Why is Tiger Woods so classless?

Doomsday;1734280 said:
Common sense would tell you when it comes to making money and business there is no reason to take it easy on your competition. Maybe you should have someone else teach your kids common sense you seem to be lacking in that area.

And professional sports isn't about business or money. They're playing for charity and bragging rights.
InmanRoshi;1734285 said:
And professional sports isn't about business or money. They're playing for charity and bragging rights.

Like I said before you are either really drunk or just really thick headed. Your analogies make absolutely no sense at all. You arent comparing apples to apples, your not even comparing apples to oranges its more like apples to peanuts.
Doomsday;1734280 said:
Common sense would tell you when it comes to business there is no reason to take it easy on your competition. Maybe you should have someone else teach your kids common sense you seem to be lacking in that area.
I just woke my wife and kid up I am laughing so hard... I am not even joking! aww man this guy is funny. Hey IR do you think a ref shouldn't stop a fight as well? Should one boxer beat the other one to death?
D-TownRadio;1734295 said:
I just woke my wife and kid up I am laughing so hard... I am not even joking! aww man this guy is funny. Hey IR do you think a ref shouldn't stop a fight as well? Should one boxer beat the other one to death?

Managers and boxers call the fight all the time. It's called throwing in the towel. Gibbs was still calling time outs, kicking onside kicks and throwing into the endzone. Looks like he was still wanting to fight to me.

But if you want to accuse me of bad analogies, please expand more on how the Patriots going for it on 4th and 2 is the equivalent of Duk Koo Kim dying of brain damage.
Doomsday;1734289 said:
Like I said before you are either really drunk or just really thick headed. Your anagolies make absolutely no sense at all. You arent comparing apples to apples, your not even comparing apples to oranges its more like apples to peanuts.

everything comes down to money anyway. the point is, there are different norms in every sport, every profession, etc. a police officer who is racial profiling, an advisor taking credit for his/her student's work, etc. is generally frowned upon. so is running up the score in football.
InmanRoshi;1734302 said:
Managers and boxers call the fight all the time. It's called throwing in the towel. Gibbs was still calling time outs, kicking onside kicks and throwing into the endzone. Looks like he was still wanting to fight to me.

But if you want to accuse me of bad analogies, please expand more on how the Patriots going for it on 4th and 2 is the equivalent of Duk Koo Kim dying of brain damage.

You're going to ride this horse into the gates of hell, aren't you? Good luck to you man, god speed.

You go ahead and teach your kids whatever you want. I have a feeling you'll be one of those fathers calling your son a failure for coming home with an A- instead of an A+.
InmanRoshi;1734302 said:
Managers and boxers call the fight all the time. It's called throwing in the towel. Gibbs was still calling time outs, kicking onside kicks and throwing into the endzone. Looks like he was still wanting to fight to me.

But if you want to accuse me of bad analogies, please expand more on how the Patriots going for it on 4th and 2 is the equivalent of Duk Koo Kim dying of brain damage.
So you so how my analogy is bad? Then you can see how yours are to right? LOL you just proved my point for me.
I give up on this guy... But I will continue to read because he is funny. If I didn't know better I would think was a Pats fan... LOL this guy is great.
smarta5150;1734267 said:
Wow, just wow.


Obviously, someone isn't a golfer.

And the MP3 player analogies aren't much, if any, better.

If nothing else, today's Skins game shows that it isn't just bitter Cowboys fans who are talking about Belichick being a jerk. It's the whole league. I heard it on several national talk shows today, and guess what, none of them rooted for the Cowboys.

But back to the thread, I'm amazed that even some smart people cannot see that trying your best to win and having class are entirely separate matters that have nothing to do with each other.
I'm with you, IR. Bad metaphors and all.

It's a game. You play to win. There's no other point in playing. Any team that blows an o-ring because they can't play as well as another, well, I have no sympathy for them. In fact, I'm embarrased for Randall Godfrey.

And beating a team badly is not a show of disrespect. The opposite, in fact. Not respecting me enough to play your best the whole time is patronizing and insulting.
D-TownRadio;1734295 said:
I just woke my wife and kid up I am laughing so hard... I am not even joking! aww man this guy is funny. Hey IR do you think a ref shouldn't stop a fight as well? Should one boxer beat the other one to death?

IR, this guy's coming for your Worst Metaphor in a Thread belt.


