Why is Jerry destroying his Legacy?


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:hammer: :bow::clap:
It is not, homer.

It's just one excuse/suck off fest of Jerry.

The facts are quite clear. Since Jerry has seized control of all football operations post Jimmy, the team has had one of the biggest postseason draughts in team's history. It's also one of the largest postseason success draughts in NFL history.

No true, honest fan can sit here and rationalize that Jerry Jones is a really good GM. The results are sooooooooooooo clear that to be a false statement. Jerry's arrogance over the years has cost this franchise and wasted the careers of quite a few good players. And it doesn't seem likely it will get any better under Stephen.


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The past? Like the last 3 years? What other teams have won 36 games over the last 3 years?
How'd they do in the postseason?

You guys can't sit there and claim we are one of the best franchises, Jerry has done such a great job and then IGNORE the fact that what defines great teams and great GMs is postseason play.

Stop embarrassing yourselves. Jerry has led one of the largest failed postseason runs in modern NFL history. But yeah, he's killing it.


Chris in Arizona
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Hi Mike,
I feel compelled to respond to your comments in this thread.
Being friendly of course.
The biggest single issue with Jerry is a culture one.
He hires soft coaches and incompetent ones as well.
This creates a soft entitled culture.
That's fine for winning regular season games.
When this team gets to the playoffs this team wilts like a plant out of water.
A lot of time and energy is also spent on validating the GM's previous decisions versus a collective effort to get better. He has an army of yes men and when no one is willing to challenge or question things, you often get these results.

For example, during the released video of the Mazi Smith discussion before drafting him, was there a single voice asking if this guy loves football? If not, why not? It was a known issue/concern. No one on that war room would dare challenge the Jones or even suggest that their ideas are not brilliant. When Stephen and others convinced Jerry that Manziel was not the right choice, Jerry threw a tantrum. Luckily, they were able to convince him but I'm sure there are many who saw that and who don't want to risk their livelihood over it. When previous coaches (think Frank Pollack) or Front Office people (think Tom Ciskowski) dared to question the Jones, they were shown the door.


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Jerry is a Hall of Fame owner. Period.

Hall of fame GM? Hahahahah..totally laughable. He's a legend in his own mind there.


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...Jerry is way up in age sector. He's knows time is not on his side anymore.

I expect crazier things to happen..lol.. Will do anything get one for the thumb.


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This is when he destroyed his legacy.



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He doesn't just want to win, he wants to get the credit. That's why he's the "GM" and is so involved. Now he's dug a hole so deep that if he were to give up control to real football people and we won, the narrative would be that it happened because he stopped his meddling, and he can't have that. So we're stuck with this indefinitely.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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...Jerry is way up in age sector. He's knows time is not on his side anymore.

I expect crazier things to happen..lol.. Will do anything get one for the thumb.
Undoubtedly, Jerry Jones acknowledges his age. The mirror tells everyone that fact, lol. However, all individuals are not the same as far as how they value the time available to him. Jones' mindset is not the kind to surrender control simply because the clock may be nearing midnight. For most people? Sure. Not everyone though.


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So you think that Jerry was able to magically identify a great HC then but has just been unlucky for 30 years?

Jerry is and always will be a nacissist who prioritizes nepotism
I don’t know if it’s unlucky but yes I do think he hired the right guy and has refused to hire similar because he didn’t want to deal with the headache aside from the Parcells hire.


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Props to Jerry for hiring Jimmy and staying out of his way.
Now let's talk about the other 28 seasons....
I’m not disagreeing with you he’s a terrible GM. But my argument is his legacy was never that great as a GM to begin with when Jimmy gets credit for everything…


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He's the biggest roadblock in the way to a Super Bowl but he's done an amazing job at getting the fans to point the blame at his players.


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I am all for making a profit on the team.
But doing what needs to be done to build a winner, should be a priority as well.
it was a sarcastic comment by me.

In sports i think all money involvement should be condemmned. First and only priority should be the sport itself.

Else you get what you have in the states. A lot of Show, a lot of Rah Rah but no substance. And a lot of people who dont take the league serious. Destruction of real sport and what it stand for.


Chris in Arizona
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Jerry is and always will be a nacissist who prioritizes nepotism
He must be "comfortable" with the hiring.

Jimmy was never afraid to tell anyone that HE was responsible for player personnel aka building the roster.

Jerry went with yes men from that point on with one exception.

Barry Switzer had never coached a moment of NFL football and was blacklisted from college football for 6 years for tons of issues at Oklahoma. He also ran the friggen wishbone.

Chan Gailey was next and had never been an NFL head coach.

Dave Campo has never been a head coach at any level before or after his time in Dallas.

Now, Bill Parcells. Drunk Jerry admitted he was hired primarily to get the stadium proposal approved. He has personnel control, but Jerry circumvented that control. Jerry said Parcells made him feel like he was "walking on eggshells."

Next up Wade Phillips. Hired primarily for his 3-4 expertise and the Jones not wanting to switch the defense after Parcells spent the past several years implementing the change in defensive schemes. We all know how this ended up.

Jason Garrett, never a head coach before or after his time in Dallas.

Mike McCarthy, out of football after two disastrous seasons in Green Bay, he seemed very content on resting on his 2011 Super Bowl. Was routinely late to his own practices his last few years in Green Bay, he also absolutely refused to run the ball towards the end. Lied about studying the Cowboys offense, fellow fraud Stephen laughed at that being revealed. Will be done in the NFL shortly.

Yes men who are happy to be employed versus someone with the conviction to stand up for what he believes and that is hungry to push the team to the next level.