Would Wade have had the guts to call that onside kick that Payton called?

BTW, Payton was an idiot for not taking the points to end the half. They again got lucky when the Colts let them off the hook by not being able to pick up a first down to end the half.
Doomsday101;3270529 said:
I would not have called it making that call is not great it was a major risk that very well could have backfired and had it back fired all those giving him a pat on the back today would be mocking him instead.

The difference between a great call and a bonehead call? Results. :)
Juke99;3270648 said:
What I did like is that Payton understood, in a big game you HAVE to be aggressive. It's like Jimmy and Norv vs the 49ers when the score was 24-20, throwing the ball to Alvin Harper.

Most coaches don't seem to understand, in big games, ya can't think small.
of course that wasn't the play the Norv and Jimmy expected to see.
BlueStar22;3270675 said:
BTW, Payton was an idiot for not taking the points to end the half. They again got lucky when the Colts let them off the hook by not being able to pick up a first down to end the half.

No, he wasn't an idiot.

You kick the three and you give the ball back to Peyton with less than two minutes. He either gets a three or seven. Score: 13-6 or 17-6 with the Colts getting the ball the second half.

Go for it on fourth down and you are either 10-10 or 10-3, but you have the Colts pinned on their own 1. Peyton's not going to throw because that could be a safety and then you're 10-5 with about a minute to score a field goal or touchdown. 10-8 or 12-10.

As it happened, the Colts try to run, the Saints use their time outs. They get the ball back, and they score a field goal.

The Saints really lost nothing by going it on 4th and 1. It was absolutely the right call. The play call wasn't the best. But I can't fault the decision to go for it.
jimmy40;3270661 said:
thank you Hank Wilkinson - Sean Payton

Who is Hank Wilkinson? :confused:

Did you mean Hank Baskett, who muffed the onside kick.

Oh, and speaking of Baskett, another Eagle (former) who chokes in the Super Bowl. ;)
BlueStar22;3270675 said:
BTW, Payton was an idiot for not taking the points to end the half. They again got lucky when the Colts let them off the hook by not being able to pick up a first down to end the half.

He's only an idiot because he RAN the ball. That play was perfectly fine to attempt. You are still in the 1st half. Plenty of time to either tie the game ( if you make the TD ) OR make up for the turnover on downs later in the game. Colts ended up punting & they got the FG anyway so nothing was LOST by going for it. If they kicked the FG, they would have still needed a TD to take the lead anyway.
That plays makes the rep for Sean Payton for all time. GAMBLER.
tyke1doe;3270697 said:
Who is Hank Wilkinson? :confused:

Did you mean Hank Baskett, who muffed the onside kick.

Oh, and speaking of Baskett, another Eagle (former) who chokes in the Super Bowl. ;)
yes. Mr. Kendra
Punkabilly56;3270526 said:
Would Wade have had the guts to call that onside kick that Payton called?
I say no and never will. Your thoughts.


I say no, he would've been smart/confident enough to know that our defense can stop the opposition
BlueStar22;3270669 said:
what people are missing is the fact that the Saints players and coaches said they had been practicing the onside all week. Payton, I'm sure was confident when he called the play. A gamble sure but it was a good gamble.

How good a gamble would it be had they not gotten it, and instead left Peyton Manning with 40 yards between him and a 17-6 lead in the second half of the Superbowl.

The call took huge stones, and it was a good way to go all-in and show your team you're serious about winning, but it was a huge risk.

And I'm never in the gameday threads, but what was the board consensus on Payton running two running plays to the same side inside the three at the end of the first half?
BlueStar22;3270675 said:
BTW, Payton was an idiot for not taking the points to end the half. They again got lucky when the Colts let them off the hook by not being able to pick up a first down to end the half.
Agreed. That was a stupid gamble as well.
jimmy40;3270677 said:
of course that wasn't the play the Norv and Jimmy expected to see.

Not sure if you saw the America's Game tribute to that team...with Michael Irvin being interviewed and saying that he ran down the field trailing the play thinking "Wait...he's running with my pass!!!"

Funny stuff.
I thought it was a brilliant call. I thought it was done at the right time, caught the Colts off-guard and executed tremendously well.

But I don't think you label a coach as 'good' or 'bad' because one would call it or one would not call it. I can tell you right now, Vince Lombardi would NEVER have called it. Same with Bill Walsh.

Remember, when Andy Reid has the 'guts' to do it, and he does more than just about anybody and it fails more often than not, he gets skewered for it. I thought Payton made a brilliant call, but I wouldn't hold it against a coach for not wanting to do it.

Whether it's a good call or bad really comes to the success.

Look how much Belichick was torched for going it on 4th. Different story if the Pats convert.
WoodysGirl;3270530 said:
My friend got mad at me for saying that surprise on-side kicks aren't new. She felt validated when they said that it was the first time it was done in the super bowl.

Wasnt first time in a SB.

Kaika;3270532 said:
It's funny, It worked and he's a hero, but if it didn't, Indy scores on a short field and wins the SB.

There's a fine line between hero and chump.;)

Good call??? I didn't think so, but hindsight's 20/20.

And sometimes YOU have to be the one drawing that line in the sand. Establish dominance whent it wasnt there.

burmafrd;3270548 said:
He must have felt that the team needed a serious lift and that was when he decided to chance it.

Agreed. I believe HIS decision and the TEAMS execution changed the outcome of the game.

Yakuza Rich;3270856 said:
I thought it was a brilliant call. I thought it was done at the right time, caught the Colts off-guard and executed tremendously well.

But I don't think you label a coach as 'good' or 'bad' because one would call it or one would not call it. I can tell you right now, Vince Lombardi would NEVER have called it. Same with Bill Walsh.

Remember, when Andy Reid has the 'guts' to do it, and he does more than just about anybody and it fails more often than not, he gets skewered for it. I thought Payton made a brilliant call, but I wouldn't hold it against a coach for not wanting to do it.

I thought it was a brilliant call too. I think Caldwell wasnt ready for it. His lack of HC experience hurt him last night.

I think Payton goes down in NFL Head Coaching Lore.
I dont think you can put Wade and guts in the same sentance after that Gutless 4-1 field goal call.
Sure, things may have worked out differently had the colts recovered but what should be applauded is having balls and playing to WIN!! Playing to knock off a big heavily favored bully and being agressive. GOING FOR IT late in the second-- (even though they failed)-- stills sends a message to his team and to the opponent that we are not just happy to be here. We are here to BEAT YOU!!. Early in the game.. going deep on 3rd and 2. Incomplete but it sends the same message. Throughout the game the saints made agressive moves. Blitzing Manning caused that Int.

If you listen to Sean Peyton... he explains that the onsides (although some luck is involved) was a move they plotted and planned for. They saw something and thought it could work. You have to applaud them for not being that coach in the losing lockeroom saying.. "I thought we should have" etc...
We will never know if Wade wouldl make a gutsy call in the biggest game of the year because he will never ever lead us there.:banghead:
Yeah. The first thing I thought when I saw that onsides kick was, "This is a great opportunity for me to post again that Wade sucks." :rolleyes:

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