Comics and Movies

Since they are returning the same original actors, I would have my doubts if they "reboot" the entire series, from scratch.
In this Disney case, My expectations is that Disney will make the decision and choose to pick up where competitor Netflix left off, instead of doing a complete from scratch of everything.

I am actually very elated and estatic ('stunned") that they decided to do.

My point again,, Whether series or movies, Studios generally want/prefer want a chance at remaking a successful film or popular genre figure in their own image and presentation- regardless
of success of the original.
Okay. I’ll stop. I think my sense of being stunned may be different from yours, lol.
Since they are returning the same original actors, I would have my doubts if they "reboot" the entire series, from scratch.
In this Disney case, My expectations is that Disney will make the decision and choose to pick up where competitor Netflix left off, instead of doing a complete from scratch of everything.

I am actually very elated and estatic ('stunned") that they decided to do.

My point again,, Whether series or movies, Studios generally want/prefer want a chance at remaking a successful film or popular genre figure in their own image and presentation- regardless
of success of the original.
Have no fear. Disney can screw up the franchises without doing a complete overhaul.
Silver Surfer: Ghost Light Is Making a Permanent Change to Marvel Canon
By Francesco Cacciatore | Screen Rant
October 8, 2022

Marvel Comics is introducing a new superhero in the upcoming Silver Surfer: Ghost Light miniseries, coming in February of 2023 from acclaimed writer John Jennings and artist Valentine De Landro. Marvel announced this new Silver Surfer series during the Marvel's Voices panel at New York Comic-Con, advertising the debut of the new hero, Ghost Light, as being "54 years in the making."


Coming from John Jennings, and Valentine De Landro, the series will feature a new character, an apparently common girl, Toni Brooks, who moves with her family into the quiet town of Sweetwater. However, Toni's new home hides a lot of secrets, and nothing is what it seems in Sweetwater. Toni and her family will get involved in a huge mystery, one that will require the presence of the Sentinel of the Spaceways - the Silver Surfer. Meanwhile, a new superhero will be introduced, called Ghost Light (and formerly known as Alvin Harper, first appearing and dying in Silver Surfer #5), thus making a permanent change to Marvel's canon.

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By Matthew Jackson | SyFy
October 7, 2022


Daredevil is officially back in the MCU, and his role in the world of Marvel Studios will only grow over the next couple of years. After Charlie Cox's Matt Murdock showed up in both Spider-Man: No Way Home and She-Hulk: Attorney at Law and Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin appeared in Hawkeye, both characters are set to return for the upcoming Echo series and the much-anticipated Daredevil: Born Again. It's an exciting time for Daredevil fans, but it's apparently led to some bad vibes for one actor who has nothing to do with the franchise at all.

Eiza González, best known to genre fans for her roles in action films like Bloodshot and Ambulance, spoke out on Twitter this week to deny rumors that she's set to become the MCU's new Elektra Natchios for Born Again, which will arrive in 2024 on Disney+. According to González, much of the fan response to these rumors has been to bombard her with negative messages accusing the actor of "stealing" the role from Elodie Young, who played the role on Netflix's Daredevil and Defenders series. Here's her full response to the backlash:

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This is one of the reasons why I am not on Twitter and do not mind finding out stuff later than other folks. There are some sick, sick, sick people in this world. And I am not talking about the kind of sick needing mental health treatment.:banghead:
Silver Surfer: Ghost Light Is Making a Permanent Change to Marvel Canon
By Francesco Cacciatore | Screen Rant
October 8, 2022

Marvel Comics is introducing a new superhero in the upcoming Silver Surfer: Ghost Light miniseries, coming in February of 2023 from acclaimed writer John Jennings and artist Valentine De Landro. Marvel announced this new Silver Surfer series during the Marvel's Voices panel at New York Comic-Con, advertising the debut of the new hero, Ghost Light, as being "54 years in the making."


