Why is this so complicated for the NFL? Improve the terrible officiating!

Football is a billion dollar business! Pay the money for official refs in the both at every game!
That would help. Get younger refs also. Have a NFL school for the refs. Why not spend the money. After all the gambling money is pouring in or is going to. Or maybe that’s why these calls are being called or not called. Some of these holding non calls on Parsons is crazy. And I am sure the same goes for bosa and other elite players. If you don’t want Parsons wrecking your game then make sure he is blocked legally..
The NFL is reactive instead of proactive. What you suggested makes perfect sense. They're going to wait until something catastrophic like this happens and they get loads of bad publicity until they change anything. The game is just too fast to not use every ounce of Technology at your disposal. But that being said, that tripping penalty was inexcusable.
Remember the saints playoff game. That was the worst non call ever. Some could say the Dez catch non catch was really bad. Especially when ref standing there called it a catch and spotted the ball..,
Remember the saints playoff game. That was the worst non call ever. Some could say the Dez catch non catch was really bad. Especially when ref standing there called it a catch and spotted the ball..,
That was the worst call I've ever seen and that whole crew was from Los Angeles and coincidentally the Rams were playing in Los Angeles that year have they went to the Super Bowl, where the NFL had tried to get a team going and failed so many times. The Saints got screwed. It was sad.
First, you have to admit there is a problem.
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner.

The one year they made PI challengeable only something like 7% of the calls were overturned. Stephen Jones said that confirmed there wasn’t a problem so they did away with. Never mind that those 7%, or some number of those, were game altering.

The League simply is being obstinate in this.
Reviewing subjective calls by just having other people give subjective opinions basically solves nothing.
Of course it does.
Think about it: A 55 year old ref is running full speed trying to stay close to the play. The ref is blocked by the DB’s body, so he cannot see the BLATANT holding on one of the receivers arms. The receiver only reaches out with 1 arm because his other arm is being held to his side. The pass is incomplete. The 55 year old ref who is out of position does not see the BLATANT hold so he does not throw the flag.
If a ref was sitting upstairs, he would see every angle. He would EASILY see the BLATANT hold and throw the flag. The correct call would be made!

A ref upstairs should be helping the refs on the field with every call, including judgement calls!!!!!
Of course it does.
Think about it: A 55 year old ref is running full speed trying to stay close to the play. The ref is blocked by the DB’s body, so he cannot see the BLATANT holding on one of the receivers arms. The receiver only reaches out with 1 arm because his other arm is being held to his side. The pass is incomplete. The 55 year old ref who is out of position does not see the BLATANT hold so he does not throw the flag.
If a ref was sitting upstairs, he would see every angle. He would EASILY see the BLATANT hold and throw the flag. The correct call would be made!

A ref upstairs should be helping the refs on the field with every call, including judgement calls!!!!!
Then you're calling a holding or DPI every single play.
Because VEGAS influences everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the NFL gets the calls correct more consistently it would help Vegas. People would have more confidence they would not lose their bet due to BLATANTLY bad calls. Betting would probably increase.
If the NFL gets the calls correct more consistently it would help Vegas. People would have more confidence they would not lose their bet due to BLATANTLY bad calls. Betting would probably increase.
luckily it's doing fine, it's a money making pit either way, I hear you though
Human error will always be part of the equation. It’s part of life. You can’t review every single flag that’s thrown, it would take too much time and slow up the game. The officiating is never going to be perfect because most calls involve judgment and some of you need to stop complaining and accept it.
Do you live in the 1800’s.

BLATANT mistakes should be fixable in the NFL!
It is not complaining, it is common sense for most people. If EVERYONE sitting at home sees the bad call, or no call, a ref upstairs can see it too AND should call down to the refs on the field to fix it.

The tripping penalty called on the wrong team could have been EASILY fixed.

I live in a world if something can made better, or fixed, you make it better or fix it. You don’t settle for mediocrity.
Then you're calling a holding or DPI every single play.
No you’re not calling PI every play! BLATANT calls, or non calls.
Someone sitting upstairs with all the angles sees the game much better than a ref running full speed. Not complicated!
I like this idea but only for certain penalties. I would not review holding on the LOS. That would be a problem. But penalties like lining up offsides, 12 men on the field, false start, tripping, facemask, hands to the face, illegal formation. Illegal procedure and ineligible man downfield? Why not? Even if they just review the 15 yard calls we would be better off.

