Witness claims Ezekiel Elliott was not involved in altercation **merged**

What his employers want for him - the Cowboys and the NFL - is what they want. And if he wants to make big money from those people, he has to do what they want. And what they want is a direct reflection of what the people who pay them big money - the fans - want.

Zeke can quit football and go do whatever the hell he wants. Or he can play football, make huge money and do what his employer wants. It's either/or, not both.

You can ask plenty of idiots on the outside looking in without a pot to piss in about doing it their way.
As long as he doesn't get into disciplinary trouble then he can do what we he wants. Even if some of his behavior may seem risky to some. They'll still pay him well.

From what we know so far a lady attempted to lie and get him in trouble, he went to a bar saw a fight or maybe participated, and he isn't the best driver or passenger.

The only thing I don't like so far, if it's true, is if that dude on twitter said what's up and Zeke cussed him out.
Being a d*** is never cool. However, if he gets 16 td' s
I'll get over it.
I now think its more likely that Zeke threw the punch. Jerry has now commented after talking to Zeke and he basically said "no comment". That tells me he likely did it because no one will come out and say he didn't throw the punch in question. They are probably all afraid to deny it and then have a video showing the truth come out. I still hold out hope that he didn't do it but I think that is just wishful thinking. Innocent people cant find enough people to tell they didn't do it. Guilty people go silent and hope what happened gets muddled and goes away.

It would make sense, considering Zeke has been so quite since the incident.

No comment on his Twitter feed. If I'm him and Im innocent im telling the world. Maybe hes been advised not to for some other reason though.
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I want him to stay out of trouble too so my fall Sundays are better and so far he has (mostly).

I don't think going to a bar and watching a guy get knocked out is a bad decision. If he knocked him out it is debatable, but if the guys a trouble maker and he hit him i and much of the public would side with him.

I think even if the guy was up in his face the best action is to walk away. This DJ is not going to get suspended by the league of DJ, Zeke on the other hand could get suspended by the NFL if he was involved in the altercation.
As long as he doesn't get into disciplinary trouble then he can do what we he wants. Even if some of his behavior may seem risky to some. They'll still pay him well.

From what we know so far a lady attempted to lie and get him in trouble, he went to a bar saw a fight or maybe participated, and he isn't the best driver or passenger.

The only thing I don't like so far, if it's true, is if that dude on twitter said what's up and Zeke cussed him out.
Being a d*** is never cool. However, if he gets 16 td' s
I'll get over it.
Well, l have long said...l couldn't care less what a player does in his private life, short of Aaron Hernandez,...Modern life has distorted the the sporting life. All this baloney happened, and then some, years ago. The public didn't know about it. I don't care....just win on Sunday boy!! Thats all that matters. Probably, shouldn't kill your mother.;).lol.
Well, l have long said...l couldn't care less what a player does in his private life, short of Aaron Hernandez,...Modern life has distorted the the sporting life. All this baloney happened, and then some, years ago. The public didn't know about it. I don't care....just win on Sunday boy!! Thats all that matters. Probably, shouldn't kill your mother.;).lol.
Yeah this is Football :yourock::yourock::yourock::yourock:
I never said he should stay at home. I have said they need to use good judgement, when they see things starting to get out of hand then leave. People continue to compare their no name lives to these high profile people it is not the same it is not close to the same. You get in trouble so what, if he does it has a impact on a once in a life time career. You say you are only 21 once? the avg NFL career is short the chance to make an lasting impact on the league is short and I you play your cards right the NFL can give him opportunities few will ever see.

I have watched enough guys throw careers away and I would hate to see that happen with Zeke. In the end it is his choice of what he wants to do

No but to say his life is more important(You are essentially saying that) is silly. Just because these guys are athletes does not make them superior to anybody. They are human they bleed blood, they breathe the same air as you and I and they mature the same as you and I (maybe even slower because they have been handed things to them due to there athletic ability).
I have 25 employees there families depend on me giving there dad or mom a job to support there family. I have had employees since I was 18. I have done stupid things in my 20s and still make stupid mistakes to this day In my 30s. Just because Zeke(Or any other athlete) is in the lime light doesn't make his life more important. Remember these guys are paid to entertain you not to please you. I think of the NFL as entertainment it allows me to think of these players as well......players. Zeke will make mistakes among many other NFL players it's the nature of the business. It's a young man's game and they are going to make young man mistakes. The only way for him to grow up is to make mistakes. If Zeke gets suspended let's not freak out. Lets hope he learns from his mistake and comes back hungry to prove the world wrong. Plus it doesn't hurt to have a pretty good back up in DMC.
I understand what you're arguing though. I do think Zeke should be aware that everything he does is going to be scrutinized.
I want him to stay out of trouble too so my fall Sundays are better and so far he has (mostly).

