Why is Jerry destroying his Legacy?

He must be "comfortable" with the hiring.

Jimmy was never afraid to tell anyone that HE was responsible for player personnel aka building the roster.

Jerry went with yes men from that point on with one exception.

Barry Switzer had never coached a moment of NFL football and was blacklisted from college football for 6 years for tons of issues at Oklahoma. He also ran the friggen wishbone.

Chan Gailey was next and had never been an NFL head coach.

Dave Campo has never been a head coach at any level before or after his time in Dallas.

Now, Bill Parcells. Drunk Jerry admitted he was hired primarily to get the stadium proposal approved. He has personnel control, but Jerry circumvented that control. Jerry said Parcells made him feel like he was "walking on eggshells."

Next up Wade Phillips. Hired primarily for his 3-4 expertise and the Jones not wanting to switch the defense after Parcells spent the past several years implementing the change in defensive schemes. We all know how this ended up.

Jason Garrett, never a head coach before or after his time in Dallas.

Mike McCarthy, out of football after two disastrous seasons in Green Bay, he seemed very content on resting on his 2011 Super Bowl. Was routinely late to his own practices his last few years in Green Bay, he also absolutely refused to run the ball towards the end. Lied about studying the Cowboys offense, fellow fraud Stephen laughed at that being revealed. Will be done in the NFL shortly.

Yes men who are happy to be employed versus someone with the conviction to stand up for what he believes and that is hungry to push the team to the next level.
It really is an under discussed issue with Jerry.

He has sucked at hiring coaches post Jimmy. And that doesn’t just mean HCs. He was involved in the hiring of Monte Kiffin, often foisted assistants upon his HCs, etc.

The last straw for me was when he complained about dead money for coaches. That is such a preposterous stance from the guy running the most valuable and profitable and cash flowing sports franchise in the world.
It really is an under discussed issue with Jerry.

He has sucked at hiring coaches post Jimmy. And that doesn’t just mean HCs. He was involved in the hiring of Monte Kiffin, often foisted assistants upon his HCs, etc.

The last straw for me was when he complained about dead money for coaches. That is such a preposterous stance from the guy running the most valuable and profitable and cash flowing sports franchise in the world.
LOL. He said it was an "epidemic" yet we have not heard any other team or owner complain about it.
The last straw for me was when he complained about dead money for coaches. That is such a preposterous stance from the guy running the most valuable and profitable and cash flowing sports franchise in the world.
Also, what a vote of confidence for McCarthy.

I'm only keeping you so I don't have to pay more.
Since the implementation of the salary cap, he has been completely worthless.
He must be "comfortable" with the hiring.

Jimmy was never afraid to tell anyone that HE was responsible for player personnel aka building the roster.

Jerry went with yes men from that point on with one exception.

Barry Switzer had never coached a moment of NFL football and was blacklisted from college football for 6 years for tons of issues at Oklahoma. He also ran the friggen wishbone.

Chan Gailey was next and had never been an NFL head coach.

Dave Campo has never been a head coach at any level before or after his time in Dallas.

Now, Bill Parcells. Drunk Jerry admitted he was hired primarily to get the stadium proposal approved. He has personnel control, but Jerry circumvented that control. Jerry said Parcells made him feel like he was "walking on eggshells."

Next up Wade Phillips. Hired primarily for his 3-4 expertise and the Jones not wanting to switch the defense after Parcells spent the past several years implementing the change in defensive schemes. We all know how this ended up.

Jason Garrett, never a head coach before or after his time in Dallas.

Mike McCarthy, out of football after two disastrous seasons in Green Bay, he seemed very content on resting on his 2011 Super Bowl. Was routinely late to his own practices his last few years in Green Bay, he also absolutely refused to run the ball towards the end. Lied about studying the Cowboys offense, fellow fraud Stephen laughed at that being revealed. Will be done in the NFL shortly.

Yes men who are happy to be employed versus someone with the conviction to stand up for what he believes and that is hungry to push the team to the next level.
Excellent summary.
Great job!
Three superbowls
Richest sport franchise in sports

The only thing he cares about is his bank account and the spot lite. If he was serious about being winning the superbowl he would of hired a GM years ago.

