Would Wade have had the guts to call that onside kick that Payton called?

Football is still a game of field position.

With our defense, I would rather Wade would kick the ball deep and pin them back in their own end, rather than take a silly chance of giving them the ball at our 40 or better.

Payton will not make a living out of decisions like that. It worked this time (barely), it will bite him more often than not.
CowboyFan74;3271203 said:
I had similar sentiments till I was enlightened to the fact that it was a "Calculated" risk. Scroll up to post # 71...

most risk are calculated, I don't doubt that Payton saw something but then you will see that with most every return unit which is why they have the normal lineup and the hands team on the return. It is still a low precentage of recovering the onside kick.

If it fails to go 10 yard, if it goes out of bounds or just recovered which the colts had 2 chances of getting the recovery.

I think Payton is a good HC so before anyone gets the idea that I don't think he is good that is not the case I just question the call given the fact it was a close game and he put his team at risk by doing it.

It worked so good for him but the fact is most HC even the top ones would not and have not done that in the SB. You don't want to be too conservative but you also do not want to do things to beat yourself
I wouldn't discredit any coach for NOT going for something like that. It was something he felt like he needed to do since he had more faith in recovering it than his defense stopping Manning, which he stated more or less in an interview. Kudos for him noticing what Indy was doing, which lead to a better chance of it working. 60% isn't exactly great odds but better than the lower half, in which non-surprise onside kicks work out at 20%. As stated here already, there is a reason why it was the first time done at that point in the game and with that close of a score. It worked, so he's a genius.

Trying to remember, didn't the Eagles do a surprise onside kick and it lead to a route of the Cowboys many years ago? Was it the opening kick, maybe a Sunday or Monday night game?

By the way, can you imagine the backlash Wade gets if he was the one who did that and it didn't work out? "Fire him now!" "Why the hell was he trying that with the score so close and half the game left?" "We'll never win with him"

forever22;3271243 said:
I wouldn't discredit any coach for NOT going for something like that. It was something he felt like he needed to do since he had more faith in recovering it than his defense stopping Manning, which he stated more or less in an interview. Kudos for him noticing what Indy was doing, which lead to a better chance of it working. 60% isn't exactly great odds but better than the lower half, in which non-surprise onside kicks work out at 20%. As stated here already, there is a reason why it was the first time done at that point in the game and with that close of a score. It worked, so he's a genius.

Trying to remember, didn't the Eagles do a surprise onside kick and it lead to a route of the Cowboys many years ago? Was it the opening kick, maybe a Sunday or Monday night game?

By the way, can you imagine the backlash Wade gets if he was the one who did that and it didn't work out? "Fire him now!" "Why the hell was he trying that with the score so close and half the game left?" "We'll never win with him"


Reid did do that and it worked and called smart and gutsy for doing it, couple years later he did it again and we returned it on a one hopper for a TD, no one was saying it was smart or gutsy then. :laugh2:
Doomsday101;3271247 said:
Reid did do that and it worked and called smart and gutsy for doing it, couple years later he did it again and we returned it on a one hopper for a TD, no one was saying it was smart or gutsy then. :laugh2:

Isn't it amazing how a coach can either be a moron or a genius, based on the outcome of the same decision, during the same play, in the same game, in the same circumstances.
Guarantee you Jimmy is a genius and he has big brass ones if he made that call.
WV Cowboy;3271265 said:
Isn't it amazing how a coach can either be a moron or a genius, based on the outcome of the same decision, during the same play, in the same game, in the same circumstances.

I agree. It was a high risk call that worked out for him. All in all though he did a great job on the season but like any HC/OC I don't agree with every call he makes.
Doomsday101;3270529 said:
I would not have called it making that call is not great it was a major risk that very well could have backfired and had it back fired all those giving him a pat on the back today would be mocking him instead.

Not sure about mocking him had it failed. It was a gutsy call for sure, and obviously is being given credit for changing the game, but that play wasn't the only play that hurt Indianapolis. Just before the half, Peyton goes for the first down/TD on fourth down at the goal line, and is stiffed. The defense holds, and the offense goes back down and gets three points to close out the half.

I was really impressed with the way NO hung in there, and got the three points before the half.
FLcowboy;3271343 said:
Not sure about mocking him had it failed. It was a gutsy call for sure, and obviously is being given credit for changing the game, but that play wasn't the only play that hurt Indianapolis. Just before the half, Peyton goes for the first down/TD on fourth down at the goal line, and is stiffed. The defense holds, and the offense goes back down and gets three points to close out the half.

