Witness claims Ezekiel Elliott was not involved in altercation **merged**

Many of the large ranches in Texas were made possible through indentured servitude as recently as the 1970's. My white trash ancestry that you make mention of... I was born on one of these ranches and was told as a child I could never do any better. It was for all intent and purposes... slavery. The Ranch boss never let us get ahead, he kept my family in debt to him and never let us forget a single day how we were in his debt. He beat who ever he felt like beating and did unspeakable things to the woman as he pleased. We were powerless to do anything about it. The local sheriff sure as heck didn't give a crap about the white trash that worked at the boss man's ranch...

I got away from that but I will never forget my roots. I don't like seeing how the rich take advantage of those they employ. The NFL is a perfect example of a group of the ultra rich that farms out a product without care of the damage it does to others. I hate how it lives by it's own set of rules.

white sharecroppers in Alabama and Mississippi are pretty much STILL there.

I really spit on those that think one kind of slavery is worse then another. Slavery is slavery no matter the reason or the color of the skin on either side.
As long as he doesn't get into disciplinary trouble then he can do what we he wants. Even if some of his behavior may seem risky to some. They'll still pay him well.

From what we know so far a lady attempted to lie and get him in trouble, he went to a bar saw a fight or maybe participated, and he isn't the best driver or passenger.

The only thing I don't like so far, if it's true, is if that dude on twitter said what's up and Zeke cussed him out.
Being a d*** is never cool. However, if he gets 16 td' s
I'll get over it.
I'm late to the party here, but if this is the way it went down, I want to apologize for all the negative things I said about Zeke last night (not that he reads Cowboys Zone threads, but you never know). I was pretty harsh on the kid.

After all these years I still fall for these media-baited traps. I'm ashamed. I had Zeke guilty before all the facts came in; and it appears I was dead wrong.
Join the club. No shame in that.
How did we get here? And who said blacks were the only ones who were enslaved?

First, my point is that it's insulting to my ancestors to say that playing in the NFL is like slavery.

Second, I referenced Adrian Peterson, who is a black man.

Third, for many Americans, slavery here is our frame of reference. That's why I referenced my ancestors.

Fourth, as Americans, black history here is tied more to slavery than white history here is.

Fifth, while other cultures practiced slavery, the thing that was unique about the European/American slave trade is that it was built PRIMARILY on race. More ancient slave trades centered around:
1. Conquered people groups (if your nation lost a war, you would become a slave of your conqueror)
2. Indentured servitude (if you had no job and had to "sell" yourself to get work and raise your family. Remember, ancient people didn't have corporations and jobs like we do today)
3. Poverty (if you were poor, you would sell yourself or your children into slavery)

P.S. It would be nice if instead of assuming I didn't know about slavery as it has been practiced throughout human civilization, you would have asked me. I'm pretty up to speed on this topic. No need to get offended because you felt I may have left your ancestry out of the picture. My point still stands. ;)
Good post 1doe.
Come on man. Football fans don't give a shiiit about any of that. Win on Sunday. Thats what counts. The old clubs had 100x the wildmen. Its the modern,...pussified world we are suffering through that CREAT all these IMAGINARY problems.

Ha! You are too funny. Where did you grow up.....no, let me guess!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::flagwave::flagwave::grin:

Where I grew up is insignificant, because we live in a Western society where free citizenship comes with the price of abiding by the social contract.

It is actually astonishing you cannot grasp this concept... perhaps I can simplify it.

You want to be a member of a group, follow that group's rules or you will lose your membership. Greg Hardy certainly found that out, but I'm sure your rebuttal will dispute that and maintain your stance that off-field behavior doesn't matter.
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Many of the large ranches in Texas were made possible through indentured servitude as recently as the 1970's. My white trash ancestry that you make mention of... I was born on one of these ranches and was told as a child I could never do any better. It was for all intent and purposes... slavery. The Ranch boss never let us get ahead, he kept my family in debt to him and never let us forget a single day how we were in his debt. He beat who ever he felt like beating and did unspeakable things to the woman as he pleased. We were powerless to do anything about it. The local sheriff sure as heck didn't give a crap about the white trash that worked at the boss man's ranch...

I got away from that but I will never forget my roots. I don't like seeing how the rich take advantage of those they employ. The NFL is a perfect example of a group of the ultra rich that farms out a product without care of the damage it does to others. I hate how it lives by it's own set of rules.

Thank you for sharing your experience. However ... playing in the NFL isn't slavery. Players have choices. They can play, or if they don't like the direction of the NFL, they can choose not to play.
Thank you for sharing your experience. However ... playing in the NFL isn't slavery. Players have choices. They can play, or if they don't like the direction of the NFL, they can choose not to play.
I'm not talking about the players, I'm talking about the abuse of power by the owners and their hired hand Goodell.
Even so, the owners can't keep a player against his or her will. Slave owners kept players against their will.

