World Cup champ scores 8 goals in 7 games. Outstanding!

casmith07;3457827 said:
Trying to win Hostile Brownie Points for soccer bashing?
I've never seen such hostility against a sport... what, this stuff couldn't go in the already viewed 6,000+ times "Anti-soccer thread?" Why do we need 18 different threads bashing the sport?

I don't understand cricket or rugby. I doubt most people in here do. But I don't see thread after thread decrying the faults of those sports every time their biggest event is played. Same goes for other less popular sports.

Why does soccer draw so much ire? Was this thread started to change the opinions of people who like the sport? Or was it just trolling?
peplaw06;3457938 said:
I've never seen such hostility against a sport... what, this stuff couldn't go in the already viewed 6,000+ times "Anti-soccer thread?" Why do we need 18 different threads bashing the sport?

I don't understand cricket or rugby. I doubt most people in here do. But I don't see thread after thread decrying the faults of those sports every time their biggest event is played. Same goes for other less popular sports.

Why does soccer draw so much ire? Was this thread started to change the opinions of people who like the sport? Or was it just trolling?

I don't get it either. My guess is for trolling.

I don't like plenty of sports. I especially don't like hockey. But I'm not going to go out of my way to bash another sport. I can appreciate all athletic contests even if I don't like the sport itself. Canadian Football League? Silly. Athletic contest? Appreciated.

I don't get it either, but I guess it doesn't matter either way.
peplaw06;3457938 said:
I've never seen such hostility against a sport... what, this stuff couldn't go in the already viewed 6,000+ times "Anti-soccer thread?" Why do we need 18 different threads bashing the sport?

I don't understand cricket or rugby. I doubt most people in here do. But I don't see thread after thread decrying the faults of those sports every time their biggest event is played. Same goes for other less popular sports.

Why does soccer draw so much ire? Was this thread started to change the opinions of people who like the sport? Or was it just trolling?
The hostility is directly due to the fans of soccer. Sorry to be so blunt, but cricket and rugby fans are not obnoxious when you dislike their sport. Soccer fans are. It feeds the hatred of it.

The OP is relevant as its own thread, the responses are predicated upon that. 8 points in 7 games is pretty damning evidence that the sport is as boring as we malcontents complain it is. If the Cowboys scored 56 points in 7 games we'd all be talking about how lame the offense is.
peplaw06;3457942 said:
So you think a 34-7 beatdown is "exciting?"
You weren't excited when we destroyed the Eagles? I'm calling bull.
SaltwaterServr;3457830 said:
Every single time the ball is snapped in an NFL game it can lead to a score by either team, something that soccer fans cannot claim.

the quality of the video is rubbish but it illustrates the point

Hostile;3457973 said:
The hostility is directly due to the fans of soccer. Sorry to be so blunt, but cricket and rugby fans are not obnoxious when you dislike their sport. Soccer fans are. It feeds the hatred of it.

The OP is relevant as its own thread, the responses are predicated upon that. 8 points in 7 games is pretty damning evidence that the sport is as boring as we malcontents complain it is. If the Cowboys scored 56 points in 7 games we'd all be talking about how lame the offense is.
That's a circular argument.

Plus the thread was started to bash the sport. How else do you expect soccer fans to react? It's just as obnoxious to start thread after thread bashing a sport just to get a rise out of the fans of that sport.

And if the Cowboys scored 56 points in 7 games, but still won the Super Bowl, there would be more dancing in the streets than complaining.

You're a baseball fan Hos... Have you ever found yourself appreciating a 1-0 pitchers' duel?

Hostile;3457975 said:
You weren't excited when we destroyed the Eagles? I'm calling bull.
Of course, but I'm a Cowboys fan. I'm not particularly excited by a Super Bowl where the Ravens beat the Giants 34-7. And I'm not alone. The NFL has taken direct steps to promote parity, and thus lessen the number of blowouts in Super Bowls.
peplaw06;3457991 said:
That's a circular argument.
So is the reason to constantly ask why people feel the need to bash soccer. We tell you why and it doesn't sink in.

Plus the thread was started to bash the sport. How else do you expect soccer fans to react? It's just as obnoxious to start thread after thread bashing a sport just to get a rise out of the fans of that sport.
I never said it wasn't. I start thread after thread bashing the Commanders. You think I don't realize it is obnoxious? It feeds off each other.

And if the Cowboys scored 56 points in 7 games, but still won the Super Bowl, there would be more dancing in the streets than complaining.
You apparently haven't been here after a narrow Cowboys win. It's panic in the streets. If we squeaked by and did that and still won a Super Bowl the panic would be off the charts. Even though we were champions they would be calling for Jason Garrett's head on a silver platter.

