WWE Network

Daniel Bryans yes lock

They are both just a version of the Lebell lock.

You bring up a good point here. But I'm not sure. I would have to see them both side by side or one after the other to be sure. I don't remember the Yes Lock as being the same as the Crippler CrossFace but I could be wrong. Close for sure. Same? hmmmmm....
I would have to see them both side by side or one after the other to be sure.

close enough, slight difference in the position of the legs compared to the arm, but clearly the move wasn't banned

Ya, close enough. I still am pretty sure I heard it was at least for a while Not To Be Used though.
Yahoo has aggregated some content with headlines saying Sting has signed on to actually appear on WWE programming not just games. Any truth to this? That would actually get me watching WWE on a more regular basis, not just randomly during the football offseason.
I've heard that Sting will be. No one is confirming anything that I've seen though. I've heard rumors they're wanting to use him and give him a big match at Wrestlemania.

Who knows though.
So is this Sting some big name wrestler? I love Sting the singer. :p

Big time. Probably the one guy that Vince has always wanted but never been able to get into his company. WWE owns the property rights that WCW had, and WCW owns the Sting character I think, which is why Vince can market Sting in WWE products. However, he is still trying to really sign Sting apparently. Sting is legend status, up there with the greats. He's getting old though and probably wants to get one big final payday out of WWE if he can.
Big time. Probably the one guy that Vince has always wanted but never been able to get into his company. WWE owns the property rights that WCW had, and WCW owns the Sting character I think, which is why Vince can market Sting in WWE products. However, he is still trying to really sign Sting apparently. Sting is legend status, up there with the greats. He's getting old though and probably wants to get one big final payday out of WWE if he can.

I think I saw this guy on TV on a Christian program. I just remembered he was talking about his life as a wrestler. I'm all for it. I really like Jericho & I understand he's a long time guy.
Battleground Spoilers!

So what did you all think of Battleground? I thought it was just okay. The Usos vs. Harper/Rowan was great and thought it probably was the match of the night in some ways. I understand that Rollins/Ambrose will be one of the bigger matches at SS and they're continuing to build it up but I was still a little pissed they didn't have a match. AJ vs. Paige was just ok and quite honestly I am not big on Diva matches. Rusev vs. Jack Swagger was pretty good overall but I am not really a fan of either wrestler. Bray Wyatt vs. Jericho was good but I was hoping Wyatt had won the match. I saw on Twitter etc a lot of people complain about Bray/Harper/Rowan constantly losing at PPV's. I have to agree but I think Bray will have a big match/win at SS. The battle royal for the IC title was good up until the ending! I wanted Kofi to win and when he landed on Big E's shoulders that was awesome. Anyways I kinda knew The Miz was going to come back in the ring at the last second and win so that was rather lame. Now on to to the Fatal 4 Way match Cena/Reigns/Orton/Kane overall was a really good match other than the result. I knew Cena was going to win but was hoping something changed last minute. Did anyone else notice that Cena gave Orton an AA on top of Kane to win for the second straight PPV? The WWE has become quite predictable lately and I don't know what they're going to do tonight on Raw with Cena shooting his new movie? Brock Lesnar is supposed to be there but it'll be a little hard to start a feud with Cena if he's not even going to be there.
Battleground Spoilers!

So what did you all think of Battleground? I thought it was just okay. The Usos vs. Harper/Rowan was great and thought it probably was the match of the night in some ways. I understand that Rollins/Ambrose will be one of the bigger matches at SS and they're continuing to build it up but I was still a little pissed they didn't have a match. AJ vs. Paige was just ok and quite honestly I am not big on Diva matches. Rusev vs. Jack Swagger was pretty good overall but I am not really a fan of either wrestler. Bray Wyatt vs. Jericho was good but I was hoping Wyatt had won the match. I saw on Twitter etc a lot of people complain about Bray/Harper/Rowan constantly losing at PPV's. I have to agree but I think Bray will have a big match/win at SS. The battle royal for the IC title was good up until the ending! I wanted Kofi to win and when he landed on Big E's shoulders that was awesome. Anyways I kinda knew The Miz was going to come back in the ring at the last second and win so that was rather lame. Now on to to the Fatal 4 Way match Cena/Reigns/Orton/Kane overall was a really good match other than the result. I knew Cena was going to win but was hoping something changed last minute. Did anyone else notice that Cena gave Orton an AA on top of Kane to win for the second straight PPV? The WWE has become quite predictable lately and I don't know what they're going to do tonight on Raw with Cena shooting his new movie? Brock Lesnar is supposed to be there but it'll be a little hard to start a feud with Cena if he's not even going to be there.

