Young's handlers aren't handling their business

Qwickdraw said:
Funny I made a thread a few days with the same similar points related to the same overrated QB...
I was personally attacked
and it was removed.
Apparently more poeple than myself feel the same.
That VY is overrated and will be a waste if drafted high.
And that criticising someone who happens to be black for sucking at football or speaking like a moron, makes you a racist.


Once again Doomsday, u and I r on the same level here.

That level being a grade school sped ed class...
kevwun said:
Vince Young's character and athletic ability are his two biggest selling points. There have been countless articles written about his outstanding leadership ability. Are being black and not talking like an english teacher considered character flaws in your distorted world?

Have you ever noticed that the ones who rag on some athlete's ability to speak clearly in an interview are also the ones who are generally incapable of crafting a single coherent sentend??

Regarding the race issue in general and Quincy Carter in particular, it was never my contention that all those who rag on black quarterbacks are showing their racism, but SOME of them most assuredly were... they were actually pretty easy to spot back in the Quincy days, they were the ones talking about how "ugly" he was, and how he "talked funny"... of course, neither of those things had anything whatsoever to do with his ability (or inability, depending on your position) to play QB in the NFL...

If you see some poster ragging on a black QB for issues that have nothing to do with playing QB, you're more than likely looking at a card-carrying bigot... it's the same with those who would try to denigrate Vince Young's character, which has been to this point completely unassailable...
Qwickdraw said:
Actually I just think Young is a phenom at the college ranks but not at the pro level. His performance in the Bowl game only exacerbated the hype and someone will pay dearly for buying it, IMO.

Ahhh, if only you'd stopped there... you might even have had a point... but you couldn't leave well enough alone, could you??

And he does speak like an individual who is not very bright which is a key factor in leadership and QB performance.

What a crock of crap...

I know lots of really smart people who freeze up when a microphone is shoved in their face...

In addition, if there's one quality that anybody who's NOT a bigot would acknowledge with Vince Young, it's that he's the consumate leader... he's the guy who put the team up on his shoulders and carried them to wins against Ohio State and USC... his teammates and coaches all talk about how he took it upon himself to "lighten up" the locker room midway through the 04 season, and say that act of leadership was the springboard to their national championship in 05...

Like I said, whenever somebody criticizes a Vince Young for things that have nothing whatever to do with playing quarterback, I know there's a bigot behind the post... if you have legitimate criticisms of Vince and his ability to play quarterback, bring 'em on, but leave the "he's stupid" crap out of this forum, or live with the accusations of racism that will be entirely justified...
silverbear said:
OK, but first you show me the times where he's speculated in public about the marketing potential of a Texas state ballplayer, like he reportedly did with Vince at the Senior Bowl...

Seriously, hos, we ALL know that Jerry is the consumate marketer, would you really have us believe he hasn't given the marketing potential of Vince Young a passing thought??
Correct me if I am wrong Bear, but he was asked a direct question about Young when he answered that. So he wasn't throwing it out there like a tip on how they are thinking.

I am quite sure that every player in the Draft including Reggie Bush has been talked about, studied, coveted, and analyzed. That's just smart business.

The contention offered was that we need to remember that this is Jerry Jones. In particular the comment was jersey sales and trading up to accomplish it. Ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous.

If Jerry Jones is considering moving up it has nothing to do with jersey sales. Period. Jerseys are going to sell anyway. Why? Because we're the Cowboys. The jerseys look good.

My response, remembering that this is Jerry Jones was about Texas players that Jerry has coveted so much. I'll admit to wanting many Texas players over the years to be on the Cowboys. I'm sure Texas fans even more than me. Remember, this is Jerry Jones. Gimme that long list of ticket sales moves.

Especially the trade up to do it moves.

That's what it boils down to Bear. Plain and simple. The poster I responded to wants us to Draft Vince Young and is trying to imagine scenarios on how to do it.

It can be done, but I ask you, is it good business? I think the price is too high and I think the contention of "remember who the owner is" doesn't hold water and I responded to that.

I know you like the Texas guys Bear and you'll defend them. But you're way off base if you think I'm an anti Longhorns or anti Vince Young guy and you need to set me straight. They aren't my team but I don't close doors unless I really don't think there's a snowballs chance in hell of something happening.

I will be honest with you. I do not want to trade up just so we can take Vince Young. It doesn't have anything to do with Vince Young though. It has everything to do with the price to make that jump. We both know the draft is a crap shoot. Roll the dice. Sometimes you crap out. That's life. The guys who survive the crap outs are the guys who don't bet the house when the odds are long.

Fair enough?
Hostile said:
Correct me if I am wrong Bear, but he was asked a direct question about Young when he answered that. So he wasn't throwing it out there like a tip on how they are thinking.

I am quite sure that every player in the Draft including Reggie Bush has been talked about, studied, coveted, and analyzed. That's just smart business.

The contention offered was that we need to remember that this is Jerry Jones. In particular the comment was jersey sales and trading up to accomplish it. Ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous.

If Jerry Jones is considering moving up it has nothing to do with jersey sales. Period. Jerseys are going to sell anyway. Why? Because we're the Cowboys. The jerseys look good.

My response, remembering that this is Jerry Jones was about Texas players that Jerry has coveted so much. I'll admit to wanting many Texas players over the years to be on the Cowboys. I'm sure Texas fans even more than me. Remember, this is Jerry Jones. Gimme that long list of ticket sales moves.