You're a baseball fan Hos... Have you ever found yourself appreciating a 1-0 pitchers' duel?

This question is irrelevant to whether I would enjoy a 1-0 soccer math. I wouldn't. But I do understand that soccer fans do. I do not understand why they do, but I understand that they do. Jogging is simply not interesting to me. Some people it apparently causes orgasmic reactions.

Of course, but I'm a Cowboys fan. I'm not particularly excited by a Super Bowl where the Ravens beat the Giants 34-7. And I'm not alone. The NFL has taken direct steps to promote parity, and thus lessen the number of blowouts in Super Bowls.
I enjoyed seeing the Giants annihilated.
Based on 30+ years of watching and playing soccer, i don't see a correlation between the number of goals scored at a match and the level of excitement during the game.

Having said that, I suggest we make one or all of the following changes.....

-Make each goal count as 6 pts
-Install additional goal posts on both ends of the field but keep only one goalie for each team. That way there will be more goals.
-When offensive players penetrate opposing defenses and get to within 20 yards of the goalie but fail to score a goal, they should be given a free-kick about 30 yards out on an empty net (no goalie). Defensive players are allowed to still form a wall though.
-Allow teams to substitute players as many times as they want. Also allow substituted players to come back into the game once they are rested, thereby increasing the chances of rejuvenated players scoring more goals.

-This is just a draft I'm still working on it.


Well, not really.
An argument I often hear (like the one above) to make each goal 6 points still wouldn't fix it. So many games end in a 1-1, 0-0, 2-2 tie. Its ridiculous. That still would only be at most 24 points scored.

The thing I hate about soccer the most is that there RARELY is a comback win. Comebacks in sports are the most exciting thing that can happen IMO. In soccer, if you get down 2-0, there is almost no chance to win, you could get lucky and draw but winning is almost out of the question.
The team that goes up 1-0 should just play defense the rest of the game. That's how hard it is to score.
Hostile;3458024 said:
So is the reason to constantly ask why people feel the need to bash soccer. We tell you why and it doesn't sink in.
You don't understand what a circular argument is. Noted. So nevermind.

I never said it wasn't. I start thread after thread bashing the Commanders. You think I don't realize it is obnoxious? It feeds off each other.
Quite a difference. We're 99% Cowboys fans on this board.

You apparently haven't been here after a narrow Cowboys win. It's panic in the streets. If we squeaked by and did that and still won a Super Bowl the panic would be off the charts. Even though we were champions they would be calling for Jason Garrett's head on a silver platter.
I'm always here Hos, you know that. So you're telling me if the Cowboys scored 56 points in 7 games, which included 3 or 4 playoff wins and the last game being the Super Bowl, most people would be in an off the charts panic? Come on now. I put nothing past some people on this board, but the vast majority would be hyping our 6th Lombardi.


This question is irrelevant to whether I would enjoy a 1-0 soccer math. I wouldn't. But I do understand that soccer fans do. I do not understand why they do, but I understand that they do. Jogging is simply not interesting to me. Some people it apparently causes orgasmic reactions.
It's only irrelevant if you don't understand what "relevant" means. There are people who are baseball fans, and there are people who are not. The people who hate baseball often cite the lack of scoring, and the people who are fans appreciate the pitching and defense necessary to win a 1-0 game.

Still, I don't see thread after thread in the Sports Zone taking jabs at baseball during the World Series.

I enjoyed seeing the Giants annihilated.
Then take the Giants out of it, and have two teams whom you have absolutely no interest in one way or the other. I see you're just as guilty of not letting the point sink in as I.
ajk23az;3458042 said:
The thing I hate about soccer the most is that there RARELY is a comback win. Comebacks in sports are the most exciting thing that can happen IMO. In soccer, if you get down 2-0, there is almost no chance to win, you could get lucky and draw but winning is almost out of the question.
Problem is, the US did just that in their second game of the World Cup... only to have the 3rd and game-winning goal taken away by a horrible ref.

*GASP* I'm sure no other sports have horrible officiating.
peplaw06;3458054 said:
You don't understand what a circular argument is. Noted. So nevermind.
Oh here we go. Soccer fans love to call non soccer fans ignorant or incapable of understanding. I haven't even read the rest of the post and you will basically call me ignorant again. I'll put money on it. Wish Vegas took odds on this.

Quite a difference. We're 99% Cowboys fans on this board.
We have reached an accord. I will avoid soccer forums like the plague and therefore won't be infecting them with my bile.

I'm always here Hos, you know that. So you're telling me if the Cowboys scored 56 points in 7 games, which included 3 or 4 playoff wins and the last game being the Super Bowl, most people would be in an off the charts panic? Come on now. I put nothing past some people on this board, but the vast majority would be hyping our 6th Lombardi.
They would only appreciate that last win and you know it. Stop pretending there is a point to that.

