Why is Tiger Woods so classless?

InmanRoshi;1734125 said:
LOLOL I know a sign of brightness is omitting punctuation so Ill try to be bright and explain it to you that when you have a 12 stroke lead heading into the final hole then trying to score birdie on a hole that is completely irrelevant at that point must be trying to show up your opponent because it really serves no other purpose other than some people think a competitor should give it their all at all times

I haven't read every post in this thread, so someone may have already brought this up...

But it isn't uncommon at all for a player who has a large lead in the final round of a tournament to "play it safe" and just try to par their final hole or holes to avoid catastrophe (see Jean Van De Velde).
Not a good comparison. The golfers are playing the course and their job is to beat the course, it's you against the course. Even if you have six shot lead, which is a very big lead, that six shots can go wayside, real fast, you could lose it in two holes with some bad shots. The golfer must maintain their swing, any deviations (or relaxation, if you like) from swing can cause miss-hits, same with putting, consistancy is the key to golfers success. This is why golfers cannot relax and ease up from what they were doing in order to beat the courses.
InmanRoshi;1734097 said:
In tournaments where he has a double digit stroke lead, why is he still trying to make birdie on the final hole? He's obviously trying to show up the other playesrs.

I also noticed Michael Jordan intentionally tried to make his shots when the Bulls were clearly the better team and winning by large margins.

What are we teaching our children? That it's okay to be a whole lot better than the other kids? What about the other kids self esteem? Why can't they all get first place trophies?

As theebs had the nerve :rolleyes: to say to me once. No offense, but you've lost some credibility. :lmao2: :lmao:
Individual competitors like swimmers and runners compete against the clock while golfers compete against par. You don't slow down just because you're ahead, you try your best to break the record. It's not done for social reasons, it's done for personal reasons. You want to be the best ever and if you slow down your times will not be good enough.
air0208;1734117 said:
I actually have attend the San Diego Golf Academy, a 2 year associates degree school where they teach you to run/manage a golf course and how to play better mentally and physically. Trust me, you aren't playing against your competitors and if you are, you are going to most likely lose. You are playing solely against the golf course.

"I'm drinkin beer in the hot sun. I fought the course and the course won. I fought the course and the course won."

InmanRoshi;1734097 said:
In tournaments where he has a double digit stroke lead, why is he still trying to make birdie on the final hole? He's obviously trying to show up the other playesrs.

I also noticed Michael Jordan intentionally tried to make his shots when the Bulls were clearly the better team and winning by large margins.

What are we teaching our children? That it's okay to be a whole lot better than the other kids? What about the other kids self esteem? Why can't they all get first place trophies?

Of all the athletes on the planet, I could think of better ones for the "no class" fille.
Tiger Woods is the highest paid athletete in the U.S., I think. He has a beautiful wife and no where to go but up.
I guess that would make him a target.
Aside from his success, I am sure his fellow golfers like him just fine.
InmanRoshi;1734097 said:
In tournaments where he has a double digit stroke lead, why is he still trying to make birdie on the final hole? He's obviously trying to show up the other playesrs.

I also noticed Michael Jordan intentionally tried to make his shots when the Bulls were clearly the better team and winning by large margins.

What are we teaching our children? That it's okay to be a whole lot better than the other kids? What about the other kids self esteem? Why can't they all get first place trophies?

It's very obvious to anyone without an agenda.

Golf is not a timed sport and you are competing against the course.

I remember Jordan and the Bulls milking every second off the shot clock before taking the shot.

You really don't see the difference?

All of these analogies and making fun of analogies... they just don't matter. Fact is, Belichick knows what he's doing. He knows he's running up the score and he doesn't care. It's his way and the Partiot's way of punishing the rest of the NFL for his "spy-gate" escapade.

They're simply taking an "Us against the World" view of their cheating and they're trying to run up the score. It's almost like they feel like they're losing money and a #1 pick... so they want to take that value back from the teams they whoop.
Didn't they take Brady out anyway, at the very end of the game? Not that I was even watching at that point.
InmanRoshi;1734097 said:
In tournaments where he has a double digit stroke lead, why is he still trying to make birdie on the final hole? He's obviously trying to show up the other playesrs.

I also noticed Michael Jordan intentionally tried to make his shots when the Bulls were clearly the better team and winning by large margins.

What are we teaching our children? That it's okay to be a whole lot better than the other kids? What about the other kids self esteem? Why can't they all get first place trophies?

why would they train hard to play weak? thats nonsense. you don't want to feel bad? PLAY BETTER!!!!
This is dumb...like it's been stated, you play against the course, and you play against yourself...the whole point of the game is to get as low a score as you possibly can...
da_whiz_kid;1734975 said:
This is dumb...like it's been stated, you play against the course, and you play against yourself...the whole point of the game is to get as low a score as you possibly can...

So, if I play in the PGA and I shoot my personal best of 83, they're going to give me a trophy and a check because I broke my all time highest score? Wow, that's pretty generous of them. I thought they handed the checks to the people who shoot the lowest out of a competitive field.
InmanRoshi;1735044 said:
So, if I play in the PGA and I shoot my personal best of 83, they're going to give me a trophy and a check because I broke my all time highest score? Wow, that's pretty generous of them. I thought they handed the checks to the people who shoot the lowest out of a competitive field.

You've never played golf in your life have you?
Hostile;1735048 said:

You've never played golf in your life have you?

Plenty, but not on the professional level. I know people who at the collegiate level, and they say it's pretty much nothing like your average Sunday Morning on the links. Its not just you and the course. You have to keep an eye on the leaderboard and adapt your play to how others are playing. If you're behind, sometimes you're forced to play more aggressive than you normally would.

Have you played on the PGA?
InmanRoshi;1735044 said:
So they give out checks to players who do their personal best on that particular course in the PGA? I thought they gave checks to the person who had the lowest scores out of the competitive field.
Dude, you picked a wrong sport and wrong person to make your point. You simply can't compare golf rules and scoring to Football rules and scoring.

Start a poll and ask if Tiger or any other golfer if he/others are classless because they are doing what he suppose to do and that is go lowest as possible and hope you are lower than the field at end of 72nd hole.

The golfers cannot let up because they will lose their swing and putting, which will cause them to lose strokes real fast, faster than you think. The golfers must maintain their swing and putting strokes in order to maintain their score or go lower.

Your attempt at this ridiculous comparison between Tiger and Belicheat is absolutely laughable.
InmanRoshi;1735052 said:
Plenty, but not on the professional level. I know people who at the collegiate level, and they say it's pretty much nothing like your average Sunday Morning on the links.

Have you played on the PGA?
Not even close, but at least I understand the game. I am convinced after thsi thread that you have no earthly clue about it.
theogt;1734101 said:
There are good analogies and bad analogies.

Im not sure you could hit the nail any more squarely on the head
03EBZ06;1735054 said:
The golfers cannot let up because they will lose their swing and putting, which will cause them to lose strokes real fast, faster than you think. The golfers must maintain their swing and putting strokes in order to maintain their score or go lower.

And if Belichick made his players stop going all out every time they have a big lead ... which is pretty much halftime of every game they've played this year, barring the Cowboys matchup ... there wouldn't be any effects on the team?


The only difference is that someone drew an arbitrary line in the sand and said it's okay to try your best on every stroke in golf, but it's not okay in football. Some choose to follow outdated heuristics, and others question them. No biggie.
I just believe Tiger is trying to beat the course and not show up his opponent....but, I am not sure.

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