You HAVE to be kidding me...

Gfunk, riggo, how would you like it if we termed you guys idiots? or Commander fans in general? just like American-Indians were called Commanders because of their color, we would call you guys idiots because of what spews forth from your mouth, you guys wouldn't like that too much would you? and I'm sure you wouldn't say, "well, they're just calling us 2 guys idiots, what's the big deal?"
Danny White said:
The answer is: it doesn't matter.

The percentage is irrelevant because the term is offensive. What makes it offensive? Just as the Supreme Court ruled on "what is pornography," YOU KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT.

You don't need a focus group or a poll to know that Redsk*n is an offensive name for Native American Indians. How do you determine that the N-word is offensive? Do you take a poll? What about black people who use it themselves? Does that make it acceptable to name a team that? Of course not. It's an offensive term and would rightfully be banned for use in the NFL.

How many people would need to be offended by the F-word to make it unacceptable for placement on an NFL helmet? If I can't come up with an exact number, does that make it OK for use?

Come on Riggo, you're grasping at straws to defend your team's racist moniker.
Post of the day.
Danny White said:
The answer is: it doesn't matter.

The percentage is irrelevant because the term is offensive. What makes it offensive? Just as the Supreme Court ruled on "what is pornography," YOU KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE IT.

You don't need a focus group or a poll to know that Redsk*n is an offensive name for Native American Indians. How do you determine that the N-word is offensive? Do you take a poll? What about black people who use it themselves? Does that make it acceptable to name a team that? Of course not. It's an offensive term and would rightfully be banned for use in the NFL.

How many people would need to be offended by the F-word to make it unacceptable for placement on an NFL helmet? If I can't come up with an exact number, does that make it OK for use?

Come on Riggo, you're grasping at straws to defend your team's racist moniker.

dare I say post of the day?
summerisfunner said:
Gfunk, riggo, how would you like it if we termed you guys idiots? or Commander fans in general? just like American-Indians were called Commanders because of their color, we would call you guys idiots because of what spews forth from your mouth, you guys wouldn't like that too much would you? and I'm sure you wouldn't say, "well, they're just calling us 2 guys idiots, what's the big deal?"

first off, I don't catch feelings like that, call me what you like

we as a people are becoming too damn sensitive, it sickens me

and second, the word "Commander" has many meanings, including refering the red war paint some Indian tribes painted on their faces in time of war

it's not always in reference to this supposid "red" skin that American Indians (which are of Asian descent) supposidly have
I don't see the comparison

what about the Indians that love the team and its name and take pride in it, do we just ignore them because they don't speak up and waste time in American courts?

Gfunk said:
wow, funny you speak of logic, so if ONE person is offended, everything must accomidate that one person? lol

wow, political correctness at its worse

you can find one person offended by everything and anything in this world... I'm sure you can find a rancher that takes offense to use of "Cowboy" with the corny big hats, sterotypical rope around the waste, yelling YEE HAW every day


Please? Are you dumb or just stupid?

Is it alright to call a black man a N-word? And your analogy about some rancher? Stupid as hell! Cowboys and Rodeos, and ranchers are not racist remarks, and have nothing to do with race.

There are all kinds of races that are Cowboys or ranchers! Blacks, whites, Native American Indians, oriental, etc...

Freaking amazing!

Gfunk said:

and second, the word "Commander" has many meanings, including refering the red war paint some Indian tribes painted on their faces in time of war


Commander was a term coined from the color of the Native-American's skin
Hostile said:
No Commanders fan will ever take me up on this invitation. I'm amazed at how two faced that is. That's my point. By all means, enjoy your hypocrisy.

on what invitation? sorry, last place I ever wanna visit in America is Arizona

I'll wear my jersey anywhere I damn please in the country, proudly

the Commanders are only the team and organization, not every Indian in this country... that's a correlation you're making, not me

if a few people take offense to it, so be it, like I said, you can find someone offended by anything and everything in this country

Hostile said:
Post of the day.
I do what I can.

Honestly, it's a little too easy... the name is indefensible, and all they have to fall back on is sophistry.
summerisfunner said:

Commander was a term coined from the color of the Native-American's skin
that's just ONE definition of it... feel free to cure your ignorance with less assumptions and more facts
Gfunk said:
that's just ONE definition of it... feel free to cure your ignorance with less assumptions and more facts
You are correct, the most common definition is to describe the scalp of an Indian that was taken to record a bounty.
Gfunk said:
and second, the word "Commander" has many meanings, including refering the red war paint some Indian tribes painted on their faces in time of war
No it doesn't.

It also isn't a variety of peanut as one of your fans once told me the team is named after a peanut variety native to the DC area.

Here ya go...Link...notice the words "disparaging" and "offensive." The fact of the matter remains that word was used by anti-Native American people and it was not meant to complement them.
Gfunk said:
that's just ONE definition of it... feel free to cure your ignorance with less assumptions and more facts

Main Entry: red·skin
Pronunciation: 'red-"skin
Function: noun
usually offensive : [SIZE=-1]AMERICAN INDIAN[/SIZE]


Get a freaking clue!

Gfunk said:
and second, the word "Commander" has many meanings, including refering the red war paint some Indian tribes painted on their faces in time of war

Could you provde a link to this definition please.
summerisfunner said:
ignorance, just plain, redneck ignorance
It has little to do with being a redneck and more to do with blindness to reality due to a fondness for the team.

I'm sure the people defending the name aren't "rednecks" they're just passionate fans. There's no need to resort to slurs to point out the error of their ways.
Danny White said:
You are correct, the most common definition is to describe the scalp of an Indian that was taken to record a bounty.

Gfunk said:
that's just ONE definition of it... feel free to cure your ignorance with less assumptions and more facts

Find us any link to the origin of the word and prove us wrong. When you can't find that origin, let us know.
5Stars said:
One American Indian is enough, idiot!

Walk up to any black stranger that you know, just one, pick him out of a crowd...go up to him and call him the N- word! See what he does! He will most likely give you a "savage" beating!

You RedStinks fans and your logic is amazing. Amazingly stupid!


5 stars- one? you realize you could find one of every type of person that is offended by any time of name or label.

i would suppose that just about all 'blacks', 'african americans' (whatever isnt offensive) are offended by the n word. why is it that most native americans- according to published polls- dont feel the same about 'Commander'?

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