Zeke's accuser admitted to talk of leveraging sex videos of RB for money

In a he-said, she-said where he has proof she threatened to lie about abuse to ruin his career? No. I have no sympathy for this girl. Even in a hypothetical world where he did cause the bruises, this is not what she's concerned about a day later. She's an extortionist.

It isn't about sympathy. I agree with you, it doesn't seem like the bruises bothered her much. She seems like one tough, selfish, crazy girl that is willing to do whatever to get her way.
So what exactly did these "investigators" see that made them come up with their conclusion?

Bruises and her word? Yet there was a police report of her getting in a fight that week and mountains of evidence saying she is, at minimum, a liar.

They saw the NFL's need to "get tough" on domestic violence. And they were charged with doing that.

After the league has managed to bungle each and every case of player conduct, they were compelled to "show everybody" that they're addressing the issue. Even when what they're doing is asinine and makes no sense, they were hoping to curry favor in the court of public opinion. This was all for show, and the only thing it's "shows" is that the NFL decision-makers are incompetent.

Goodell, his crew, and the NFL name are going to look very bad the further along this thing goes.

And does anyone want to guess where these "leaks" like this one are suddenly coming from?
Only smart to say silent if he is guilty of the abuse. If he is not guilty of any sort of abuse, EASILY the best path is to come out and say 'I did not abuse her. period'.

Some of you guys seem pretty naive to me. All this stuff going on that week, all those fights, jealousy, lies, a crazy girl, a lot of drinking, cat fights, bruises and probably drugs, and you guys don't think there isn't a high likelihood Zeke hit her?

I think it's hilarious that someone is so "naive" that they would ignore everything and then point the finger at other as "naive".

Stand in front of a mirror.
Only smart to say silent if he is guilty of the abuse. If he is not guilty of any sort of abuse, EASILY the best path is to come out and say 'I did not abuse her. period'.

Some of you guys seem pretty naive to me. All this stuff going on that week, all those fights, jealousy, lies, a crazy girl, a lot of drinking, cat fights, bruises and probably drugs, and you guys don't think there isn't a high likelihood Zeke hit her?

And what is your experience involving being accused of domestic violence and having to go through a defense from the law and your employer?

In other words wouldn't put you in a position to know what would be smart or not smart in this type of situation?

What's naive is taking the word of an Internet stranger that gives no real basis for anything and instead tries to big time through insults and ridicule.
I'm not taking any sides either way. It seems pretty clear that she is less than stable, but that doesn't mean he didn't do what he's being accused of doing. At the end of the day, we just have to hope that he didn't do it, and that an independent arbitrator can see that.

Ask yourself this one simple question.

Something occurred, nobody saw it happen. So it's a he said / she said situation.

And there's a mountain of evidence that shows that she was after him and trying to extort money and ruin him and soliciting people to lie about her claims.

Do you now decide to give "she said" any credibility?

Your call.
I saw on twitter that employees at the place she had the fight saw bruises on her that night. I wonder why I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else.

I think that is why Zeke lawyer is saying the investigators where cherry picking and not looking at all the evidence.
I think that is why Zeke lawyer is saying the investigators where cherry picking and not looking at all the evidence.

That's exactly why, and because it's true.

It's funny that they had a mountain of evidence regarding her motives and her lying. But in a he said / she said of the incident, they sided with the known liar.

You don't have to go much further than that.

Goodell, his team of morons, and the NFL are dead if this thing goes to trial.
I think it's hilarious that someone is so "naive" that they would ignore everything and then point the finger at other as "naive".

Stand in front of a mirror.

Lol. Doesn't seem like you have much experience in these situations. Crazy girls, parties, fights, lies, and typically what goes along with it.
Only smart to say silent if he is guilty of the abuse. If he is not guilty of any sort of abuse, EASILY the best path is to come out and say 'I did not abuse her. period'.

Some of you guys seem pretty naive to me. All this stuff going on that week, all those fights, jealousy, lies, a crazy girl, a lot of drinking, cat fights, bruises and probably drugs, and you guys don't think there isn't a high likelihood Zeke hit her?

I think you're naive.

It's a he said/she said case and in those cases...credibility is very important.

This is a girl that is on record of:

1. Alleging she was abused somewhere between the 16th-19th

2. Going to EE's apartment for a party that he specifically told her that she was not invited on the 21st

3. Got into a fight with a random woman prior to her going to his apartment.

4. Went to his apartment after the fight, saw EE being driven to his apartment by a female and then confronted the female.

5. Yelled at EE that she was going to ruin his career in front of 6 different people.

6. Had the audacity to then lie to police about the entire incident on the 21st despite there being 6 witnesses there.

7. Was crazy enough to then ask her friend, in a text message, to lie to police for her.

Just based on those events, this is a hostile, volatile woman with a penchant for violence and some incredible audacity/stupidity to think that she can lie despite several witnesses being there. And then have the audacity/stupidity to tamper with a witness. And she's looking like a pathological liar.

She claims she was abused by EE, but that still did not prevent her from coming to his apartment for a party she was specifically told she was not invited to. Given the other evidence and her pattern of behavior, it's highly unlikely an abuse victim would get abused and still try to get with her abuser despite the fact that he specifically told her to stay away from him.

Yet, you still want to believe otherwise and are willing to nitpick semantics because it isn't to your liking because you simply cannot believe a female would lie about domestic violence.

No one, even a doctor, can look at a bruise or a photo of a bruise and conclusively tell how it occurred, much less who did it. I known liar with revenge in her heart is more than capable of inflicting bruises on herself or asking a close friend to do it so she can have blackmail evidence.
And what is your experience involving being accused of domestic violence and having to go through a defense from the law and your employer?

In other words wouldn't put you in a position to know what would be smart or not smart in this type of situation?

What's naive is taking the word of an Internet stranger that gives no real basis for anything and instead tries to big time through insults and ridicule.

Fuzzy, where have I insulted or ridiculed anyone? I said some of you guys 'seemed Naive to me'. Obviously people have different opinions.
Lol. Doesn't seem like you have much experience in these situations. Crazy girls, parties, fights, lies, and typically what goes along with it.

"Lol. Doesn't seem like you have much experience" using your brain. "And typically what goes along with it."

You've embarrassed yourself with one clueless comment after another.


Keep up the good work!

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