The show was okay not great, I thought. Toooo long though if I can actually complain about that lol.
Big time. Probably the one guy that Vince has always wanted but never been able to get into his company. WWE owns the property rights that WCW had, and WCW owns the Sting character I think, which is why Vince can market Sting in WWE products. However, he is still trying to really sign Sting apparently. Sting is legend status, up there with the greats. He's getting old though and probably wants to get one big final payday out of WWE if he can.

WWE clearly doesn't own the Sting character because he still does the Sting character in TNA, and has off and on, since WWE bought out WCW. So they don't own the right to the Sting character and until he signed with them recently that's why they have never been able to put the character in their WWE games.

If they owned that character the Sting character would have been in the WWE games as an unlock character for a while now and he wouldn't be able to be Sting in TNA.
I've sort of half watched some TNA shows lately & they never mention Sting. Maybe I'm missing something?

Well darn Bray lost. And his guys. That sucks.

I really don't like those USO guys.
WWE clearly doesn't own the Sting character because he still does the Sting character in TNA, and has off and on, since WWE bought out WCW. So they don't own the right to the Sting character and until he signed with them recently that's why they have never been able to put the character in their WWE games.

If they owned that character the Sting character would have been in the WWE games as an unlock character for a while now and he wouldn't be able to be Sting in TNA.


"It appeared this week that Sting had reached a deal with WWE other than the video game deal as the company began selling new Sting merchandise once the game announcement was made. The Wrestling Observer reports that there is still no deal signed as of Wednesday but both sides are still working towards getting it signed.

The Sting likeness used on the new merchandise was considered intellectual property of WCW, which WWE purchased in 2001, and WWE believes they have the rights to merchandise it now."

...so maybe the "likeness" approach vs the "character" approach is different.
Battleground Spoilers!

So what did you all think of Battleground? I thought it was just okay. The Usos vs. Harper/Rowan was great and thought it probably was the match of the night in some ways. I understand that Rollins/Ambrose will be one of the bigger matches at SS and they're continuing to build it up but I was still a little pissed they didn't have a match. AJ vs. Paige was just ok and quite honestly I am not big on Diva matches. Rusev vs. Jack Swagger was pretty good overall but I am not really a fan of either wrestler. Bray Wyatt vs. Jericho was good but I was hoping Wyatt had won the match. I saw on Twitter etc a lot of people complain about Bray/Harper/Rowan constantly losing at PPV's. I have to agree but I think Bray will have a big match/win at SS. The battle royal for the IC title was good up until the ending! I wanted Kofi to win and when he landed on Big E's shoulders that was awesome. Anyways I kinda knew The Miz was going to come back in the ring at the last second and win so that was rather lame. Now on to to the Fatal 4 Way match Cena/Reigns/Orton/Kane overall was a really good match other than the result. I knew Cena was going to win but was hoping something changed last minute. Did anyone else notice that Cena gave Orton an AA on top of Kane to win for the second straight PPV? The WWE has become quite predictable lately and I don't know what they're going to do tonight on Raw with Cena shooting his new movie? Brock Lesnar is supposed to be there but it'll be a little hard to start a feud with Cena if he's not even going to be there.

I ended up watching it. The tag match was pretty good, nice start to the show.

At least Paige and AJ can wrestle some. Most of the other women are pretty damn boring.

Woohoo! Way to bring back the cold war WWF!

Wyatt and Jericho was really good, I quite enjoyed that match. I think the Wyatt family, at this time, are pretty immune to losses causing them to look bad. A lot of guys on the roster are just jobbers with a name.

Battle royal was decent, Kofi hits another crowd pleaser only to get eliminated. But why is stiff legs Magoo always in these things?

F4W went about as to be expected. I enjoyed it and actually don't mind Cena.

"It appeared this week that Sting had reached a deal with WWE other than the video game deal as the company began selling new Sting merchandise once the game announcement was made. The Wrestling Observer reports that there is still no deal signed as of Wednesday but both sides are still working towards getting it signed.

The Sting likeness used on the new merchandise was considered intellectual property of WCW, which WWE purchased in 2001, and WWE believes they have the rights to merchandise it now."

...so maybe the "likeness" approach vs the "character" approach is different.

That probably is true. I really don't know how that stuff all works. Usually what you see if they own a character then that person doesn't get to use that character anymore elsewhere.

The Dudley Boys would be a good example. They had to refer to themselves as team 3D in TNA because WWE wouldn't allow them to use Dudley Boys anymore.
I've sort of half watched some TNA shows lately & they never mention Sting. Maybe I'm missing something?

Well darn Bray lost. And his guys. That sucks.

I really don't like those USO guys.

He's not with TNA at this time and he's rumored to be officially working on a deal with WWE.

Sting has been the TNA World Champion a few times.

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