Coming from John Jennings, and Valentine De Landro, the series will feature a new character, an apparently common girl, Toni Brooks, who moves with her family into the quiet town of Sweetwater. However, Toni's new home hides a lot of secrets, and nothing is what it seems in Sweetwater. Toni and her family will get involved in a huge mystery, one that will require the presence of the Sentinel of the Spaceways - the Silver Surfer. Meanwhile, a new superhero will be introduced, called Ghost Light (and formerly known as Alvin Harper, first appearing and dying in Silver Surfer #5), thus making a permanent change to Marvel's canon.

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Alvin Harper??? I guess he'll be more of a sidekick to the real hero of the game...err, comic.
By Matthew Jackson | SyFy
October 7, 2022


Daredevil is officially back in the MCU, and his role in the world of Marvel Studios will only grow over the next couple of years. After Charlie Cox's Matt Murdock showed up in both Spider-Man: No Way Home and She-Hulk: Attorney at Law and Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin appeared in Hawkeye, both characters are set to return for the upcoming Echo series and the much-anticipated Daredevil: Born Again. It's an exciting time for Daredevil fans, but it's apparently led to some bad vibes for one actor who has nothing to do with the franchise at all.

Eiza González, best known to genre fans for her roles in action films like Bloodshot and Ambulance, spoke out on Twitter this week to deny rumors that she's set to become the MCU's new Elektra Natchios for Born Again, which will arrive in 2024 on Disney+. According to González, much of the fan response to these rumors has been to bombard her with negative messages accusing the actor of "stealing" the role from Elodie Young, who played the role on Netflix's Daredevil and Defenders series. Here's her full response to the backlash:

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This is one of the reasons why I am not on Twitter and do not mind finding out stuff later than other folks. There are some sick, sick, sick people in this world. And I am not talking about the kind of sick needing mental health treatment.:banghead:

I wouldn't mind if they found a role for her somewhere in the show. Gorgeous!!
DC's 10 Scariest Monsters, Ranked
By Ashley Land | CBR
October 8, 2022


DC Comics has introduced a long list of monsters, some of which have truly been the things nightmares are made of. With a more than 80-year-old history of publication, DC has given readers some of the scariest beings in the worlds of comics. Ranging from demonic gods and mutated menaces to monstrous superheroes, there is a wealth of scary creatures to look enjoy.

These monsters exist across the DC universe, with some being threats to Earth's superheroes, while others present a more cosmic horror. Different monsters can be terrifying for their sheer strength while others more so in appearance. With even Lovecraftian Elder Gods thrown into the mix, the list of DC monsters sure to terrify readers is as long as it is imaginative.

10. Damage May Be DC's Scariest New Hero
09. Solomon Grundy Is A Super Strong Zombie
08. The Floronic Man Is A Terrifying Anti-Swamp Thing
07. Apex Lex Almost Destroyed the Justice League
06. The Upside Down Man Is One Of The Biggest Threats In DC
05. Ozymandais's Creature Was So Terrifying It United Humanity
04. Doomsday Is One Of Superman's Greatest Threats
03. Barbatos The Bat Demon Waged War On The Multiverse
02. M'Nagalah And Lovecraftian Monsters Appear In DC's Scariest Stories
01. Parallax Is The Very Embodiment Of Fear

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Silver Surfer's Canceled Solo Movie: Why The F4 Spinoff Didn't Happen
Fox originally planned to follow up its second Fantastic Four movie with a solo spinoff film for Silver Surfer. Here's why the movie didn't happen.






