Zeke's accuser admitted to talk of leveraging sex videos of RB for money

The same yahoo guy that released this story this morning on the Cowboys broadcast station. He said that's the prevailing thought.

When Zeke shows his full hand in the appeal, the league will also show theirs.

He also said that one game is a given just for the "boob" incident.
Sounds like the photos, with time stamps, was the key evidence as well. It matched her story, so they were able to stitch together a chronology of the abuse. Also medical examiners look at the pics and said they were consistent with DV. Nobody is disputing the fact she is a known liar, crazy, violent, mean spirited and manipulative. But it doesn't mean Zeke didn't abuse her that week.

It also does not mean that the bruises were not self inflicted... what is most troubling, is that when she reported the July 22 car incident to the police (which was proven to be a lie), she apparently did not produce the photos. Why lie about the July 22 car incident when you have photographic "proof" of earlier incidents?
I find it strange she does not call the police any other time except on the morning of July 22nd after she is not allowed into the party for Zeke Birthday then all of a sudden she calls police and says her boyfriend has been beating on her for the last 5 days? Meantime she is asking a friend to lie for her saying Zeke beat her before the cops arrive? Come on


You can listen to the call she made to police
If someone is 100% innocent, it is best to deny it. Especially when you are battling public perception, which is largely the case here. The same path Michael Irvin went down recently when he was accused of sexual assault. He very clearly denied it with specific and pointed language, meaning 'I DID NOT COMMIT SEXUAL ASSAULT'.

And refresh our memories, how did Irvin's case turn out?
Here's the problem.

Apparently, the NFL has a TON of more information on Zeke that has not yet become public.

Stay tuned.

Based on what? Where is it being reported that the NFL has a ton more evidence?
If someone is 100% innocent, it is best to deny it. Especially when you are battling public perception, which is largely the case here. The same path Michael Irvin went down recently when he was accused of sexual assault. He very clearly denied it with specific and pointed language, meaning 'I DID NOT COMMIT SEXUAL ASSAULT'.

And Elliott denied the allegations at the time they were made last year.

How are you not getting this?

Again, you clearly aren't an attorney or have any real background in how to handle situations like this. So stop talking as if you somehow have a clue what you are talking about. The fact Elliott didn't get up on Friday and yell that he's innocent means little to nothing here, despite your ridiculous attempts to make it such.
And refresh our memories, how did Irvin's case turn out?

Doesn't matter. The NFL doesn't have to prove a case "within reasonable doubt." Only the criminal courts do.

Zeke is giving himself the best chance by getting this stuff out into the court of public opinion. The NFL looks bad.
They have far more information on the case than we do and talked, first-hand, to many witnesses including Zeke and Tiffany. They concluded he likely did something. I have read bios of the panel members, they are diverse and accomplished people.

They have more info then we do yet they didn't label this domestic violence.
I find it strange she does not call the police any other time except on the morning of July 22nd after she is not allowed into the party for Zeke Birthday then all of a sudden she calls police and says her boyfriend has been beating on her for the last 5 days? Meantime she is asking a friend to lie for her saying Zeke beat her before the cops arrive? Come on


You can listen to the call she made to police

And who was chasing after who here?

Let me guess? Stockholm Syndrome, right?
Maybe if someone could point out the last good decision he's made on this, I'd have more faith?





By the way, RG never spoke to EE or Tiffany and I'm pretty sure I read that he won't be in attendance at the appeal.
I hear you, and I understand your POV. Yes, I do think violence occurred and Zeke was involved. Primarily because four people (who are pretty accomplished) investigated this for a year, and they concluded that violence likely occurred, and Zeke did something. Clearly the accuser is crazy, not very credible, selfish, violent, etc. Which honestly, makes it even harder for a BF to control himself in a verbal altercation, etc.

I question their competency/bias when one of those people, Peter Harvey, makes an opening statement that says that there was an eyewitness to all of this…Tiffany Thompson herself.

You cannot be an eyewitness to your own accusation. It’s Law 101 that I think even 3rd graders would understand.

I tend to think/hope that a former Attorney General would know that, so I tend to believe that there must be a bias of some sort (either he hates the Cowboys or he just didn’t like Elliott or he always believes a woman in a DV case or he was prompted by Goodell to find EE guilty). But that’s an incredibly incompetent statement either way.

Also notice how in the letter to EE that they never mention any of these details such as Thompson being caught lying, tampering with a witness, yelling at EE that she would ruin his career or any other things that makes Thompson not credible.

I think people need to get over the idea that people, including attorneys, would not do something that wuold risk their integrity and their career. Mike Nifong swore up and down that the Duke lacrosse players raped Crystal Magnum. Nifong sought the services of DNA Security Inc. for his expert witness and then influenced the Director of DSI, Brian Meehan, to write a misleading report and withhold information.

It’s not crazy to think that some people are not as competent as they may seem to be or that they cannot make mistakes or that they are unafraid to risk their careers by lying so they can get their way.

Certainly, not everything is a conspiracy theory. But taking these people’s word at face value is equally foolish.

The same yahoo guy that released this story this morning on the Cowboys broadcast station. He said that's the prevailing thought.

When Zeke shows his full hand in the appeal, the league will also show theirs.

He also said that one game is a given just for the "boob" incident.

Oh ok, so just a reporters speculation.
Based on what? Where is it being reported that the NFL has a ton more evidence?
The same guy that reported this about the sex tape blackmail. He said so this morning.

If the league has nothing else, than Zeke can get significant public support. But if the NFL is holding on to damaging evidence for just such an appeal, then that's another deal.
Doesn't matter. The NFL doesn't have to prove a case "within reasonable doubt." Only the criminal courts do.

Zeke is giving himself the best chance by getting this stuff out into the court of public opinion. The NFL looks bad.

"Matters" plenty when that's where this case is eventually headed.

And the NFL's look goes from "bad" to worse as they're publicly scolded and shown to be even more incompetent.

Apparently unaware that they're setting precedent for each and every crazy, money-grubbing screwball to run to the pay window.
You have no idea what information they have or don't have. You're just like the NFL that you've come to a conclusion and now you're trying to figure out how to make it work. It's dishonest at best.

If he did some research he'd know at least one of the panelists has a questionable history here with NFL Punishments. Mary Jo White was involved in the Bounty Gate investigation and she came under heavy criticism for her findings, statements, etc.

So no, these people are not all impeccable, unbiased, independent agents, incapable of making mistakes, etc.

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