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What is wrong with Brock's ear?

His face too for that matter.

I guess he's suppose to be this scary guy but gosh he's just meh to me.
What is wrong with Brock's ear?
Cauliflower ear (complication of hematoma auris, perichondrial hematoma, or traumatic auricular hematoma) is a condition that occurs when the external portion of the ear suffers a blow, blood clot or other collection of fluid under the perichondrium. This separates the cartilagefrom the overlying perichondrium that supplies its nutrients, causing it to die and resulting in the formation of fibrous tissue in the overlying skin. As a result, the outer ear becomes permanently swollen and deformed, resembling a cauliflower.

The condition is most common among boxers, wrestlers, mixed martial artists, and forwards in rugby union.

Headgear (called a "scrum cap" in rugby, or simply "headgear" or earguard in wrestling and other martial arts) that protects the ears is worn in wrestling and rugby, many martial arts, and other contact sports to help prevent this condition. For some athletes, however, a cauliflower ear is considered a badge of courage or experience.
That explains the ear thing but what's wrong with his face?


That is one ugly mug. He looks like he's so nervous out there. Sweating. Red faced. He's just strange looking.

The segment with Stephanie tonight was SO LAME.

I don't know who those guys were with Hogan but I guess that was cool for his fans. I'm not one of them. That stuff is just too old for me.
I was hoping for the NWO reunion to be a little better but the birthday celebration wasn't that bad. BoysFan4ever is right about the Stephanie and Brie segment being lame! The girl that played Daniel Bryan's physical therapist is ECCW and PWA wrestler Chelsea Green, known as Jaida.
Cauliflower ear (complication of hematoma auris, perichondrial hematoma, or traumatic auricular hematoma) is a condition that occurs when the external portion of the ear suffers a blow, blood clot or other collection of fluid under the perichondrium. This separates the cartilagefrom the overlying perichondrium that supplies its nutrients, causing it to die and resulting in the formation of fibrous tissue in the overlying skin. As a result, the outer ear becomes permanently swollen and deformed, resembling a cauliflower.

The condition is most common among boxers, wrestlers, mixed martial artists, and forwards in rugby union.

Headgear (called a "scrum cap" in rugby, or simply "headgear" or earguard in wrestling and other martial arts) that protects the ears is worn in wrestling and rugby, many martial arts, and other contact sports to help prevent this condition. For some athletes, however, a cauliflower ear is considered a badge of courage or experience.

I pointed out Brock's ear to my wife last night and I called it "wrestlers ear" lol. Doesn't Cena have Cauliflower ear too?

Joey Styles? Knocked JBL out?

Yeah, a few years ago.

JBL was your typical bully...bullies people that knows won't fight him and then cowers away when somebody stands up to him. He pulled the same stuff with Joey Styles and Joey threw a punch and knocked him out cold.

I think ADR should be punished, but it's laughable for the WWE and HHH to act like 'you are responsible for your actions' when guys like JBL, Undertaker, Chris Benoit, etc were bullies to WWE staffers.

Yeah, a few years ago.

JBL was your typical bully...bullies people that knows won't fight him and then cowers away when somebody stands up to him. He pulled the same stuff with Joey Styles and Joey threw a punch and knocked him out cold.

I think ADR should be punished, but it's laughable for the WWE and HHH to act like 'you are responsible for your actions' when guys like JBL, Undertaker, Chris Benoit, etc were bullies to WWE staffers.


Thanks for the info man. I had never heard about that one. I knew JBL was a bully and always had been.
I was hoping for the NWO reunion to be a little better but the birthday celebration wasn't that bad. BoysFan4ever is right about the Stephanie and Brie segment being lame! The girl that played Daniel Bryan's physical therapist is ECCW and PWA wrestler Chelsea Green, known as Jaida.

I was disappointed in the reunion but understand they were handcuffed with the other former greats in there. Speaking of handcuffed, anything with Steph involved is lame. My brother once told me he fast forwards thru all those segments with her until she ever experiences a wardrobe malfunction. And he will continue to do that unless I call him and let him know there is something worth watching. Just guessing but most guys are probably in the same boat.

