WWE Network

Ambrose is one of the new guys, so to speak, whose dang good. An all around really good one to have in the WWE. Jericho is a legend. He's one of the best ever. Absolutely a stud and one of my 5 or 6 favorites of all time.

As an avid, admitted, huge HBK fan (Whom I think is the best of all time) I think Jericho is probably every bit as good as HBK. He's like an HBK clone and was just amazing to watch during his prime.

I don't know who HBK is! I'll have to look him up.
I might have posted this before but anyone on Facebook should join my WWE group!
If anyone hears the details of ARD's unprofessional conduct please post it. I'm very interested in what he did. It has to be pretty serious to get fired.
If anyone hears the details of ARD's unprofessional conduct please post it. I'm very interested in what he did. It has to be pretty serious to get fired.

You mean ADR?


By Marc Middleton | August 07, 2014 | Comments (489)
Source: F4WOnline

F4Wonline.com backs up the earlier report that the story going around is Alberto Del Rio slapped a WWE.com reporter at this week's TV tapings. We noted earlier it may have been a social media worker.
They noted there are a variety of different stories going around about what led to this incident.

It's expected that Del Rio will have a 90-day non-compete clause, which would apply to AAA and TNA, who both have interest in him. We've noted that AAA is expanding into the United States soon.
I do like Jericho & I'll check him out. Thx.

"HBK" is one of the nicknames / monikers he went by. "Heart Break Kid". Apparently it was none other than Mr. Perfect, Curt Hennig, who suggested this nickname to him to adopt.

Also known as:

Mr. WrestleMania
The Show Stopper
The Main Event
The Headliner
The Icon

I never imagined that both he and Bret would zoom up to the legendary status that both attained when they were both just young new talent featured in tag teams. Both tag teams were really fun to watch I thought, The Rockers and The Hart Foundation. Those were some great tag team days back then though.
By Marc Middleton | August 08, 2014 | Comments (174)
Source: PWInsider Elite

As noted, WWE released Alberto Del Rio on Thursday for what they called an incident with an employee.
A third source has now reported to PWInsider that Del Rio allegedly slapped a WWE.com worker at this week's TV tapings. The story going around is that Del Rio said he was responding to something said that he felt was racist in nature.

It was also said that WWE will not be commenting on the situation beyond the announcement that was made on their website yesterday.

We've also noted how Del Rio has expressed interest in leaving WWE once his contract expired this year. Del Rio recently relocated to Texas, which gave some people in WWE the impression that he moved to be closer to Mexico once his WWE run was over.

I'm actually a Del Rio fan so I'm kind of bummed they've released him. It would seem to me that it would be over something more than a slap though. I don't know if I believe that's the entire story.
I'm actually a Del Rio fan so I'm kind of bummed they've released him. It would seem to me that it would be over something more than a slap though. I don't know if I believe that's the entire story.

Yeah I agree with you.
Ok I saw the lady on TNA go through the table. Actually the wrestler is the one who went through the table. His butt anyway.

Still they did it well. She was up very high & she still landed hard. I can see where that might have hurt a little.

They have a different kind of ring than WWE.
Ok I saw the lady on TNA go through the table. Actually the wrestler is the one who went through the table. His butt anyway.

Still they did it well. She was up very high & she still landed hard. I can see where that might have hurt a little.

They have a different kind of ring than WWE.

Yeah they just brought it back recently. They had that ring type for years then went to a regular ring for a long while now. Recently they went back to the six sided ring.
So yeah it was really a stroke of bad luck for Alberto Del Rio getting, you know, fired and all. But the REAL tragedy for the poor guy was that after listening to HHH repeatedly all night during RAW, he finally decided to sign up for the WWE Network just after the show, for the low low price of just $9.99
Yeah they just brought it back recently. They had that ring type for years then went to a regular ring for a long while now. Recently they went back to the six sided ring.

That was the first thing I noticed. That ring.

It seemed higher than the WWE ring. He threw her far.
So yeah it was really a stroke of bad luck for Alberto Del Rio getting, you know, fired and all. But the REAL tragedy for the poor guy was that after listening to HHH repeatedly all night during RAW, he finally decided to sign up for the WWE Network just after the show, for the low low price of just $9.99

That whole WWE Network promo just reaked of desperation.
So who is ready to watch tonight's Raw with Hulk Hogan's birthday celebration and more infomercials of the WWE Network for only $9.99!!