I don't think going to a bar and watching a guy get knocked out is a bad decision. If he knocked him out it is debatable, but if the guys a trouble maker and he hit him i and much of the public would side with him.
Does the public siding with him make a difference? I would actually think the majority of fans would be more po'd that he couldn't control himself and could possibly hurt the team by being suspended.
I'm late to the party here, but if this is the way it went down, I want to apologize for all the negative things I said about Zeke last night (not that he reads Cowboys Zone threads, but you never know). I was pretty harsh on the kid.

After all these years I still fall for these media-baited traps. I'm ashamed. I had Zeke guilty before all the facts came in; and it appears I was dead wrong.
My point is that he is a football player. That’s the end of it. I’m no more surprised, outraged or indignant about any of this than I am over any other human being I read it about.politician, police officer, family member, sons teacher, sure maybe. But a millionaire celebrity paid to play a game.... I get it and am not moved. My response was prompted by your silly overwrought sarcasm. No one thinks that zeke doing 100 mph is responsible or anyone’s fault but his own. thats a far cry from wondering why the league feels the need to carry on an investigation for over a year that was seemingly shut and discredited easily by law enforcement. Schefter feeling it necessary to report on the ticket/charge does feel low rent.

Jerry can feel however he wants, considering it’s his money and his team.
About the DV issue, everyone calls it a witch hunt, it's taking forever, etc but as I've always said, let's wait to see what happens before we start crying foul. There could be information that we don't know yet and the more shenanigans Zeke pulls the more I'm starting to think maybe the NFL does know more.

Face it, this guys track record sucks going back to college. Between texts about passing drug tests, the top incident, the club incident, going 100 mph, the weed shop...they may all be small but it's not a good look and the only reason he has a target on his back is because he put it there. Stop acting like he's the victim in all of this.

I'm not surprised but I'm extremely disappointed.
The league steps on players with impunity. If you think black folks have a monopoly on being victims of slavery then you have a myopic view of the history of mankind's existence. Whites were slaves long before our American forefathers enslaved blacks. And slavery is not a thing of the past. Today there are more slaves in this world than have every existed at any one time in mankind's past.

How did we get here? And who said blacks were the only ones who were enslaved?

First, my point is that it's insulting to my ancestors to say that playing in the NFL is like slavery.

Second, I referenced Adrian Peterson, who is a black man.

Third, for many Americans, slavery here is our frame of reference. That's why I referenced my ancestors.

Fourth, as Americans, black history here is tied more to slavery than white history here is.

Fifth, while other cultures practiced slavery, the thing that was unique about the European/American slave trade is that it was built PRIMARILY on race. More ancient slave trades centered around:
1. Conquered people groups (if your nation lost a war, you would become a slave of your conqueror)
2. Indentured servitude (if you had no job and had to "sell" yourself to get work and raise your family. Remember, ancient people didn't have corporations and jobs like we do today)
3. Poverty (if you were poor, you would sell yourself or your children into slavery)

P.S. It would be nice if instead of assuming I didn't know about slavery as it has been practiced throughout human civilization, you would have asked me. I'm pretty up to speed on this topic. No need to get offended because you felt I may have left your ancestry out of the picture. My point still stands. ;)
Well, l have long said...l couldn't care less what a player does in his private life, short of Aaron Hernandez,...Modern life has distorted the the sporting life. All this baloney happened, and then some, years ago. The public didn't know about it. I don't care....just win on Sunday boy!! Thats all that matters. Probably, shouldn't kill your mother.;).lol.

You should care about what they do in their private life because when they get suspended for off the field behavior it hurts the team.

You have a responsibility to the NFL, your organization, your teammates, and the fans to behave within the acceptable bounds of society, even more so in this social media era. The overwhelming majority of the players within the league understand this and abide by it, probably because these expectations are not that hard to fulfill.

