jerry dumb enough to go along .
Dak's job is to do his job, not to worry about salary cap, paying other players, making sure others get their money, signing FAs, etc....he at this point needs to negotiate his contract and get the most he can. that's his responsibility to himself and his family and his future. you are expecting him to worry about the rest of the team, but given Jones has screwed this up for 25 years now, what gives you the confidence Jones will do the right thing, and you are looking for some hope that hey, Dak takes, 3-5 M less and we will hit that mother load in FA and go to the superbowl, is just fantasizing something that's not reality.

every player is responsible to themselves. every player should maximize what they can make. its the GMs responsibility to negotiate and navigate and know when to walk away and when not to and understand the impact to the team if he does or doesn't. that's not Dak's job.


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The Dak fans don't understand that the Cowboy fans don't hate or dislike Dak they are just concerned that the cap hit will hurt the team.
how will it exactly hurt the team? this past year we spent 15M on FAs that sucked and never made it past mid season. that's GMs issue and how he evaluates the market. and what difference are you refering to? the 3-5 M in argument of what dak haters feel is fair, vs, perhaps what everyone estimates that Dak will get? is that 3-5M going to be the difference between a superbowl team and not one? that's getting another Poe!!! that worked out oh so well.

and don't forget, Dak had a top 5 salary on the books this year, and we had 7 of the largest position contracts on the team, and were able to sign cooper to a 20M contracts.....so his top 5 salary didn't stop us from having large contracts on the books....however, who got those contracts is another issue onto itself....


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What you are saying is possible , but Dak is not Aikman or Brady , nor is he elite these days . But it is subjective and you may get your wish very soon as Jerry is fixing to pay Dak and then you will get to see Dak play for at least 3-5 years . I just don’t see how we pay Dak and fix the defense which you rightfully pointed needs fixing .
Dak will get paid a contract based on current market value of top 10 QBs. you don't set that. I don't set that. that's NFL market. what he gets paid is the fair market value of what the team and NFL assess this QB to be.

and again, with this fix the defense thing...again, are you planning to fix the defense via FA? really. you want to go on a shopping spree in FA to fix this defense!? how....when was the last time that worked.

this is a tiring, debunked argument from dak haters, that if we pay Dak we can't fix the defense, where the FACTS are that the defensive problems are not Dak's fault, nor his contract. its ineptness of FO not being able to find the right players and you think you go play fantasy football and sign any and all FAs to build a formidable defense....against when was the last time any team had done that?


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We have options . Without a great defense the cowboys won’t reach the super bowl , which should be the objective , not 8-8 9-7 6-10 cycle with Dak and mediocre defenses .
how do you build a great defense.....don't pay dak is not a solution to result in a great defense.


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True, it ain't my money either. But it's my team so to speak, and if they sink too much of the cap into a greedy QB, there won't be enough to build the defense we so badly need.
how do you build a defense? why is giving Dak a contract going to stop you from building a defense? are you suggesting we throw money at FA to build a defense? does that even make sense? are there any players on this defense that you want to throw money at and you can't because you think Dak is getting the money?


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Google is your friend!!!

Cowboys offered Dak a contract somewhere around 30 mil/season prior to the 2019 season.


Seriously, I simply typed it in and it came up. Very very easy to find, as I'm dang near computer illiterate.

Your ideas are based in incorrect info, info that is easily corrected.
I found that it was a 26-28M deal in the last year of his contract. it didn't get done, it was below market value at the time. why do all the dak detractors tend to round up all the contract numbers....