It's only irrelevant if you don't understand what "relevant" means.
See my very first comment about being basically called ignorant. Either I am damned omniscient, or soccer fans are transparent. Either way, I'd have made money if Vegas was taking bets.

There are people who are baseball fans, and there are people who are not. The people who hate baseball often cite the lack of scoring, and the people who are fans appreciate the pitching and defense necessary to win a 1-0 game.
Yes, I know this. I suppose this is yet another belief that I just don't understand. Three in one post. Outstanding.

Still, I don't see thread after thread in the Sports Zone taking jabs at baseball during the World Series.
By all means, please post one. I have seen them, but if you haven't perhaps you should be the one to start it. I'll balance that out by starting a World Series thread and I will avoid the anti-World Series thread out of respect for those who want to bash baseball.

Fair enough?

Then take the Giants out of it, and have two teams whom you have absolutely no interest in one way or the other. I see you're just as guilty of not letting the point sink in as I.
Four times in one post. I wish it was a progressive pot.

peplaw06;3458054 said:
It's only irrelevant if you don't understand what "relevant" means. There are people who are baseball fans, and there are people who are not. The people who hate baseball often cite the lack of scoring, and the people who are fans appreciate the pitching and defense necessary to win a 1-0 game.
Really? I've often believed that non-baseball fans simply hate the over-extended pace of the game. Heck, some are bewildered over the need of a 'seventh inning stretch' or the need for a substitute pitcher to warm up after watching him warm up in the bullpen, etc.

I haven't observed the same opinions centered on scoring, perhaps baseball's scoring is way more varied than soccer's. For example, scoring in baseball games can typically range from 1-0 to 9-7, sometimes happening as often between the same two teams playing each other during doubleheaders on one day.

The anti-comments I have listened to are often, "It makes no sense for hitters to stand outside the batter's box forever!" or "Why is the manager talking to the pitcher for the umpteenth time?" or "What's with the fifteen throws to first base? He's not going to freeze that guy! Throw home, #%&$#!" or etc., etc. Negative comments concerning scoring? Not so much.

Just my two cents.
I'm not a soccer fan. I have tried but kept falling asleep and missing the goal.

I do understand how soccer fans feel as I am a hardcore hockey fan and there is often not much love for the sport of hockey.

I have a question for soccer fans. How many shots on goal were produced in the 7 games?

Can it be like a hockey game that ends 1 to 0 but there were 37 shots on one goalie and 32 on the other?

That would be an exciting, up and down the ice game which resulted in a low score.
Hostile;3458099 said:
Oh here we go. Soccer fans love to call non soccer fans ignorant or incapable of understanding. I haven't even read the rest of the post and you will basically call me ignorant again. I'll put money on it. Wish Vegas took odds on this.
I wish I believed that you didn't read the entire post before responding. Alas, I do not. You'd be paying for those Vegas odds.

We have reached an accord. I will avoid soccer forums like the plague and therefore won't be infecting them with my bile.
This is the "Sports Zone." Last I checked, soccer was still a sport.

They would only appreciate that last win and you know it. Stop pretending there is a point to that.
Finally, you got the point. Yay Hos! The best points are the most elementary... especially when the other side of the debate is against it. I actually got you to admit what I was trying to get you to admit. I should win some kind of award.

See my very first comment about being basically called ignorant. Either I am damned omniscient, or soccer fans are transparent. Either way, I'd have made money if Vegas was taking bets.
Like I said above, you'd lose money on those odds.

Yes, I know this. I suppose this is yet another belief that I just don't understand. Three in one post. Outstanding.
Hey... Hos understood another point! Kudos. But you don't understand the belief. I'll put money on the Vegas odds that you are as closed-minded with any discourse on that topic as you usually are.

By all means, please post one. I have seen them, but if you haven't perhaps you should be the one to start it. I'll balance that out by starting a World Series thread and I will avoid the anti-World Series thread out of respect for those who want to bash baseball.

Fair enough?
Why would I post one? I am a baseball fan.

Four times in one post. I wish it was a progressive pot.

I take it by your lack of response to that point that you again understand it. So I'll just pretend the "four times in one post" comment is referring to the points you now understand... I should get paid to work these kinds of miracles.
Vtwin;3458168 said:
I'm not a soccer fan. I have tried but kept falling asleep and missing the goal.

I do understand how soccer fans feel as I am a hardcore hockey fan and there is often not much love for the sport of hockey.

I have a question for soccer fans. How many shots on goal were produced in the 7 games?

Can it be like a hockey game that ends 1 to 0 but there were 37 shots on one goalie and 32 on the other?

That would be an exciting, up and down the ice game which resulted in a low score.
Shots were 18 to 13.

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