Spinoffs are pretty much D.O.A. if its spinner is not good enough. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer had its shortcomings in my opinion. There are four things in particular I believe would have improved the movie.
  1. Made Alicia Masters relevant in the story. The Surfer's initial interaction with Earthlings was with Alicia, not Susan Storm. Kerry Washington's talent was wasted in the film. Blind Alicia drawing out Norrid Rand's "humanity" would have injected a uniquely special element to the plot instead of the briefly bland and somewhat forced appeal by Sue to gain The Surfer's support.
  2. No "super being" guidance by Uatu. The Watcher's absence erased the cosmic scope that the movie should have exhibited. In the books, Uatu aided the team's defense of the planet but he also instilled the (literal) universe sized significance of what the FF would attempt to do. The movie gives the audience a cliff notes version of what the threat meant to Earth only but not the universe itself.
  3. The CGI was available for The Thing before both the original movie and sequel, as seen in 2003's Hulk. The comics' established the team as three totally ordinary looking people with FANTASTIC powers and a monstrosity so unrelatable that Ben Grimm could only be described as The Thing. Instead, audiences got Michael Chiklis in a bad bodysuit. When
    Ben needed to step off the elevator
    I laughed and asked myself why? He does not look like he weighs 500 pounds or more. More like 250 pounds of orange latex.
  4. Space cloud. 'nuff said.
I could add my old gripe about how the weakness of Sue's use of her powers but will not. All of the above is what I think helped shrink a movie that could have been MUCH bigger entertaining story for audiences and inspired sequels and maybe a spinoff or two.
Spinoffs are pretty much D.O.A. if its spinner is not good enough. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer had its shortcomings in my opinion. There are four things in particular I believe would have improved the movie.
  1. Made Alicia Masters relevant in the story. The Surfer's initial interaction with Earthlings was with Alicia, not Susan Storm. Kerry Washington's talent was wasted in the film. Blind Alicia drawing out Norrid Rand's "humanity" would have injected a uniquely special element to the plot instead of the briefly bland and somewhat forced appeal by Sue to gain The Surfer's support.
  2. No "super being" guidance by Uatu. The Watcher's absence erased the cosmic scope that the movie should have exhibited. In the books, Uatu aided the team's defense of the planet but he also instilled the (literal) universe sized significance of what the FF would attempt to do. The movie gives the audience a cliff notes version of what the threat meant to Earth only but not the universe itself.
  3. The CGI was available for The Thing before both the original movie and sequel, as seen in 2003's Hulk. The comics' established the team as three totally ordinary looking people with FANTASTIC powers and a monstrosity so unrelatable that Ben Grimm could only be described as The Thing. Instead, audiences got Michael Chiklis in a bad bodysuit. When
    Ben needed to step off the elevator
    I laughed and asked myself why? He does not look like he weighs 500 pounds or more. More like 250 pounds of orange latex.
  4. Space cloud. 'nuff said.
I could add my old gripe about how the weakness of Sue's use of her powers but will not. All of the above is what I think helped shrink a movie that could have been MUCH bigger entertaining story for audiences and inspired sequels and maybe a spinoff or two.

Ugh...The "space cloud " was an utter ripoff that ticked me off even more so about this FF 2.
And by this time, we know who that cosmic cloud was supposed to be ..!
It was sumthin that the studio had to try hard to hide and disguise from fans and critics alike, ..simply because they knew it was a budget ripoff ...

The Surfer look was borrowed ( stolen?) from the liquid metal Terminator know as Jason Patrick from Arnie's Terminator Judgement Day ...there was
nuhtin' original about it at all.. another ripoff .

I had issues with the casting of Susan Storm anyways, Jessica Alba it felt forced, i still could not get into Doctor Doom role,
and i've always had a problem with the director Tim Story, ... it had the same relating problem as Brett Ratner's Xmen Last Stand ... a comedy oriented
director given a major superhero movie project.
And FF series seemed more like Love And Thunder, like it was geared to comedy, and take it with a grain of salt type hero flick.


Ugh...The "space cloud " was an utter ripoff that ticked me off even more so about this FF 2.
And by this time, we know who that cosmic cloud was supposed to be ..!
It was sumthin that the studio had to try hard to hide and disguise from fans and critics alike, ..simply because they knew it was a budget ripoff ...
Who cares what paid critics know or do not know? They get stuff wrong ALL the time in all genres.

The studio had zero reason to hide or disguise anything from non-fans. Why would the studio be covert about something the majority of the audience had no clue about to begin with?

