Zeke and Barkley, has he regressed?


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I don't agree
He's too 3 RB right now
I think the result would have been A LOT different if we did not have Zeke yesterday


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Ridiculous to suggest he's regressed. Plenty of RB's would love to have 147 yards and two TD's through two games while averaging 4.6 per carry.

The reason Barkley got 14 catches is because Eli's the checkdown king because their WR's were swallowed up last night.
So I know this thread is on page 5 now but just needed to read the first response to get the right answer. Zeke looks like zeke. He's not superman. Needs hole to run and they just aren't there yet. A lot will depend on dak to get things going but I am not concerned with zeke in the least. Not one iota.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Zeke had a number of amazing sub 5 yard runs. Not a lot of daylight openings for him in the last 2 weeks.
He had something to prove last night.

He ran hard.......he has yet to bust out against the Giants .


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Two underwhelming games by Zeke. I don't see anyone talking about how he has regressed or that we need to go get a RB in the first round next year.

You can see with Barkely that they are making the effort to design the entire offense around him. When you use a top 5 pick on a RB, that's exactly what you better do. Not much running lanes, but he caught 13 passes yesterday in an effort to do whatever they could to get the kid involved.

With Zeke all I really see is runs up the middle with no creativity. A couple passes here and there.
I’d trade Zeke for Saquon in a NY second.


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Barkley is a east and west / feast or famine RB.

He’s 230 LBs so it tricks you into thinking he’s more then what he is and that’s just a big Reggie Bush.

If he learns how to run in between the tackles better he will be very dangerous. I dont know if you noticed, but we had a lot of missed tackles going for his legs.


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The low water marks for zekes career rushing totals have all come in the first couple games of the year. ( see giants and Denver last yr. )
Looks to be a slow starter who builds up steam as the season progresses.


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Two underwhelming games by Zeke. I don't see anyone talking about how he has regressed or that we need to go get a RB in the first round next year.

You can see with Barkely that they are making the effort to design the entire offense around him. When you use a top 5 pick on a RB, that's exactly what you better do. Not much running lanes, but he caught 13 passes yesterday in an effort to do whatever they could to get the kid involved.

With Zeke all I really see is runs up the middle with no creativity. A couple passes here and there.

I think your premise is rather silly. You're failing to consider the quality of the two front sevens we faced (especially Carolina's and the Giants' walking eclispe called Snacks Harrison). Our line also has a backup at Center and a rookie at LG. I'm not worried.They'll figure it out.
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Barkley is a east and west / feast or famine RB.

He’s 230 LBs so it tricks you into thinking he’s more then what he is and that’s just a big Reggie Bush.

When he learns to put to use his size and strength more to his advantage, he'll be bear to deal with.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Two underwhelming games by Zeke. I don't see anyone talking about how he has regressed or that we need to go get a RB in the first round next year.

You can see with Barkely that they are making the effort to design the entire offense around him. When you use a top 5 pick on a RB, that's exactly what you better do. Not much running lanes, but he caught 13 passes yesterday in an effort to do whatever they could to get the kid involved.

With Zeke all I really see is runs up the middle with no creativity. A couple passes here and there.

If you can look at the game, see we have missing pieces and rookies on the line, and see the other team stacking the middle, and then come away with Zeke regressing and needing to get a RB next year is beyond the valley of ignorant. It also suggests you don't read much here.

Did you go to the bathroom when Zeke turned a three yard loss into a two yard gain and getting hit several times behind the line of scrimmage?

Build the holes and he will run.


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If you can look at the game, see we have missing pieces and rookies on the line, and see the other team stacking the middle, and then come away with Zeke regressing and needing to get a RB next year is beyond the valley of ignorant. It also suggests you don't read much here.

Did you go to the bathroom when Zeke turned a three yard loss into a two yard gain and getting hit several times behind the line of scrimmage?

Build the holes and he will run.

I don't think Zeke regressed at all. And I agree anyone who thinks that is completely ignorant.

You nailed my point completely.


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When he learns to put to use his size and strength more to his advantage, he'll be bear to deal with.
He was a bear to deal with last night. He rarely went down on first contact (only remember Lee's tackle that just barely knocked him off his pins). If anybody bothered to block for the kid, he would have run for 200 yards. My only knock against him was that he's not a willing blocker. Maybe it was the play design, but he never seemed to block or even chip on his way out on a route (and Eli could have used it).


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yes i looked at the title of thread and thought how stupid is this. If you want Zeke to have flashy numbers like year 1 then a couple things need to happen. We need our Oline to get better health-wise and penalty-wise and at times blocking wise.

The other thing we need is more plays like the 3rd play of the game. If Dak makes them pay more frequent then they will take a player out of the box.


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I do not think that zeke has regressed but have you seen how bad the tight ends block on the edges,


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I think your premise is rather silly. You're failing to consider the quality of the two front sevens we faced (especially Carolina's and the Giants' walking eclispe called Snacks Harrison). Our line also has a backup at Center and a rookie at LG. I'm not worried.They'll figure it out.

What premise is that?


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yes i looked at the title of thread and thought how stupid is this. If you want Zeke to have flashy numbers like year 1 then a couple things need to happen. We need our Oline to get better health-wise and penalty-wise and at times blocking wise.

The other thing we need is more plays like the 3rd play of the game. If Dak makes them pay more frequent then they will take a player out of the box.

The title of the thread is stupid.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Two underwhelming games by Zeke. I don't see anyone talking about how he has regressed or that we need to go get a RB in the first round next year.

You can see with Barkely that they are making the effort to design the entire offense around him. When you use a top 5 pick on a RB, that's exactly what you better do. Not much running lanes, but he caught 13 passes yesterday in an effort to do whatever they could to get the kid involved.

With Zeke all I really see is runs up the middle with no creativity. A couple passes here and there.

You have quite a few posts, so I am dumfounded on your statement. Are we running the Giants or Cowboys playbook? Zeke is doing fine with his assignments.

If Zeke had the same stats as Barkley in a loss, I believe you would lead the charge in how he sucks. We all see the potential in Barkley, but comparing him to Zeke at this point is asinine.