Honestly believe if it wasnt for Jimmy Johnson building the cowboys and kicking the whole America's team into overdrive he would then be the worst owner in the sport. Now he could argurably be one of the worst GMs ever
It really is an under discussed issue with Jerry.

He has sucked at hiring coaches post Jimmy. And that doesn’t just mean HCs. He was involved in the hiring of Monte Kiffin, often foisted assistants upon his HCs, etc.

The last straw for me was when he complained about dead money for coaches. That is such a preposterous stance from the guy running the most valuable and profitable and cash flowing sports franchise in the world.
This was after he claimed he would sign the biggest check to win another SB. "You wouldn't believe" how big a check he would sign.

Yeah, right. Another proven lie.
You don't I think I want to win....beating a dear horse around here day in and day out isn't accomplishing ANYTHING except creating a divide between fans.
...it's pathetic. We've all heard it 1,000 times. Don't you get tired of it......but Hey, keep stoking that fire, maybe Jerry will read one of these threads and step down.
Ranching…brother I know you know that this is an opinion forum. That means any Cowboys opinion within the rules whether you or I like it is accepted here. So is disagreeing with those opinions. You can disagree with any opinion too as long as we aren’t attacking/insulting each other. It’s what makes this place work.

Look, I completely support and respect your opinions about Jerry, Jimmy, whatever about the Cowboys. I don’t often agree, but I don’t fault you for repeating those opinions. So why it mystifies you that other good Cowboys fans have differing opinions is also a mystery.

There are tons of Cowboys fans who can agree and disagree about Jerry, Dak, Stephen, McCarthy, etc, etc. Calling someone’s opinion that is repeated several times is not “whining”. It’s a repeated opinion. I am not aware of anyone on this forum being appointed to decide whose opinions about the Cowboys are right and whose are wrong. We do have mods here to keep us between the lines. (And we are less than perfect doing that!)

Again, I support your right to express your opinions about Jerry even though we disagree a lot on that. That’s not a bad thing. It’s all part of an opinion forum.

And this is all just my opinion too, lol. You can disagree! :flagwave:
Ranching…brother I know you know that this is an opinion forum. That means any Cowboys opinion within the rules whether you or I like it is accepted here. So is disagreeing with those opinions. You can disagree with any opinion too as long as we aren’t attacking/insulting each other. It’s what makes this place work.

Look, I completely support and respect your opinions about Jerry, Jimmy, whatever about the Cowboys. I don’t often agree, but I don’t fault you for repeating those opinions. So why it mystifies you that other good Cowboys fans have differing opinions is also a mystery.

There are tons of Cowboys fans who can agree and disagree about Jerry, Dak, Stephen, McCarthy, etc, etc. Calling someone’s opinion that is repeated several times is not “whining”. It’s a related opinion. I am not aware of anyone on this forum being appointed to decide whose opinions about the Cowboys are right and whose are wrong. We do have mods here to keep us between the lines. (And we are less than perfect doing that!)

Again, I support your right to express your opinions about Jerry even though we disagree a lot on that. That’s not a bad thing. It’s all part of an opion forum.

