Why are you so worried about what's "fair" for these players? You'd make a horrible GM.
Its not the Cowboys responsibility to create "fair" deals. They should be determining the value of any given player in the context of the entire team and have the disciple to stick to their valuations. If they have done their calculations correctly in light of their evaluation of a given players talent, then the deal will be inherently fair.
What they can't fall into the trap of doing is paying a player according to the outliers of the past like AP. If a given player thinks he deserves this kind of deal, then he isn't being fair to himself or the team, he's just gambling that some idiot team will lack the disciple and over pay. Having said that, if the player thinks he can do better elsewhere, then godspeed to him.
Each player must determine whatever he deems to be a fair deal, Its not managements responsibility.
IMHO, managements allegiance should always be toward the team which should always be greater than any single player (with the lone exception being QB).
I really believe management needs to be pushing the benefits of playing for the Cowboys heavily, imo.
How many other markets offer the same exposure, off field earning opportunities, no state income tax, CHEAP real estate (relative to any market that could compete with Dallas for exposure) and cost of living?
I say none