I was really impressed with the way NO hung in there, and got the three points before the half.

Had it cost them and they lost then yes many who are praising would be hollering what a dumb call it was. As far as going for it on the 4th down by the colts goal line I had no problem with it because of the time remaining and knowing the colts would spend some times trying to get out of the hole.
tyke1doe;3270692 said:
No, he wasn't an idiot.

You kick the three and you give the ball back to Peyton with less than two minutes. He either gets a three or seven. Score: 13-6 or 17-6 with the Colts getting the ball the second half.

Go for it on fourth down and you are either 10-10 or 10-3, but you have the Colts pinned on their own 1. Peyton's not going to throw because that could be a safety and then you're 10-5 with about a minute to score a field goal or touchdown. 10-8 or 12-10.

As it happened, the Colts try to run, the Saints use their time outs. They get the ball back, and they score a field goal.

The Saints really lost nothing by going it on 4th and 1. It was absolutely the right call. The play call wasn't the best. But I can't fault the decision to go for it.

Reggie Bush/Tracy Porter(holding his little girl) said in the post game interview(when Kim Kardashian joined them) that the OS kick had been practiced and the HC had already tried to figure out when to use it, so it was in their game plans all week.
THEHEREAFTER;3270874 said:
Sure, things may have worked out differently had the colts recovered but what should be applauded is having balls and playing to WIN!! Playing to knock off a big heavily favored bully and being agressive. GOING FOR IT late in the second-- (even though they failed)-- stills sends a message to his team and to the opponent that we are not just happy to be here. We are here to BEAT YOU!!. Early in the game.. going deep on 3rd and 2. Incomplete but it sends the same message. Throughout the game the saints made agressive moves. Blitzing Manning caused that Int.

If you listen to Sean Peyton... he explains that the onsides (although some luck is involved) was a move they plotted and planned for. They saw something and thought it could work. You have to applaud them for not being that coach in the losing lockeroom saying.. "I thought we should have" etc...

Or it could send the message that "we cant beat the other team straight up".
Payton has balls the size of Mars. Amazing call in such a huge game.

And to say, “well if the play didn’t work...then he it was a bad call”...really? Wow, you think? But it worked...Congrats to him and the Saints.
Wade couldn't make that call. Why?

Wade: alright guys, we are gonna try an onside kick, them fellers ain't gonna expect that from us.

Beuhler: No go coach. You want me to kick a ball just ten yards? I haven't done that since I was 4 months old.

You mean the guy that kicked a 48 yard FG in a playoff game on 4th and 1 after they determined the kicker range was 45 yard

the answer is a flat out no. Wade would not call an onside kick except in the 4th qtr with no time left.

Wade does not have the sack to pull of a stunt like that
Kangaroo;3272024 said:
You mean the guy that kicked a 48 yard FG in a playoff game on 4th and 1 after they determined the kicker range was 45 yard

So no Wade would not do an onside kick except in the 4th qtr with no time left.

Wade does not have the sack to pull of a stunt like that

Wade is not stupid to pull something like that and no other HC in the SB had ever done it either so I guess that makes them sackless as well? :lmao2:
Doomsday101;3272032 said:
Wade is not stupid to pull something like that and no other HC in the SB had ever done it either so I guess that makes them sackless as well? :lmao2:

That is not the point the question was asked would Wade do it and the answer is still no he does not have the stones to do it.

I say Jimmy would have the stones to make a call along that lines; I remember the guarantee win and how brash and arrogant he was about it and that takes stones by a coach to do that right before a SuperBowl.

So spin it how ever you like Wade would not make that call ever
Doomsday101;3272032 said:
Wade is not stupid to pull something like that and no other HC in the SB had ever done it either so I guess that makes them sackless as well? :lmao2:

Some are saying Payton has balls for doing what he did.

But when you look at it, his coacing decisions were based on fear, not bravado.

Based on some of the posters here, he went for it on 4th down because he feared Payton would take the Colts back down for a FG or TD if he had to kick off to him after the FG.

And he attempted the on-sides kick because he didn't want Payton to have the ball and the lead.

So he feared the Colts offense so much that he passed up a sure FG, and risked giving the Colts the ball on his 40 to start the 2nd half.

Both decisions worked out for him this time, but he will not make a living making decisions like those, .. it will catch up to him somewhere down the road.

We'll see.

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