And this is all just my opinion too, lol. You can disagree! :flagwave:
I don't like Jerry as GM either, but why start a new thread about it over and over again. That's my beef....I get the Dak hate too, I don't want him to break the bank, but same thing over and over again. Just chaps my hide.
Jerry just isn't the "football guy" that he pretends to be -- anyone who has followed the Cowboys since their glory days knows better than that. He's been a failure as a GM on the football end of things. That's been proven for the last 30 years of non-relevance as a championship team. When it comes to excellence as a provider of quality management as a "football guy" he has failed miserably. That cannot be denied by even the most casual of observers. Jerry would be well-advised to relinquish his claim to the title of GM to someone with far keener football insights. Denying that is blind. Parcells learned that in time and his decision to leave was well thought out.
i said what i said and I'm sticking to it, maybe you are blinded by hate and perceiving it how you want. Things have changed a lot in the last 10 years but more so the last 5.. BTW what did bill parcels do after he left here? I forget but betting not much AT ALL.. Jimmy never repeated the success with Miami he had here gave up and left.. they were in similar situation BB is in most likely washed with the way the new NFL is ran and the players moving so much and won't ever repeat what they did. nothing about knowing MORE about football, again full circle ours will come back.. BB such a Football guy he couldn't even plan ahead to TB12 leaving and now FIRED! couldn't fever draft a WR and couldn't develop a QB or hire one to do so, that mac jones and others went through with OC hires by big bad BB ..lmao good one. left that team in a hole..
I don't like Jerry as GM either, but why start a new thread about it over and over again. That's my beef....I get the Dak hate too, I don't want him to break the bank, but same thing over and over again. Just chaps my hide.
I hear you. I just disagree, lol!
i said what i said and I'm sticking to it, maybe you are blinded by hate and perceiving it how you want. Things have changed a lot in the last 10 years but more so the last 5.. BTW what did bill parcels do after he left here? I forget but betting not much AT ALL.. Jimmy never repeated the success with Miami he had here gave up and left.. they were in similar situation BB is in most likely washed with the way the new NFL is ran and the players moving so much and won't ever repeat what they did. nothing about knowing MORE about football, again full circle ours will come back.. BB such a Football guy he couldn't even plan ahead to TB12 leaving and now FIRED! couldn't fever draft a WR and couldn't develop a QB or hire one to do so, that mac jones and others went through with OC hires by big bad BB ..lmao good one. left that team in a hole..
Or maybe Blue, we all occasionally just disagree. No shame or sin in that.
He was just put in the NFL HOF recently
I think a lot of that was for his work with the TV contracts.

I can't believe it was for his football acumen, or lack thereof.

Every knowledgeable football person knows the early football success was due to Jimmy.
I don't like Jerry as GM either, but why start a new thread about it over and over again. That's my beef....I get the Dak hate too, I don't want him to break the bank, but same thing over and over again. Just chaps my hide.
What else is there to talk about?? These opinions and differing of opinions on said topics is what keeps people engaged. We could talk about Bourbon, food, hot women, etc but that's off topic. It's the offseason, so what ails the Cowboys will be discussed until there is something else that causes uproar. It won't be long...the Cowboys are just pain after-all.
I don't like Jerry as GM either, but why start a new thread about it over and over again. That's my beef....I get the Dak hate too, I don't want him to break the bank, but same thing over and over again. Just chaps my hide.
Hey Ranch,

One thing to consider is that these are the dog days of the off season.

Not a lot of hard football news to discuss.

I thought the Jerry legacy angle was a little different and might spark some interesting conversations.

I think it did, and have enjoyed the discussions.
Yeah but we can’t say he’s horrible and just hired the right coach. He took a lot of crap for hiring Jimmy.
Why? Isn't that what happened? Wasn't the agreement that Jimmy handle the football side, and Jerry the financial? Well, Jimmy handled it. As an owner he's fine. He's made the Cowboys very profitable. But he's a very passive GM.
Can't figure this guy out .... at all.

28 years of not making the NFCCG puts us with Deadskins as the only 2 teams in the NFL in that category of futility.

I know the money is flowing in, but is that how Jerry wants to be remembered ?

I mean he has has enough money to last a 1000 lifetimes, doesn't he want to be remembered as a winner?

How hard would it be to hire a professional GM and see if that can't turn things around ?

I wonder if Jerry has any sense of mortality?

Then you got the whole "ALL IN" comments, then he sits on his hands this off season.

I don't have anything personally against the man, I just hate that he is destroying the team I have loved my whole life.

I can't remember being this discouraged in an off season.
Billionaires it seems lose touch with the real world, live a world surrounded by "Yes" men, are ego maniacs, and honestly I don't think Jerry cares about winning unless it's down in such a way that he gets all the credit. HOF owner? Well he made billions so he's great at that. HOF GM? The past 29 seasons are the answer. He and his idiot son seem to be very similar so I would anticipate nepotism continuing for future Cowboy GMs.

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