Would Wade have had the guts to call that onside kick that Payton called?

Kangaroo;3272069 said:
That is not the point the question was asked would Wade do it and the answer is still no he does not have the stones to do it.

I say Jimmy would have the stones to make a call along that lines; I remember the guarantee win and how brash and arrogant he was about it and that takes stones by a coach to do that right before a SuperBowl.

So spin it how ever you like Wade would not make that call ever

Wade has called for a 4th and 1 before so that is a bunch of non sense to start with. As for making a studpid call I hope Wade has enough common sense not to take some risk like that it was not a great call it was stupid and they got away with it.

You say Jimmy has the stones? why he had never done anything like that before he went for a 4th and 1 vs SF by their goal line in the NFC Championship game that took stones? please get out of here with this crap. This is just another lone winded BS attack on Wade nothing more than that.
He didn't have the balls to go for it on 4th down in Minnesota in a 0-0 game, so ...
bbgun;3272322 said:
He didn't have the balls to go for it on 4th down in Minnesota in a 0-0 game, so ...

Yet we have gone for it on 4th and short in other games, so....
Beast_from_East;3271812 said:
Or it could send the message that "we cant beat the other team straight up".

Did the Saints cheat? I don't see how they didn't beat the Colts straight up.
Beast_from_East;3271812 said:
Or it could send the message that "we cant beat the other team straight up".

Yep.. they outsmarted a team with perhaps the best QB in history. They decided not to give him the ball repeatedly and "manufactured" a turnover. Look who's holding the lombardy now!?
There are a lot of Hall of Fame caliber coaches who wouldn't have made that call. Congrats to Sean Payton though.

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