Especially the trade up to do it moves.

That's what it boils down to Bear. Plain and simple. The poster I responded to wants us to Draft Vince Young and is trying to imagine scenarios on how to do it.

It can be done, but I ask you, is it good business? I think the price is too high and I think the contention of "remember who the owner is" doesn't hold water and I responded to that.

I know you like the Texas guys Bear and you'll defend them. But you're way off base if you think I'm an anti Longhorns or anti Vince Young guy and you need to set me straight. They aren't my team but I don't close doors unless I really don't think there's a snowballs chance in hell of something happening.

I will be honest with you. I do not want to trade up just so we can take Vince Young. It doesn't have anything to do with Vince Young though. It has everything to do with the price to make that jump. We both know the draft is a crap shoot. Roll the dice. Sometimes you crap out. That's life. The guys who survive the crap outs are the guys who don't bet the house when the odds are long.

Fair enough?
........SPOT ON.....Couldnt have said it better myself. The Cowboys WILL NOT move up for VY for those exact reasons....
Thats why I dont even bother wasting my time thinking about Vince Young as a Cowboy. Liking his upside or questioning his ability to play at a high level in the NFL doesnt even come into question because I already KNOW he's not gonna be a Dallas Cowboy. Time better served thinking about REAL, plausible free agency and draft moves that ACTUALLY have a shot at happening. Like the old saying goes....".you can sheeet in one hand and wish in the other".....LOL
Put it this way. Brian Uhrlacher would be phenomenal in our 3-4 defense. He really would. I could dream up a 1000 trade scenarios where we manage to pry him away from the Bears but in the end I know its not gonna happen. So no point even giving it a second thought.
notherbob said:
In the pros he will make millions while he learns, but if he stays at UT, he'll probably only get a few hundred thou.
then he should have gone to a&m.
Tony Romo for Urlacher? Straight up? I hear Lovie Smith loves

superpunk said:
Tony Romo for Urlacher? Straight up? I hear Lovie Smith loves



Well he may love Moxie, but I doubt he likes straight jackets.:)
kartr said:
But you did see the USC game and maybe the Ohio State game didn't you. Young did what Brady Quinn couldn't do, beat USC and Ohio St., but you have doubts about him. Those doubts are not based on facts. The scouts are not saying those games don't count, you are. All we can do assessment on is what we see and even though you saw those games, your mind is telling you that Young didn't do anything. Undoubtedly, Young will be playing against the same guys in the pros that he faced in college. Most of those players didn't start out as pro bowlers, but they improved with time, as will Young if given a chance with a decent team. Lienart wont be better than Peyton Manning as a rookie and Manning struggled as a rookie. Young will struggle some, like everybody else, but will improve in time. Why are people ready to write him off before the draft based on what we know?

I watch him throw the ball and how he throws the ball. Young can put up numbers no doubt but most of the plays come off an option run not a straight drop back. What he is doing at Texas you don't see much of in the NFL where making the read and the quick decisions become a bigger part for the QB in the NFL. While being able to run is a great asset if he runs as much in the NFL as he has in college he will not last long, the hitting that takes place in this league is much greater than he faced in college. When I see QB like Leinart I see a guy who makes very quick reads and gets the ball off quickly and accurately and does not have to take a lot of big hits. Sorry when I watch college football I understand the difference between that league and the NFL just as I see the major difference between high school and the college ranks it is evident that you can't tell the difference.
fortdick said:
That is the bottom line with Young. He talks like he is in the ghetto and not ready to lead men in the huddle.
That just blew the hell out of this post. Being a leader is why he's in the top of the draft.
jimmy40 said:
That just blew the hell out of this post. Being a leader is why he's in the top of the draft.

I agree. Young is a very good leader and keeps his poise even when things look bleak Young does not get rattled. I would say that ability will be the biggest help to him
12 pages and 173 posts about a quarterback that has no chance in hell of being drafted by the Cowboys. Interesting.
jimmy40 said:
12 pages and 173 posts about a quarterback that has no chance in hell of being drafted by the Cowboys. Interesting.

you forgot that we were going to trade up to get him.
jimmy40 said:
12 pages and 173 posts about a quarterback that has no chance in hell of being drafted by the Cowboys. Interesting.

I agree he will not be drafted by Dallas, I'm expecting to see the Jets draft him. With Houston giving David Carr 8 mill roster bonus lastnight I think the Texans have made up their minds on getting Reggie Bush
abersonc said:
you forgot that we were going to trade up to get him.
are we going to trade up to get Reggie McNeal too? I think the thread on him the other day was even longer than this one and he is a pocket qb. What is it with these discussions?
Doomsday101 said:
I agree he will not be drafted by Dallas, I'm expecting to see the Jets draft him. With Houston giving David Carr 8 mill roster bonus lastnight I think the Texans have made up their minds on getting Reggie Bush
My money is on the Titans unless for some reason the Saints pass on Leinart. Young is friends with McNair and has the same agent and McNair has already indicated he's thinking of life after football soon.

If The Saints passed on Leinart Norm Chow would have Fisher jumping on him in a NY minute. That said, I don't think the Saints pass on Leinart.
jimmy40 said:
are we going to trade up to get Reggie McNeal too? I think the thread on him the other day was even longer than this one and he is a pocket qb. What is it with these discussions?
QB discussions draw interest. Regardless of the QB as topic.

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