Would you consider living in another country?

Hostile;4652739 said:
Not just no, but hell no. No offense to anyone from somewhere else, but I love the stability of our messed up country better than the instability of all of the other messed up countries.

This, this and more of this!

If I could find another country where I could attend, NHRA, NASCAR, NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL - events, then maybe I would consider it.

There would have to be a really really great reason to even consider another country, and I havent even found a good reason yet!
DallasCowpoke;4653562 said:
I have 2 or 3 Tex-Mexican friend's, whose mothers and grandmothers would dispute this.

I have a Mexican fiancee who entire family will dispute what ever your friends say if they say it's the same
Kristen82;4652747 said:
People should try Canada. Poutine is awesome, and maybe it's something in the water but the females here are really good-looking (looks down modestly)...
I've been a lot of places but Texas women are the bomb by far...no offense I just mean in general
DallasCowpoke;4653573 said:
Apparently, CLF has his sites set on marry one of either Abbott or Costello's daughters?
Who's on first? :laugh2:

I bet he doesn't get either one of our references.
Ren;4653705 said:
I have a Mexican fiancee who entire family will dispute what ever your friends say if they say it's the same

No one claims it's the "same", and I'm sure that's kind of what the OP meant, but to say "Tex-Mex isn't Mexican" is patently wrong.
DallasCowpoke;4653771 said:
No one claims it's the "same", and I'm sure that's kind of what the OP meant, but to say "Tex-Mex isn't Mexican" is patently wrong.

But but I know somebody!!! I told them and they called their auntie momo in Jaurez, Mexico and she is MAD @ YOU.

The audacity!!


To me Tex-Mex is near enough to traditional Mexican. People can say the same thing about any ethnic food being served in the U.S.A.

There is ALWAYS an Americanized approach to serving it for American pallets.
BoysFan4ever;4653548 said:
Paris is beautiful. Lived there for a year and it is sooo expensive. Lots of ex pats there though and the food is to die for. It's just gorgeous there. I love Austria too. So beautiful.

I love Paris as well. And the food. And yes it's expensive. The missus has been to Austria. I want to go to the opera there. We're thinking about going to Italy and Greece next year. We're also going to Kenya. I want to see the migration again before I check out or it changes too much.
The30YardSlant;4652646 said:
But probably not their system of government or media censorship, and if you ever want to have more than one kid you're screwed.

no need for more than one but don't think it would apply to a non-Chinese citizen.
Dallas;4653799 said:
But but I know somebody!!! I told them and they called their auntie momo in Jaurez, Mexico and she is MAD @ YOU.

Auntie MoMo's a DRUNK. ____ her! :p:
DallasCowpoke;4653562 said:
I have 2 or 3 Tex-Mexican friend's, whose mothers and grandmothers would dispute this.

There's a huge difference between most TexMex eateries (esp outside areas with little Mexican heritage), original Mexican cuisine and what momma makes to eat when she comes from a Mexican culture.
jobberone;4652948 said:
Yep. Or she'll change it for him! :)

yeah whenever I want to know my opinion, I just ask Mrs CCF.

Hell, she has me so paranoid that I always keep receipts for my clothes I buy without her around until she gives them the approval.

One time I got home with a great sports jacket, I thought it was great, showed her and her response "it's black". I said yeah I know but it's nice "it's black". "It's black"

I ended up back in the store exchanging it for a brown one.
Duane;4652848 said:
It might be too cold but I think I'd enjoy living in Norway, the Netherlands, or Switzerland for the high standard of living.

I've got a friend that lives in Vancouver, B.C. and that area is beautiful. I'm just not sure I'd like the mix of rain and cold.

We don't get all that cold here, usual high in winter is 5 celcius, the rain sucks big time, the dampness goes through you but summers are not brutally hot, humidity is decent

For me, I wouldn't mind living in France to work on my french and hell wouldn't mind living with you yanks but would likely choose New York or San Francisco.
Dallas;4653799 said:
But but I know somebody!!! I told them and they called their auntie momo in Jaurez, Mexico and she is MAD @ YOU.

The audacity!!


To me Tex-Mex is near enough to traditional Mexican. People can say the same thing about any ethnic food being served in the U.S.A.

There is ALWAYS an Americanized approach to serving it for American pallets.

I've had a live in Mexican nanny once who cooked for us. She made fun of TexMex food routinely. My tortillas were handmade. I imagine the more Mexican heritage a part of the country has the more likely they are to have authentic cuisine. There were some very good Mexican restaurants in San Antonio. That's not TexMex either. We're not talking about somebodies home cooking as well. Not a lot of Mexican influence on cuisine in much of the SE; yet. It's very difficult here to get good Mexican cuisine.
CanadianCowboysFan;4653819 said:
yeah whenever I want to know my opinion, I just ask Mrs CCF.

Hell, she has me so paranoid that I always keep receipts for my clothes I buy without her around until she gives them the approval.

One time I got home with a great sports jacket, I thought it was great, showed her and her response "it's black". I said yeah I know but it's nice "it's black". "It's black"

I ended up back in the store exchanging it for a brown one.

You sound like a good husband. I learned long ago that yes dear, you're right dear and I'm sorry please forgive me is best for the long run.
jobberone;4653833 said:
You sound like a good husband. I learned long ago that yes dear, you're right dear and I'm sorry please forgive me is best for the long run.

Every time I stand up to her, even when I am right as I usually am, I end up being wrong so only when I feel suicidal or don't care if I score for a bit, do I tell her she is wrong :)
Kristen82;4652747 said:
People should try Canada. Poutine is awesome, and maybe it's something in the water but the females here are really good-looking (looks down modestly)...

I'm betting it's a local thing.

I've heard water quality can vary from city street to city street.

Perhaps you could tells us where in Canada we should live while being as specific as possible.

cowboyspride1980;4652930 said:
ive thought about moving to canada because too many countries want to destroy the US im a little worried about an attack

You should consider Wyoming.........not enough people in the entire state to make a terrorist think about it as a target.
jobberone;4653809 said:
I love Paris as well. And the food. And yes it's expensive. The missus has been to Austria. I want to go to the opera there. We're thinking about going to Italy and Greece next year. We're also going to Kenya. I want to see the migration again before I check out or it changes too much.

I love France. I would LOVE to go back to Austria. Never been to Greece. I would love to go though..ancient Greece fascinates me.

I still think though I would really love to live in Ireland most in terms of foreign soil.

Kenya..you must share when u go. I have heard wonderful things about Kenya.
I've lived in England for 4 years, Italy for 6 months, Kenya for 7 months, and South Korea for a year. I've enjoyed each place for different reasons, but they sitll weren't home.

If I had to chose a place to work and live I would have to say the United States, but if I had the money to retire comfortably in another country there are many places I would consider instead of the U.S.A. I just don't know where that place is right now.

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