News: WP: CBS fires VP for writing ‘Republican gun toters’ killed in Las Vegas don’t deserve sympathy

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Unarmed does not mean not a threat. Trayvon Martin was "unarmed" but he was still a threat when he used the concrete George Zimmerman's head was under to beat on his head. You need to stop believing the false narratives that cops are killing blacks.

You sending me a links to anything Salon has to say is adorable.:p

You are a lost soul. No doubt someday you are going to force a cop to protect his life by taking yours. :)

Avoiding the issue of guns being in the hands of people with the intent to kill innocent people/cops in the first place. You're the one who brought up cops getting guns pulled out on them and I pointed out how the protests are over unarmed people getting killed by cops.

And your last comment shows just what kind of person that you are, when you will resort to such a comment just to try and win a debate.
No guns? When has that ever been true in America? You have no point, 2A is very applicable to 2017 America. Over half of all voting Americans voted for Hillary and they are all idiots. I'm not disputing your stats and your stats do not override my right to have a firearm. You clearly do not have a firm grasp of the constitution and specifically 2A.

Nice dodge, I have a perfectly fine grasp of the 2nd amendment. It has a private right clause of a collective right doctrine. The reason that the private right exists is to serve the collective to form militias. We saw how well that worked out in the Civil War, and there is absolutely no reason in 2017 for it.
Well just as long as their wasn't a gun in the car with him

Well, a tragic as a woman losing her life to the white supremacist who ran her over was. The car didn't kill 59 people and injure over 500 like the man with the gun in Las Vegas did.
There is no need for a rifle that can be turned into a mass-murder death machine. The right to bare arms was intended to be a means to raise an army if needed. We have a military to protect us, so the right is moot.

I am all for sensible gun control, but when you get down to it the AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle, and nothing more. There is nothing about its design that makes it any more dangerous than your run-of-the-mill semi-automatic deer rifle.

What makes it dangerous is when people equip it with 30-round magazines and/or modifications that turn it into a fully automatic rifle. Theoretically, you could do the same to the aforementioned deer rifles. Large capacity mags and mods like this should be illegal.
Avoiding the issue of guns being in the hands of people with the intent to kill innocent people/cops in the first place. You're the one who brought up cops getting guns pulled out on them and I pointed out how the protests are over unarmed people getting killed by cops.

And your last comment shows just what kind of person that you are, when you will resort to such a comment just to try and win a debate.
Guns in the hands of bad guys intent on killing? Easy solution... shoot them. Unarmed people that do not pose a threat to police are not being killed... that's a false narrative that the protesters want you to belief. They also support cop killers.

I already won the debate before that last comment. That last comment was a wake up call to you to change you way of thinking or you will remain at high risk to be killed by a cop that you do not respect and threaten.
Don't take my weapons. I need them to protect my mixed race family from the fine ***** Trump speaks so highly of.
Nice dodge, I have a perfectly fine grasp of the 2nd amendment. It has a private right clause of a collective right doctrine. The reason that the private right exists is to serve the collective to form militias. We saw how well that worked out in the Civil War, and there is absolutely no reason in 2017 for it.
I addressed every point, no dodge and thank you for explaining how completely ignorant you are on 2A.

And the GOP still blocked his attempts at making stricter gun control laws after Sandy Hook. As well as Trump undoing a bill to keep the mentally ill people from getting guns.

But, maybe this will get undone by Trump since his goal has been to undo everything else that Obama did. I guess he is going to reverse this for stricter gun laws.
Guns in the hands of bad guys intent on killing? Easy solution... shoot them. Unarmed people that do not pose a threat to police are not being killed... that's a false narrative that the protesters want you to belief. They also support cop killers.

I already won the debate before that last comment. That last comment was a wake up call to you to change you way of thinking or you will remain at high risk to be killed by a cop that you do not respect and threaten.

No you suggested that I would get killed by a cop, because I disagreed with your political views. And jump to the assumption that I would threaten a cop and get killed one.

Also not an easy solution, When you have to have innocent people getting killed/hurt before the shooter gets taken out. Good guys with guns didn't stop, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Charleston, Las Vegas and the many other mass shootings in America before innocent people were killed. Cops with guns, who are trained have been killed on duty by guns. So the easy solution isn't just to shoot them.

