Would Dak crack the Cowboys top-5 Best QB list? Me, I say no

Morton was a brilliant passer. Strong and Accurate arm. His issue was playing hurt when he shouldn't have. In 1970 Craig played the second half of the season and playoffs with a compromised throwing shoulder.
He also lacked the mobility to avoid the pass rush.

I would echo the OP's ranking.
A career completion percentage of 54% and more career interceptions than touchdowns doesn’t make a brilliant passer.
It's Roger & Aikman - easily top 2. Roger first for me, but some might choose Aikman, particularly if they aren't old enough to have a clear memory of the 1970's.

Meredith for the 3rd spot. This can be debated, but he was a winner and the QB that took the team from a lowly expansion club to one of the top teams in the NFL

For the 4th & 5th spot, take your pick between White, Romo & Prescott
Fair comparison but Bradshaw was better. He threw a ton of interceptions as well but saved his best passing performances for big games.
I wouldn't call either a brilliant passer, honestly. Both were big strong armed dudes who could take punishment while someone got open. Terry stayed healthy and went to a great D team, Morton didn't. And when Morton did get on a D team, super bowl.

Don't get me wrong, Bradshaw was better, but the margin isn't all that great.

Morton was good, not great. He's in the convo of Dallas QB's after the obvious top 3, Staubach/Aikman/Meredith. I'd prolly put him in a 5th place tie w/ Romo and Dak w/ White in 4th.

Can't compare comp % between eras, completely different league back then. Over 50% used to be considered good, now it's a benching number.

As you said previously, w/o the injures Morton could've been far better.
Time to clean your bedroom basement and get to work. Oh, that's right, you don't work. Too busy posting Dak hate every day on CZ.
I support this team and this team's franchise QB.

You don't.

Thanks for making it crystal clear.
Your zealously busy defense and deflection of criticism every day towards Dak Prescott is your rationalization of my support of the team, including Prescott?

Dak is the best Dallas Cowboy QB of all-time.
If by that you mean the level at which they play and the physical and mental toolset they bring to the table.
He will own most of the passing awards this year and already has many of the single season awards.
He just finished 2nd in MVP voting.
He's a physical machine with year-round nutrition, weight training and specific position training.
He knows defenses and watches insane amounts of film.

BUT he is not the best QB versus his peers of an era. Roger was on a different tier than his peers.
Aikman brought accuracy and consistency that is common now but was not back then.

All QBs were less athletic and less physically imposing 30 years ago.

Roger was the best QB of his era.
Meridith was top 5 but close to 5.
Aikman was top 5 but close to 5.
Dak is probably 6-9 but just inside a QBs peak years.
Romo was 6-9 but injuries pushed him closer to 9.
Is this a joke post? You can’t honestly believe what you are saying, don’t use the era as a evaluator, Dak hasn’t produced any results that would qualify him as a top 5 Dallas Cowboy QB

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