Personally I cannot see him beating their self appointed Superman Cena. What would the kids think?
Oh I can. Look no further than Creative picking him to be the one to end Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak.
Yep. There is that and the fact that when Brock returned early last year his first match was at an Extreme PPV against Cena and they had Cena defeat him. Lesnar hasn't faced Cena since so I can see them allowing him to beat Cena now to get that win back.
It would also allow them to take the belt off of Cena and give Lesnar a couple of months of being an unbeatable champion who it doesn't look like anyone can dethrone until they allow some big face they want to give a major win to, in order to build them (thinking Roman Reigns here), to defeat him.
Well guys it's obvious I do not understand this "creative" stuff because I do not understand giving a belt to a guy who is never there.
They have Bray lose almost every PPV & he's there every show. What about him getting a belt? Why not reward some of these guys who do all the grunt work for the company with something instead of this guy who just flits in for a month or whatever.
I know it's business.
I can see why that Punk guy left. It must frustrate the hell out of some of these guys the way their character is written.
I think part of Punk's problem(not saying he is wrong), but thinks because guys work hard, they deserve the title, when we all know it is about marketing. Ex: Back in the day, if IRS(Irwin R. Schyster, Bray Wyatts daddy), was the hardest working guy, he should get the belt, when we all know, none of us would really want that.
I get that but it seems to be a business where if you work hard you may not actually be rewarded while others step over you because they sell more tshirts or foam fingers.
The "business" side of it would drive me nuts. I mean I just started watching & I can tell which guys are just there & which guys are the ones that will be given big chances.
And Bray is popular. People respond to him but I don't see him getting any belts anytime soon. Do you?
He loses almost every PPV that I have seen talked about on here.
Oh I can. Look no further than Creative picking him to be the one to end Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak.
I think they book Bray to lose because, at least to me, his character isn't concerned with winning and losing just the mind games he plays with his opponents. His recent program with Cena was about trying to get him to embrace the dark side so to speak.
He's far from the jobber that a guy like Zach Ryder is. Ryders job anymore, notwithstanding his recent win over the movie ticket guy, is to make his opponent look good. He may get some offense in, maybe look like he could win before being defeated.
Lesner can't talk. Just like Emmitt he really struggles speaking in front of the camera. So we get Paul Heyman. Yes he can really talk.I don't care about that Lesnar guy mainly because I cannot stand that manager of his that talks for 20 minutes every show.
Just like The Rock could show up and get a title shot, Lesner is looked at in the same light. A former champ coming off a win over the UT makes him a main eventer immediately if he wasn't already.Impressive although I still,don't understand why he suddenly gets a shot at a title.
It's completely understandable to think that. But I honestly I expect Lesner to win the belts. Lesner is look at as almost being unbeatable. Cena is holding the belts because he is a "safe" champion and there is no shame in losing to Lesner. Looking down the road, if Lesner were to beat Cena, look what it would do for Roman Reigns career if he were to beat Lesner for the belts. That is why I think Lesner beats Cena.Personally I cannot see him beating their self appointed Superman Cena.
The Miz has a new movie out. It could be that simple. Also remember he is a former world champion who has main evented Wrestlemania and hosted his own segment called "Miz TV" FWIW.Like that Ziggler guy. I watch & he's very good. He's there week after week kicking it & has crowd support & they give the belt to that guy Miz. Who just came back right?
If undertaker had this magnificent career there with this streak going on wouldn't they let him have some say in that match? Maybe he told them I won't be back & ok end it.
Lesner can't talk. Just like Emmitt he really struggles speaking in front of the camera. So we get Paul Heyman. Yes he can really talk.
Just like The Rock could show up and get a title shot, Lesner is looked at in the same light. A former champ coming off a win over the UT makes him a main eventer immediately if he wasn't already.
It's completely understandable to think that. But I honestly I expect Lesner to win the belts. Lesner is look at as almost being unbeatable. Cena is holding the belts because he is a "safe" champion and there is no shame in losing to Lesner. Looking down the road, if Lesner were to beat Cena, look what it would do for Roman Reigns career if he were to beat Lesner for the belts. That is why I think Lesner beats Cena.
The Miz has a new movie out. It could be that simple. Also remember he is a former world champion who has main evented Wrestlemania and hosted his own segment called "Miz TV" FWIW.
Lesner can't talk.
The Miz has a new movie out. It could be that simple. Also remember he is a former world champion who has main evented Wrestlemania and hosted his own segment called "Miz TV" FWIW.
Oh you better believe they talked about the match outcome with him, beforehand. In fact, I think I saw somewhere that it was, if not outright known, then strongly speculated that Mark (Undertaker) had actually been the one to suggest the outcome, and for his streak to finally end against Brock. I think the ending wasn't what they had scripted though, due to his getting really injured in the match, but Brock actually covered that pretty well I thought. But it's almost a certainty that Mark at the very least gave his tacit approval to the outcome of the match.
With Guardians of the Galaxy coming out, you do not see Batista getting the title? Marketing purposes?