Witness claims Ezekiel Elliott was not involved in altercation **merged**

I thought we were talking about trouble AND negative coverage by the media. Gronk gets hammered by the media for his partying ways too.

I think one of the other points being made was to refute the claim that this is what young NFL players do......... they party and when they party, they inevitably will get into trouble so we should all just accept it.

Gronk is an example of a young player who parties hard and yet never finds himself in situations where a DJ get knocked out in the vicinity of Elliott.
Money is not the end all be all of a humans right to freedom and fair play. The media is trying to spin a story that would get him in trouble when the facts do not support it yet the employer has a history of caving to the media spin.

Freedom of choice is. No one has coerced Zeke to play football.
With all due respect (and I'm not targeting you so don't take this personally), as a black man, it's an insult to my/our ancestors to hear players/people like Adrian Peterson compare the NFL to slavery.

No, Adrian Peterson. The NFL is no way, shape, form or fashion like slavery.
Honestly I was right there with those fans, but sooner or later enough is enough. Zeke has crossed that line in MY mind. Time to grow up. Remove yourself from situations that are hazardous to your career. Doesnt have to be forever but hes had plenty of fun this offseason. When does he realize even when hes right hes wrong in the eyes of public opinion? He has to be smart enough to understand its past time to keep a low profile.

I was there with you, thinking Jones should pull the team in protest if Elliott got any suspension time from the domestic case that showed he did nothing.

But now, he's given the league more than enough ammo to make something stick. And whereas before Jones might have defended him, I don't think he would at this point.

Just too much dumb to defend.

The kid needs to grow up.
What are you talking about? I've never mentioned anything about him breaking the law.

You said "why would he be in trouble with the employer if he did nothing wrong?" Apparently the Cowboys think he did something wrong (note, not necessarily illegal, just made a bad decision) because they reached out to him to talk to him about what kind of effect stuff like that can have on a team and how he needs to be smarter in a digital age where everyone has a camera.
I must have confused you with a different poster. I'm attempting to converse with several posters at the same time. I apologize.

Having a talk with Elliott as you explain is justified because he apparently doesn't understand these concepts just yet.

All I'm saying is let's not go believing the media reports just because they were reported. The media speculation is just that... speculation and they have no "smoking gun" that proves their spin to events of that night in the bar.
LOL, you don't think they wanted hear his version of events?

At this point, I don't think they care that much. This organization doesn't need this ******** right before the start of training camp and the season. And they don't need to play a guessing game over whether a key player will or won't be available.

I'm positive that's their "version of events".
As if the leagues cares. The league feels emboldened to do anything it wants to do, no matter who's rights they step on. They aren't beholden to petty things like constitutional law.

No they're not. If you or Elliott don't like it, feel free not to participate.
I must have confused you with a different poster. I'm attempting to converse with several posters at the same time. I apologize.

Having a talk with Elliott as you explain is justified because he apparently doesn't understand these concepts just yet.

All I'm saying is let's not go believing the media reports just because they were reported. The media speculation is just that... speculation and they have no "smoking gun" that proves their spin to events of that night in the bar.

I don't the know any of us are giving a definitive account of what did or didn't happen. At this point, even if he didn't hit the guy, it's damaging to his and the Cowboys image that he was there at all.

Add it up with the witch hunt the league already had for him, and now the 100mph speeding ticket, and the irrefutable fact is that it's not a good look for him or the team.
Freedom of choice is. No one has coerced Zeke to play football.
With all due respect (and I'm not targeting you so don't take this personally), as a black man, it's an insult to my/our ancestors to hear players/people like Adrian Peterson compare the NFL to slavery.

No, Adrian Peterson. The NFL is no way, shape, form or fashion like slavery.
The league steps on players with impunity. If you think black folks have a monopoly on being victims of slavery then you have a myopic view of the history of mankind's existence. Whites were slaves long before our American forefathers enslaved blacks. And slavery is not a thing of the past. Today there are more slaves in this world than have every existed at any one time in mankind's past.
The league steps on players with impunity. If you think black folks have a monopoly on being victims of slavery then you have a myopic view of the history of mankind's existence. Whites were slaves long before our American forefathers enslaved blacks. And slavery is not a thing of the past. Today there are more slaves in this world than have every existed at one time in mankind's past.

Which has nothing to do with the silliness of referencing slavery with how the NFL works.

It's asinine.
Which has nothing to do with the silliness of referencing slavery with how the NFL works.

It's asinine.
Did you not read my first sentence? I think you somehow missed it. The league steps on players with impunity.
Did you not read my first sentence? I think you somehow missed it. The league steps on players with impunity.

And the players can walk away from the league if they want. They also get paid millions of dollars for their services. Even if one believes they are mistreated, they certainly are earning a more than fair share for their work.

Slaves neither had the option to walk away without significant punishment or earn a fair wage for what they did.

