Would Dak crack the Cowboys top-5 Best QB list? Me, I say no

Fair comparison but Bradshaw was better. He threw a ton of interceptions as well but saved his best passing performances for big games.
Did you ever see CM play? Had a big arm but no mobility, he had a part in 2 Dallas SB teams and a Denver SB team. Number 5 is about right. I see folks bashing past QBs (not you) and they have little idea on how the game has changed. Records mean little in the new NFL and stats less. DM DW were outstanding QBs who in my opinion with today’s game would be very successful in the post season
Interestingly enough, me Morton he won his share of collegiate wins, playoff games in the NFL and took the Broncs to the Super Bowl. I await your QB love Dak to be that accomplished.
1. Roger
2. Aikman
3. Dandy Don
4. Craig Morton
5. Danny White
6. Dak
7. Tony "Bobble" Romo
Morton, who in his Super Bowl run with Dallas put up 3, 17 and 13 points? That guy?
C.J. Stroud impressed the heck out of me in his rookie season. I will be watching him even closer this season to see whether he can elevate his level of play with more experience or fall into a sophomore slump.
That’s the thing. We have seen one year wonders across the league before. DCs are going to find something in all likelihood that is going to force Stroud to adjust. Can he? I don’t know if we can answer that yet.
Craig Morton was certainly not a better QB than Dak.
Based on what, CM made it to 3 SB Dak hasn’t been to a CCG , stats are deceiving. Comparing QB from different eras is very hard, is Dak better than Terry Bradshaw, stats say yes but no person would ever take Dak over TB all things being equal
Morton, who in his Super Bowl run with Dallas put up 3, 17 and 13 points? That guy?
Just imagine what Dak numbers would be if he had to play against Defense with the rules back then, maybe his numbers would be 0-3-3
I assume we're only measuring by super bowl wins, based on these responses.

Either that, or people really forgot how good Romo was.
1. Aikman
2. Staubach
3. Romo
4. Meredith
5. White
6. Morton
7. Rush
8. Carter
9. Stoerner/Leaf
10. Prescott
Based on what, CM made it to 3 SB Dak hasn’t been to a CCG , stats are deceiving. Comparing QB from different eras is very hard, is Dak better than Terry Bradshaw, stats say yes but no person would ever take Dak over TB all things being equal
Morton was terrible in the playoffs by 1970s standards, thx.
Just imagine what Dak numbers would be if he had to play against Defense with the rules back then, maybe his numbers would be 0-3-3
You can go all the way off over there with your unproven hypotheticals, thx
1. Roger
2. Aikman
3. Dandy Don
4. Craig Morton
5. Danny White

You chaps might have different ideas.

Holla and brings me a dollah
Would GM Jethro crack the top 5 GM's? I believe Dallas has only had 2, and Jethro would not crack my top 5.

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