News: Zeke investigation complete

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Sorry but the NFL has its own justice system and either abide by it or make a change. Dont test their boundaries and whether some will admit it or not our little dumbarse tested those boundaries. If he gets suspended for it well....quit being stupid
That is crap. With Goodell, there are no guidelines. You don't know what is good and what isn't.
Personally, I'll be looking to see the NFL's case.
I fully believe it will be six games for a variety of reasons.

The length of the suspension will be interesting because politically players have their eyes on this case.

Josh Brown got suspended for 1 game for YEARS of documented spousal abuse.

If you give Elliott 6 games w/o some pretty damning evidence, there are going to be a heck of a lot of players talking about a double standard.
Personally, I'll be looking to see the NFL's case.

The length of the suspension will be interesting because politically players have their eyes on this case.

Josh Brown got suspended for 1 game for YEARS of documented spousal abuse.

If you give Elliott 6 games w/o some pretty damning evidence, there are going to be a heck of a lot of players talking about a double standard.

Correct. I'm interested to see the reason why, but plan on six.
NFL isn't get a dime of my money if they suspend him for six games unless they have some clear evidence that no one else has. Like a video or confession from zeke.
But that's not the system that's in place. The NFL can't just make up rules as it goes, there is a players agreement. It's either 4 or none, did or didn't do it. Now if they don't like that system, then work on a future change. As far as I know, there is no suspension for testing the boundaries, only crossing it.

The NFL does what it wants and plays by its own rules, like it or not come Sunday in September you will watch.
Correct. I'm interested to see the reason why, but plan on six.

I suspect Goodell knows the player optics (inside the league) will be important on this case. In light of that I think he hands out a 4 game suspension knowing that it likely will be knocked down to 2. Dallas & Elliott won't be happy with 4 games but I bet they could live with 2 games, especially if Dallas slow-plays the suspension off their schedule.

IMO, you have to have a pretty damn open and shut case to give Zeke 6 games. Given the Jones' family posture on Ellliott, and their knowledge of the evidence, I just don't think the NFL case will be that strong.

Then again, with the power the NFLPA gave Goodell, he could suspend Elliott 10 games just for looking sideways.
I don't think it wiill come to play but if NFL god wanted to it could easily be 8-10 games. Six for DV and 2-4 for conduct detrimental to the league.
I suspect Goodell knows the player optics (inside the league) will be important on this case. In light of that I think he hands out a 4 game suspension knowing that it likely will be knocked down to 2.

IMO, you have to have a pretty damn open and shut case to give Zeke 6 games. Gives the Jones' posture on Ellliott, and their knowledge of the evidence, I just don't think the NFL case will be that strong.

Then again, with the power the NFLPA gave Goodell, he could suspend him 10 games just for looking sideways.

Exactly. 6 games is a very long time. That's about 40% of the season. For what would amount to pulling a woman's shirt down and a speeding ticket. Which is ridiculous. Unless they found some other evidence against him in the domestic violence case or the club incident.

The player's union is so weak. They let the owners royally screw them the last CBA negotiation. All they got out of that was less practice time and lighter practices. Everything else was pretty much the same. They allowed Goodell so much power to do as he pleases and to have these witch hunts. Just like the Brady situation a few seasons back. They had no real evidence at all there either yet he was suspended 4 games.

The precedent is 4 games, not 6.
I don't think it wiill come to play but if NFL god wanted to it could easily be 8-10 games. Six for DV and 2-4 for conduct detrimental to the league.

Again, we need to see the NFLs case. But I would argue precedent.

1.Given that the alleged victim gave police several differing accounts.
2. Given that there are sworn affidavits from her friends that contradict her claims.
3.Given that there are text messages where she threatens to ruin Elliott.

Given all that if you give Elliott 10 games for a case that has holes galore, what's the penalty for a player who actually gets charged with DV?
So is landry getting suspended too? how about conley and lewis? or is it just zeke? RIDICULOUS if it happens
Can't both be true?
Why don't you lay out the variety of reasons you have on why it will be 6.. In one post you stated this and the next, you said you will be curious of the reason he is suspended. Which is it? You can't pick 6 games and not even know the reason they will give.
A lot of rumors saying 6-8. It's ridiculous but it's the NFL and a Giants fan ran investigation. Interested to see how hard Jerry fights this (if true).

Not sure he will. Brady case last year kinda set precident that the league can do whatever they want.
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