Idgit;1734379 said:
IR, this guy's coming for your Worst Metaphor in a Thread belt.
First off let me just say this. No one said you pitty anyone but you just don't rub their face in it. Like it or not it is an unwritten rule. And us as fans are supposed to love when our team kills another team. But as a coach and as a team you are supposed to have respect for a team. You don't humiliate a team because you have a personal problem with the league because you got cought cheating. This is classless, playing till the end is one thing no one ever said you are supposed to quit playing in over time or kick a field goal when your down by 4 with 3 seconds left but when you have the win in hand you don't disrespect a team and treat them like ****.
Second you are not a coach or a player so you have no right to say you are ashamed of anything or that something is not disrespectfull. Obviously they are doing something wrong if coaches refuse to shake this guys hand and players call them dirty and underhanded. The media also talks about it and they love New England. The facts are this team is dirty this team cheats and this team has no class what so ever. Explain to me why every other team in the NFL lets up when the game is in hand? Is it because they are quiters? Okay then you have no idea what your talking about and are embarassing yourself by talking.
Third I wasn't making a serious comparison I was trying to show him how stupid his was. I have a feeling that both of you are like 13 15 tops and have no respect for anything or anyone. But when you get a little older you will understand but for now go whipe the brest milk from your lips and leave the conversing to the adults.
D-TownRadio;1734385 said:
First off let me just say this. No one said you pitty anyone but you just don't rub their face in it. Like it or not it is an unwritten rule. And us as fans are supposed to love when our team kills another team. But as a coach and as a team you are supposed to have respect for a team. You don't humiliate a team because you have a personal problem with the league because you got cought cheating. This is classless, playing till the end is one thing no one ever said you are supposed to quit playing in over time or kick a field goal when your down by 4 with 3 seconds left but when you have the win in hand you don't disrespect a team and treat them like ****.

Again, you can respect an opponent and also not let up on an opponent. I guess I'm not clear where the face-rubbing comes in. Your offensive team tries to score. Your defense tries to stop it. It's pretty simple.

I also don't buy that it's particularly humiliating to get beat badly. Anyone who's ever competed at any level understands that sometimes you get beat badly. It's much more embarrassing to get beat physically *and* mentally. It's obvious you're beat mentally when you complain in the press after a game that the other team tried too hard and did not lay off when you expected them to.

D-TownRadio;1734385 said:
Second you are not a coach or a player so you have no right to say you are ashamed of anything or that something is not disrespectfull.........Okay then you have no idea what your talking about and are embarassing yourself by talking.

How about I reserve my right to common human emotions like sympathetic embarrassment, and you reserve your right to barely squeeze out a readable sentence? For the record, you won't catch me condoning the things that the Pats do that actually *are* classless. There are many of them.

As for why other teams don't play the way the Pats do, first off, I don't know that there are any that even have that option. There are certainly blowouts each and every week, though. I could make the argument that it's the Pats mindset of going full-throttle that makes them so good.

D-TownRadio;1734385 said:
Third I wasn't making a serious comparison I was trying to show him how stupid his was. I have a feeling that both of you are like 13 15 tops and have no respect for anything or anyone. But when you get a little older you will understand but for now go whipe the brest milk from your lips and leave the conversing to the adults.

Oh, it was very clear that you weren't making a serious comparison.

You're wrong about my age, but it creeps me out that you knew I was drinking breast milk. It's like you have a camera and you're watching me. If you're looking now, notice how my lips don't actually move when I type and I'm using more than one finger at a time on the keyboard. It's magic!
Ummm? Cowboys have had plenty of chances to run up scores but instead they put their second stringers in and run the clock down and kick fieldgoals and punts on 4th down. As do the colts. Alot of teams have chances to do what the pats do maybe not every week but it does happen and they are classy about it. I am not just judging your age on this post but on your tasteless sig as well.
Idgit;1734390 said:
Your offensive team tries to score. Your defense tries to stop it. It's pretty simple.

That's not the problem IMO.

The problem is leaving your starters in the game when the game is completely in hand.

Not only is that bad sportsmanship (if it isn't bad sportsmanship, then NOTHING is bad sportsmanship), but it's also completely stupid.

And it's not just the running up the score that makes the Pats classless. There's plenty of other things they've done that makes them deserving of the "Classless" label.
Rack;1734393 said:
That's not the problem IMO.

The problem is leaving your starters in the game when the game is completely in hand.

Not only is that bad sportsmanship (if it isn't bad sportsmanship, then NOTHING is bad sportsmanship), but it's also completely stupid.

And it's not just the running up the score that makes the Pats classless. There's plenty of other things they've done that makes them deserving of the "Classless" label.

I agree completely that the Pats are classless. And I agree that it's stupid to risk a player like Brady or Moss any longer than you have to. My point is that it's fair game for an offense to try to score whenever it's on the field, regardless of what players are in at the time.

Whatever else he may be, though, BB is a smart guy. I think he's probably
leaving his starters in longer to establish the psychology he wants for this team. The blowback in the press this week alone is going to go a long way to keep an us-against-them vibe in the NE locker room. BB will say the right things in the press, and then continue to blow teams out mercilessly and then goad his team into chaffing at the criticism. If that's what he does, it's smart and not necessarily classless in my book.
Oh please the reason he is doing it is to prove that they can win without the tapes but it proves nothing because they didn't have the stars they have now and they won all their championships by 3 points so even if he only got a small advantage it was still enough for 3 points at the least...
InmanRoshi;1734214 said:
They may cut some unconventional things out, just like the Patriots cut some things out because they could have won by 70+ today if they really wanted to: onside kicks, two point conversions, throwing it in short yardage situations ... but baseball players still try to score runs by conventional means. When they're thrown a fastball down the middle, they swing just as hard as they did in the first inning. They're clearly not expected to end the game in the most merciful and quickest means possible.
Your sig line is funny.:laugh2:

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