It's a shame when the outlier decides acting like a jack*** is worth the risk of derailing the opportunity to earn millions for playing a game. They're not asking these guys to live in a monastery, just simply to behave like a reasonable human being.
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You should care about what they do in their private life because when they get suspended for off the field behavior it hurts the team.

You have a responsibility to the NFL, your organization, your teammates, and the fans to behave within the acceptable bounds of society, even more so in this social media era. The overwhelming majority of the players within the league understand this and abide by it, probably because these expectations are not that hard to fulfill.
Come on man. Football fans don't give a **** about any of that. Win on Sunday. Thats what counts. The old clubs had 100x the wildmen. Its the modern,...pussified world we are suffering through that CREAT all these IMAGINARY problems.
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How did we get here? And who said blacks were the only ones who were enslaved?

First, my point is that it's insulting to my ancestors to say that playing in the NFL is like slavery.

Second, I referenced Adrian Peterson, who is a black man.

Third, for many Americans, slavery here is our frame of reference. That's why I referenced my ancestors.

Fourth, as Americans, black history here is tied more to slavery than white history here is.

Fifth, while other cultures practiced slavery, the thing that was unique about the European/American slave trade is that it was built PRIMARILY on race. More ancient slave trades centered around:
1. Conquered people groups (if your nation lost a war, you would become a slave of your conqueror)
2. Indentured servitude (if you had no job and had to "sell" yourself to get work and raise your family. Remember, ancient people didn't have corporations and jobs like we do today)
3. Poverty (if you were poor, you would sell yourself or your children into slavery)

P.S. It would be nice if instead of assuming I didn't know about slavery as it has been practiced throughout human civilization, you would have asked me. I'm pretty up to speed on this topic. No need to get offended because you felt I may have left your ancestry out of the picture. My point still stands. ;)
Many of the large ranches in Texas were made possible through indentured servitude as recently as the 1970's. My white trash ancestry that you make mention of... I was born on one of these ranches and was told as a child I could never do any better. It was for all intent and purposes... slavery. The Ranch boss never let us get ahead, he kept my family in debt to him and never let us forget a single day how we were in his debt. He beat who ever he felt like beating and did unspeakable things to the woman as he pleased. We were powerless to do anything about it. The local sheriff sure as heck didn't give a crap about the white trash that worked at the boss man's ranch...

I got away from that but I will never forget my roots. I don't like seeing how the rich take advantage of those they employ. The NFL is a perfect example of a group of the ultra rich that farms out a product without care of the damage it does to others. I hate how it lives by it's own set of rules.
Come on man. Football fans don't give a **** about any of that. Win on Sunday. Thats what counts. The old clubs had 100x the wildmen. Its the modern,...pussified world we are suffering through that CREAT all these IMAGINARY problems.

Football fans certainly give a **** when their star player is suspended, or thrown in jail, which is what happens when you make poor decisions in your private life.

Social contracts are not some new, modern, "pussified" societal ideology... they're actually the foundation for something called law and order.

Hence, the term "outlaw" given to those who don't give a **** and do what they want anyway. Those people tend to not do so well in society.
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Football fans certainly give a **** when their star player is suspended, or thrown in jail, which is what happens when you make poor decisions in your private life.

Social contracts are not some new, modern, "pussified" societal ideology... they're actually the foundation for something called law and order.
Hence, the term "outlaw" given to those who don't give a **** and do what they want anyway. Those people tend to not do so well in society.
:lmao::lmao2::laugh::lmao::huh:. OK!
I'm late to the party here, but if this is the way it went down, I want to apologize for all the negative things I said about Zeke last night (not that he reads Cowboys Zone threads, but you never know). I was pretty harsh on the kid.

After all these years I still fall for these media-baited traps. I'm ashamed. I had Zeke guilty before all the facts came in; and it appears I was dead wrong.

No, you were likely right. This one "witness" in favor of Zeke will likely prove mistaken (or paid off). Too many facts point to Zeke as the puncher. We will know soon enough when the video comes out.
Football fans certainly give a **** when their star player is suspended, or thrown in jail, which is what happens when you make poor decisions in your private life.

Social contracts are not some new, modern, "pussified" societal ideology... they're actually the foundation for something called law and order.

Hence, the term "outlaw" given to those who don't give a **** and do what they want anyway. Those people tend to not do so:grin::grin: well in society.
Ha! You are too funny. Where did you grow up.....no, let me guess!!:lmao::lmao::lmao::flagwave::flagwave::grin:

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