Not sure how the studio could hide or disguise anything from fans of the comic either. The title of the movie informed fans what the space cloud represented before it appeared on screen.
The Surfer look was borrowed ( stolen?) from the liquid metal Terminator know as Jason Patrick from Arnie's Terminator Judgement Day ...there was
nuhtin' original about it at all.. another ripoff .
I agree 100% that the concept was stolen but the look fit The Surfer perfectly in my opinion. Heck. I thought James Cameron borrowed the design from reading the FF title when I first saw T2, lol.
I had issues with the casting of Susan Storm anyways, Jessica Alba it felt forced,
I had zero issues with Jessica Alba's casting. Susan Storm Richards is a beautiful woman in the comics. Alba nailed that characteristic.

The three problems I did have had to do with how Alba was used and portrayed. First, they changed her original background from an aspiring actress to scientist. That was cool. It was not cool that Alba did not have any significant scenes of her being a scientist.

Second, her nasal issues. I will stop there before going on another rant.

Lastly, whatever was the justification of further altering her appearance from the first movie to the sequel. Sue is blond and blue-eyed. No problem there. Alba adjusted her appearance to match the character. I thought slightly blond and blue-eyed (middle pic) was a great match for Alba the Actress and Alba the Character.

Obviously, that was not true since she returned in the sequel with a striking blond and piercing blue-eyed (right side pic) look. For me, the appearance alteration was distracting throughout the entire second movie. In particular, her contacts made her look ever so slightly not human--an almost Underworld vampirish quality. I still wished they would have started with that look in the first movie so it would not have been bothering me in the back of my mind.


i still could not get into Doctor Doom role,
Agreed. Subtracting Victor Von Doom from the sequel would have left more time for the FF (and Alicia) to interact with Silver Surfer, make him a much more relevant and relatable character within the plot.
and i've always had a problem with the director Tim Story, ... it had the same relating problem as Brett Ratner's Xmen Last Stand ... a comedy oriented
director given a major superhero movie project.
I think X:Men: The Last Stand had far more definitive issues than comedic orientation but basically agree too.
And FF series seemed more like Love And Thunder, like it was geared to comedy, and take it with a grain of salt type hero flick.
Oh no. Disagree. Maybe the first two FF movies had too much comedy in them but one thing I will say is that both were done better in that aspect than both Taiki Waititi Thor films. I will not comment on 2015's FF because... it is not really worth the effort. :muttley:
Star Wars Is Giving a Fan-Favorite Character Their Own Series
By Jamie Jarek |
October 9, 2022

New York Comic-Con has been taking place all weekend and it has featured some big news in movies and television as well as comics. Marvel and DC both announced some exciting upcoming reads and they're not the only ones. Lucasfilm Publishing had some big reveals to share during their panel today, including the fact that the beloved Star Wars character, Sana Starros, is getting her own comic.

"Finally! The fan-favorite rogue (who has (complicated) history with both Han Solo and Doctor Aphra) steps out in her first solo comic, written by Justina Ireland and coming in February 2023," shared after the news was announced. A human woman from Nar Shaddaa, Starros lived during the time of the Galactic Civil War and has had a good run in other Star Wars comics. She was a big part of the Doctor Aphra series and even claimed to be married to Han Solo at one point. You can check out the regular cover by Sara Pichelli as well as Ken Lashley's variant cover for Sana Starros below:

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Star Wars Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade Announced
By Jamie Lovett |
October 9, 2022

On Sunday at New York Comic Con, Lucasfilm Publishing announced Star Wars Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade, an upcoming novel by Delilah S. Dawson. Set for release in 2023, Rise of the Red Blade follows Iskat, a Jedi survivor of Order 66. She turns to the dark side and joins the Inquisitorious. By becoming an Inquisitor, Iskat hopes to discover the truth about her past. While Lucasfilm Publishing announced Rise of the Red Blade alone, given the title formatting, it could be the start of a new Star Wars Inquisitor series.

The Inquisitors have become a fixture of Disney's Star Wars canon. In part, that's because, practically speaking, it's handy to have a group of Force-sensitive antagonists around to fight in lightsaber duels without violating the Sith Rule of Two or overexposing Darth Vader. Star Wars Rebels introduced the concept. They then appeared in the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and the live-action Obi-Wan Kenobi series on Disney+.

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