So it's all perfectly okay for the abuse of power to continue because the players can take it or leave it? It's not slavery per se but it's still not a good thing. I was encouraged when the players got the CBA they have now, it was a vast improvement on their treatment but there are still concerns about how the commish dishes out punishment so inconsistently.
So it's all perfectly okay for the abuse of power to continue because the players can take it or leave it? It's not slavery per se but it's still not a good thing. I was encouraged when the players got the CBA they have now, it was a vast improvement on their treatment but there are still concerns about how the commish dishes out punishment so inconsistently.
There is no abuse of power lol.
The owner's treat the players great.
The players create the problems.
As an example how has J. Witten been abused or unfairly punished??
There is no abuse of power lol.
The owner's treat the players great.
The players create the problems.
As an example how has J. Witten been abused or unfairly punished??
1) Summer training camp under the sun with few breaks for water... CBA has improved conditions.
2) Personal conduct policy is far too intrusive
3) Commissioner is inconsistent about punishment
4) CTE, concussions, premature poor health

Come back and play this game when you are better at it, rookie.
Does the public siding with him make a difference? I would actually think the majority of fans would be more po'd that he couldn't control himself and could possibly hurt the team by being suspended.
Yes. If it was deemed an honorable act. If he was defending a woman and keeping a drunk from assaulting her it would be much better for him. If he just punched some guy for little or no reason it would be worse.
There is no abuse of power lol.
The owner's treat the players great.
The players create the problems.
As an example how has J. Witten been abused or unfairly punished??
No abuse of power??? I'd like to laugh. I won't though because that statement is one of the most ill informed statements ever typed on the internet.

Where do we start?

For one their stadiums are almost exclusively built with access to tax payers money. That's made possible through their political connections or in some cases threatening to leave the area.

They love capitalism. Except when they don't. Like when the players could command a salary from the highest bidder. In that case they institute a cap on the amount to be paid to them. I'm sure some fans would love to cap ticket, parking, and food prices too.

There's likely 100 other examples, but it's early.
So it's all perfectly okay for the abuse of power to continue because the players can take it or leave it? It's not slavery per se but it's still not a good thing. I was encouraged when the players got the CBA they have now, it was a vast improvement on their treatment but there are still concerns about how the commish dishes out punishment so inconsistently.

No offense, but that's how life works. Businesses have rules. You know, I'd like to show up in shorts and a tee shirt at my job every day but I can't. We have a dress code. In other words, I have to take it or leave it when it comes to how I dress for work. It's a silly analogy but it is made to highlight a point. Corporations set rules and codes of conduct for their employees every day. Is that slavery too?

The constant reference you make to slavery is moronic. It just is.

Now if I have an issue with the NFL, it would be their inconsistent methodologies when it comes to punishments for infractions committed by players. I have no problem with the NFL instituting a code of conduct that requires players to behave off the field. Where I have a problem is that when something happens, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to how they justify some of the punishments. But that's not even close to "slavery".
There is no abuse of power lol.
The owner's treat the players great.
The players create the problems.
As an example how has J. Witten been abused or unfairly punished??

Just wondering what was Jerry Jones punishment for the pics that came out about him? Since the league is soooooo concerned about there reputation

Jimmy Haslam who had to pay the federal government almost 100 million for fraud?
Yes. If it was deemed an honorable act. If he was defending a woman and keeping a drunk from assaulting her it would be much better for him. If he just punched some guy for little or no reason it would be worse.
Better? Yes. Still lots of better options that wouldn't jeopardize his career or the team.
So it's all perfectly okay for the abuse of power to continue because the players can take it or leave it? It's not slavery per se but it's still not a good thing.

That's a different conversation. My point here is that it's insulting to compare playing in the NFL under its current rules with slavery. And you acknowledge that in the underlined comment above.

Now if you're talking about whether the owners are treating players as fair as they possibly can, that's another issue. :)
white sharecroppers in Alabama and Mississippi are pretty much STILL there.

I really spit on those that think one kind of slavery is worse then another. Slavery is slavery no matter the reason or the color of the skin on either side.

With all due respect, that's like saying death is death no matter who dies and murder is murder no matter who the victim is then belittling and not understanding the unique situation surrounding the Holocaust.

Just because situations appear the same doesn't mean that the shared experience and consequences are the same.
With all due respect, that's like saying death is death no matter who dies and murder is murder no matter who the victim is then belittling and not understanding the unique situation surrounding the Holocaust.

Just because situations appear the same doesn't mean that the shared experience and consequences are the same.

and you fall into the trap of moral equivalency. Where did I mention the Holocaust- YOU brought that up also as regards Murder.

Frankly you need to get your head out of the 'poor little me I am so conspired against' mentality.

Slavery is slavery no matter the reason or who does it. Until you understand that reality there is no point talking to you.

have a nice day

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