Stop. It's embarrassing.
Again, give me a name and stop generalizing. Who are these "same guys"? Repeat offenders tend to have a cause for their behavior but that cause is different for different perpetrators... who da?

Pacman Jones for one, Johnny Manziel and there are a host of others. Look Zeke is making bad headlines and it will have an effect he will get no benefit of the doubt. Hell is it his career not yours you can go out and do what you choose so what. For him his career is at stake. You guys go party go get wild that is easy for you to say you are a no body just like me. Zeke on the other hand draws attention because of who he is and I would hate to see him get into hot water with the NFL to risk his career. Sorry I care what happens to him while you just want him to party.
I understand the argument that he's a public figure and should just stay home instead of going out. These athletes can save it until they are no longer in the public eye. But then I think to myself you're only 21 once in your life. When his career is over he will be too old to go clubbing like he is now. He could have some serious issues with his legs from his NFL career that won't allow him to do the things he is doing now. So I just say let these guys be young. You're only young once. Have fun doing whatever you want to do. Deal with the consequences of the decisions you make. It's part of growing up. I know I learned a lot from bar fights in my life all mistakes a person makes is a learning experience. As fans we just have to realize that these guys are growing up just like the rest of us. They will make stupid mistakes and decisions! I am at the point with these players where I no longer care what They do off the field. I don't watch football because of what these guys do off the field. I watch football because they entertain me on Sundays. Now if they are doing things to effect the game on the field is a different discussion.

I never said he should stay at home. I have said they need to use good judgement, when they see things starting to get out of hand then leave. People continue to compare their no name lives to these high profile people it is not the same it is not close to the same. You get in trouble so what, if he does it has a impact on a once in a life time career. You say you are only 21 once? the avg NFL career is short the chance to make an lasting impact on the league is short and I you play your cards right the NFL can give him opportunities few will ever see.

I have watched enough guys throw careers away and I would hate to see that happen with Zeke. In the end it is his choice of what he wants to do
I now think its more likely that Zeke threw the punch. Jerry has now commented after talking to Zeke and he basically said "no comment". That tells me he likely did it because no one will come out and say he didn't throw the punch in question. They are probably all afraid to deny it and then have a video showing the truth come out. I still hold out hope that he didn't do it but I think that is just wishful thinking. Innocent people cant find enough people to tell they didn't do it. Guilty people go silent and hope what happened gets muddled and goes away.
I'm pretty sure what I want are the same things the majority of his teammates, fans and more importantly Jerry wants....to make better decisions and stay out of trouble.

I've asked this before, do you think Jerry is concerned about any of this or is he just blowing it off, thinking "he's just being a 21 year old kid, no big deal"?
I want him to stay out of trouble too so my fall Sundays are better and so far he has (mostly).

I don't think going to a bar and watching a guy get knocked out is a bad decision. If he knocked him out it is debatable, but if the guys a trouble maker and he hit him i and much of the public would side with him.
And your point is what? I can't hold him accountable but the NFL can. You guys sot here and defend him like nothing is wrong and we're the bad guys for calling him out and being concerned.

One question, do you think Jerry is ok with all of this?

My point is that he is a football player. That’s the end of it. I’m no more surprised, outraged or indignant about any of this than I am over any other human being I read it about.politician, police officer, family member, sons teacher, sure maybe. But a millionaire celebrity paid to play a game.... I get it and am not moved. My response was prompted by your silly overwrought sarcasm. No one thinks that zeke doing 100 mph is responsible or anyone’s fault but his own. thats a far cry from wondering why the league feels the need to carry on an investigation for over a year that was seemingly shut and discredited easily by law enforcement. Schefter feeling it necessary to report on the ticket/charge does feel low rent.

Jerry can feel however he wants, considering it’s his money and his team.
Again, no one (well save for a few random guys) said he can't go to a bar and have a bit of fun. And maybe no one parties as much as Elliott, but then that's probably a problem if that's the case. Maybe Elliott should cut back a bit on his partying?

He's made some poor immature decisions. Anyone denying that probably just can't bring themselves to admit one of their favorite players is trending towards knucklehead status.
He may be trending, but he hasn't set a pattern yet.
I disagree this incident was a poor decision with what we know now.
I now think its more likely that Zeke threw the punch. Jerry has now commented after talking to Zeke and he basically said "no comment". That tells me he likely did it because no one will come out and say he didn't throw the punch in question. They are probably all afraid to deny it and then have a video showing the truth come out. I still hold out hope that he didn't do it but I think that is just wishful thinking. Innocent people cant find enough people to tell they didn't do it. Guilty people go silent and hope what happened gets muddled and goes away.

Agreed. I wouldn't really believe what anyone says at this point. We may never know the truth. Wouldn't be shocked if the bar surveillance tape disappears like the Spygate tapes, or somehow damaged beyond repair.

The word is the Cowboys have been forced the deal with several situations throughout the year and managed to essentially eliminate them before reaching the media. So I'm sure Jerry & co. aren't surprised. Disappointed, I'm sure.

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