I know they tried reviewing PI calls and very few were reversed, but they were told not to reverse any call unless the mistake was egregious. I think booth review could work for less subjective penalties.
No you’re not calling PI every play! BLATANT calls, or non calls.
Someone sitting upstairs with all the angles sees the game much better than a ref running full speed. Not complicated!
Blatant is subjective.

You're not fixing anything.
Every flag should be reviewable by refs upstairs!

If it is a BLATANT mistake, like a ref calling the wrong team for a tripping penalty, the refs in the both calls down immediately, and tells the head ref to pickup the flag. I also believe BLATANT non calls, that EVERYONE at home can see, should be called by the ref upstairs. This extra official reviews the play, between plays, and makes a decision quickly to not hinder the flow of the game and to not increase the length of the game by too much. GET THE CALLS RIGHT!!!!

Also, coaches should be able to review everything, including judgement calls ( holding, pass interference, roughing the passer, etc.) Refs screw up on these calls all the time. The refs are moving fast and things are happening quickly. Sometimes they do not see what they think they see. If the refs upstairs are doing their job coaches will probably not have as many challenges.

Also, refs on the field, should never go under the hood to review a play. Let the refs upstairs, who are only focusing on penalties make the call. Refs on the field are focusing on a lot of different things. Let the refs in the both focus on the reviews AND the blatant mistakes( wrong player called for tripping etc.)

Blatantly bad calls that EVERYONE sees at home MUST be fixed!!!!! There is no excuse in the year 2024, with the technology the NFL has( camera angles everywhere etc.) to allow BLATANTLY BAD calls to go unfixed!!!!
First, what human can call these games at that speed with so many rules, especially so many subjective rules?

It's impossible.

There is offensive holding every play. There is defensive contact and holding penalties on every pass play. Players hit with their crown all the time. Etc, etc, etc.

So what do you call and not call? If you review everything to the letter of the rules, every play would be overturned.

Can of worms.
No you’re not calling PI every play! BLATANT calls, or non calls.
Someone sitting upstairs with all the angles sees the game much better than a ref running full speed. Not complicated!
Who decides what's blatant?
well, that's what the red flag the coaches have is for. otherwise if every flag had to be reviewed, the game would end up 4 hours. furthermore, shouldn't it be every play, in case of a missed flag (like holds on parsons).

perhaps they will have 100 cameras and AI someday to instantaneously provide results.

the challenge is the games are to fit in about a 3 hour window. at the end of the day its entertainment and that's the entertainment window. if every play got reviewed, every flag and non flag get reviewed we would have 4,5 hour games and that's not acceptable.
We start with BLATANT calls, or non calls. These happen almost every game. They can be reviewed between plays, so the time and flow of the game would not be effected to much. Commercials already effect the flow of the game.
Who decides what's blatant?
Definition for Blatant mistake: egregious mistakes that must be fixed. The average football fan agrees it is blatant mistake.

There are many plays during a season almost every fans says, “yes that team got screwed by a blatant mistake “.
I agree that more calls should be reviewable, but as mentioned above- it really is a can of worms to allow non-calls to be reviewed. Maybe allow a team one challenge/review of a non-call per game?

As bad as the officiating has been lately, I do have some sympathy for the refs. The rules are complicated, and keep getting more so. Things are happening very fast, and the refs can't watch every single player. They don't have the same viewing angles as the cameras either (unless a replay). It's a difficult job.
Judgement calls should be reviewable!
It is 100 times easier to make a judgement call sitting upstairs in a both with 50 camera angles and slow motion, than being a ref on the field running full speed with everyone around you moving at full speed.

This is not that complicated.

BLATANT mistakes, at least, should be fixed by a ref upstairs!

The tripping penalty could have EASILY been fixed by a ref upstairs.
yup, and the league will never admit it when it comes to officiating...In a game that has so much speed, you can't have 60 year olds trying to keep up on a play...they really need to hire younger officials and maybe have a couple more officials officating a game.
Have officials upstairs. With slow motion replay!
yup, and the league will never admit it when it comes to officiating...In a game that has so much speed, you can't have 60 year olds trying to keep up on a play...they really need to hire younger officials and maybe have a couple more officials officating a game.
I'd make all the new hires do a physical fitness test annually. I will say there are a lot of those guys who appear to be in excellent shape. I agree though you have to be able to keep up and get out of the way at times. It's not always safe out there either so make sure you've got people who aren't likely to fracture a hip.

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