My attempt at humor - hopefully Brie can make bail so the scheduled match between her and Steph will happen this
Sunday at Summerslam. Did you know that you can watch that match for only $9.99?
I was disappointed in the reunion but understand they were handcuffed with the other former greats in there. Speaking of handcuffed, anything with Steph involved is lame. My brother once told me he fast forwards thru all those segments with her until she ever experiences a wardrobe malfunction. And he will continue to do that unless I call him and let him know there is something worth watching. Just guessing but most guys are probably in the same boat.

My attempt at humor - hopefully Brie can make bail so the scheduled match between her and Steph will happen this
Sunday at Summerslam. Did you know that you can watch that match for only $9.99?

It's 9.99 for now but it will go up eventually.

Anyways the Steph Brie is stupid. I think what will happen is Daniel Bryan will make an appearance to stop HHH but then Nikki will turn heel on Brie. I could be wrong but the Diva's division needs heels to contend with AJ until Snuka comes back and becomes a rival to AJ.
The angle they're using with Steph and Brie is a huge part of the problem. It's a horrible angle that is so freaking over used. It's like the guy wrestler cheating on the female is the only angle they can come with when it goes to those things.

So stupid.
The angle they're using with Steph and Brie is a huge part of the problem. It's a horrible angle that is so freaking over used. It's like the guy wrestler cheating on the female is the only angle they can come with when it goes to those things.

So stupid.

The angle is pretty bad, but the execution is worse. Neither of the Bella Twins are good on the mic or in vignettes. And Stephanie McMahon is flat out horrendous.

It's 9.99 for now but it will go up eventually.

Anyways the Steph Brie is stupid. I think what will happen is Daniel Bryan will make an appearance to stop HHH but then Nikki will turn heel on Brie. I could be wrong but the Diva's division needs heels to contend with AJ until Snuka comes back and becomes a rival to AJ.

Supposedly it'll be $12.99 with no commitment or $9.99 with a six month commitment like usual.

The angle is pretty bad, but the execution is worse. Neither of the Bella Twins are good on the mic or in vignettes. And Stephanie McMahon is flat out horrendous.


Stephanie wouldn't be so bad if she didn't make those stupid faces. And her skits or whatever you call them are way too long.
More on the ADR firing...


As noted, WWE released Alberto Del Rio after he slapped WWE's Manager of Social Media Live Events Cody Barbierri at last week's TV tapings. Del Rio confronted Barbierri in catering for a remark that Barbierri made earlier. The story is that someone made a remark to Barbierri about not cleaning off his plate and as a joke, he said that was Del Rio's job. Del Rio was not there at the time but was told about it. When he confronted Barbierri, he told him he did not appreciate the racist remark and wanted an apology.

The Wrestling Observer reports that it was going around backstage that Del Rio "slapped the s--t" out of Barbierri, knocking him to the floor, and Del Rio's release wasn't so much that he assaulted Barbierri but based more on how hard he hit him.

Del Rio was reportedly told after the incident that he was being suspended for a short time, until just past SummerSlam. There's a belief that Barbierri threatened to sue WWE and at that point, WWE felt they had no choice but to let Del Rio go due to legal reasons. Triple H called Del Rio on August 7th, letting him go and he was reportedly furious.


Some of the wrestlers were sympathetic to Alberto Del Rio after he was fired by WWE. Regarding the WWE employee that Del Rio assaulted, Cody Barbierri, one person told The Wrestling Observer that he was a "jerkoff who was very arrogant," but said he was intelligent and his attitude had flown under the radar of WWE officials.

Another source noted to the newsletter that Barbierri had a few situations while on the road with WWE over the past year and he had a reputation for talking down to wrestlers. However, Barbierri has had the backing of Stephanie McMahon and has been a key player in WWE's social media department.
I would think the wrestlers probably stick together on issues like this & it may not be all smooth sailing for that dude.

That was an unnecessary thing to say. He's probably lucky he only got slapped.

If true that is.