Especially ones heavily armed, that has weapons more powerful and dangerous than a handgun.
No you suggested that I would get killed by a cop, because I disagreed with your political views. And jump to the assumption that I would threaten a cop and get killed one.

Also not an easy solution, When you have to have innocent people getting killed/hurt before the shooter gets taken out. Good guys with guns didn't stop, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Charleston, Las Vegas and the many other mass shootings in America before innocent people were killed. Cops with guns, who are trained have been killed on duty by guns. So the easy solution isn't just to shoot them.

Especially ones heavily armed, that has weapons more powerful and dangerous than a handgun.
You seem to be shocked that their is evil in this word. There always has been and always will be evil in this world and in all that time never before has evil killed as it did in Vegas... first time occurrence. But you want to panic like it's going to happen again any day now. 320 million people in this country and 99.99% of us love each other and would never do what happen in Vegas. It's the best country in the world to live in because it has the best people in the world. Your fear-mongering over gun control does no one any good. There is no law that would prevent what happen. Guns aren't going away princess. I thank God I have mine.
The truth is not ignorance.
What a coincidence... your ignorance is not truth. If what you say is truth then why do so many Americans legally own firearms? Why is the industry of arming private citizens such a booming business. Answer... because 2A is a beautiful thing that makes it possible. God Bless America!
What a coincidence... your ignorance is not truth. If what you say is truth then why do so many Americans legally own firearms? Why is the industry of arming private citizens such a booming business. Answer... because 2A is a beautiful thing that makes it possible. God Bless America!
Typical nonsense. Just where did I say it was illegal? I said that there are two parts to the 2nd amendment and morons like you only see the second half. There was a reason given for that right to bare arms, a reason that is no longer necessary.
Typical nonsense. Just where did I say it was illegal? I said that there are two parts to the 2nd amendment and morons like you only see the second half. There was a reason given for that right to bare arms, a reason that is no longer necessary.

...says you. Who the hell are you? Nobody!
You seem to be shocked that their is evil in this word. There always has been and always will be evil in this world and in all that time never before has evil killed as it did in Vegas... first time occurrence. But you want to panic like it's going to happen again any day now. 320 million people in this country and 99.99% of us love each other and would never do what happen in Vegas. It's the best country in the world to live in because it has the best people in the world. Your fear-mongering over gun control does no one any good. There is no law that would prevent what happen. Guns aren't going away princess. I thank God I have mine.

Other countries which have stricter gun control laws and their deaths by guns are not as bad as it is in America. Also by that logic why have any laws on the books at all, especially ones against murdering or committing a violent act on someone by a evil person.

DUI, doesn't stop some people from getting behind the wheel and killing/hurting another person with a car. But, a movement was still made to get laws against Drunk driving past to reduce people getting killed by drunk driving. No current law prevents some people from breaking them, so by that logic what is the point of having any laws at all.
What a coincidence... your ignorance is not truth. If what you say is truth then why do so many Americans legally own firearms? Why is the industry of arming private citizens such a booming business. Answer... because 2A is a beautiful thing that makes it possible. God Bless America!
And if you want to take it as is, then the only arms you can have are single shot muskets because that was the words meant when written.
Other countries which have stricter gun control laws and their deaths by guns are not as bad as it is in America. Also by that logic why have any laws on the books at all, especially ones against murdering or committing a violent act on someone by a evil person.

DUI, doesn't stop some people from getting behind the wheel and killing/hurting another person with a car. But, a movement was still made to get laws against Drunk driving past to reduce people getting killed by drunk driving. No current law prevents some people from breaking them, so by that logic what is the point of having any laws at all.
No use using logic or facts, they will just scream fake news and then call you a name.
Other countries which have stricter gun control laws and their deaths by guns are as bad as it is in America. Also by that logic why have any laws on the books at all, especially ones against murdering or committing a violent act on someone by a evil person.

DUI, doesn't stop some people from getting behind the wheel and killing/hurting another person with a car. But, a movement was still made to get laws against Drunk driving past to reduce people getting killed by drunk driving. No current law prevents some people from breaking them, so by that logic what is the point of having any laws at all.

Making laws for the sake of making laws is futile. If you have a law short of banning all weapons that would prevent the mass shooting in Vegas then let's hear it. Even banning all weapons would not stop evil from doing that.
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